

1-1 Michael Jonas b.1944

Information - This family tree was started from a hand-written Colonel Richard Scott family tree (see Richard Scott's gallery). It was then verified and completed from other sources..

2-1 Ronald McClellan Powning Jonas, Cdr, DSC RN 1903-1981

Cherbourg, the Fernie Mascot Jun 1940 - See attached BBC story of Cherbourg the dog, mascot of HMS Fernie..

The Triad Incident 27 Nov 1939 Mastrafjord, Norway - HMS Triad was disabled and had to be repaired in neutral Norway. See source for the full description of thus incident..

3-3 Major Frederick Biscoe Oldfield, J.P. 1871-1940

Information - The Aikman Family Information source gives quite a lot of information about FBO..

3-4 Doris Armour Aikman 1889-1921

Information 1 - Our information (source t.b.c.). Doris Armour Aikman was born on 4 Jan 1889. She died on 18 Dec 1921 at the age of 32. She was buried in St Andrews Church, Laverstock, Wilts..

Information 2 - Doris was educated at Westbourne Gardens School, 33 and 34 Westbourne Gardens, Kelvinside, Glasgow, run by the Misses Leda. She met FBO on board a liner returning from Egypt, he from East Africa..

4-3 William Charles Powning 1843-1904

Information 1843 - William Charles is the "William F Powning" shown in the 1951 England census. The entry has a mark over the middle initial which has been mis-read in the ancestry.com transcription as an "F"..

4-7 Henry (Harry) Erskine Aikman 1856-1908

Died 27 July 1908 Edinburgh, Scotland - Harry had suffered “general paralysis” for over 31 years..

Information - See sources for Thomson Aikman 1816-1893.

4-8 Patricia Marion Christall 1856-1911

Born 26 Mar 1856 Burghead / Duffus, Moray, Scotland - Birthplace is from 1901 Scotland census.

Information - Patricia's brother George Christall married Henry (Harry) Erskine Aikman's older sister Annabella Aikman..

5-5 William Charles Powning 1820-1866

Information - Marriage record shows Sarah's father's name is William. 1841 census indicates her mother's name is Sarah. Future wife Sarah Onslow Lambert (nee Heaven) is living 2 doors up the street (Whiterock)..

5-6 Sarah Onslow Heaven 1814-1887

Comment (1) - In 1841, Anne (12) and William (10) Lander are living with her and her son Edwin (4). In about 1848 she has a son with William, and calls him Lander. Why? Who were the Lander children? What was so special about the name Lander that she gave it to her son?.

Comment (2) - See attached media for the Lander search. No-one was found..

Information 30 Sep 1854 Bristol, England - The Bristol Mercury reported the birth of a stillborn son to William and Sarah O in Sturminster Newton..

Information 1818 - Sarah's age 43 in the 1861 census must be wrong, because she was baptised in 1815..

Parents - Marriage record shows Sarah's father's name is William. 1841 census indicates her mother's name is Sarah. Sarah Onslow Lambert (nee Heaven) is living 2 doors up the street (Whiterock) from future husband William Powning and his mother..

5-8 Ann Grocock 1794-1862

Identification-1 1823 - Ann Grocock's children were born 1823 to Jan 1841. Ann Grocock, born 7 Aug 1794 would have been aged ~29 to 46 and 5 months on those dates. Definitely possible, but information confirming that we have the correct Ann Grocock would be nice..

Identification-2 1823 - There is a record of an Ann Grocock marrying William Trivett, but this appears to be a different Ann Grocock because the birth dates of her children with William Trivett overlap the birth dates of Ann Grocock's children with Howard Roadley..

Information-3 1851 Aston Rowant, Oxfordshire, England - 1851 census shows Elizabeth Annis Roadley and Sophia Howard Roadley were sisters. Implied birth dates tally with other information. Elizabeth Annis R is schoolteacher age 21, Sophia Howard R is her sister, age 10 - living in Aston Rowant, Oxfordshire..

5-11 William Henry Bayley 1813-1890

Bio - See WilliamHenryBayleyBio.pdf in Gallery..

5-13 Thomson Aikman 1816-1893

Born 6 Jun 1816 Clackmannan, Scotland - The youngest of ten or more sons of Alexander Aikman, a farmer in Clackmannan, Scotland. (For more private Aikman tree info, see "AikmanTree.." charts in Thomson Aikman &Janet Morton galleries..

Information - Some censuses have name Thomas, correct name is Thomson (mother's maiden name). eldest son's name is also Thomson, and there appears to be a Thomson grandson in the 1891 census. Thomson's mother and wife were both named Janet..

Information - another four children are listed in the 1871 census as being children of Thomson and Janet. Namely George G Birrell (8), Maggie Birrell (6), William Birrell (3) and Wingate Birrell (2). It looks like they are a computer transcription error..

Obituary 17 Jan 1893 Clackmannan, Scotland - An obituary is at https://tinyurl.com/ya4gmzxy (fee may be payable).

5-14 Janet Morton 1824-1912

For more Information - See sources for Thomson Aikman 1816-1893..

Information - Janet always kept a cow for milk to protect their children from TB. Latterly they moved to Stirling where eventually both died. They were buried in Glasgow Necropolis overlooking Glasgow Cathedral, favoured resting place of the great and good of the city..

5-15 Peter Christall (Chrystal) 1802-1866

Daughter: Mary Ann - The two death sources (UK find a grave, Web: Moray..) are for same date, so must surely be same person. One establishes Peter as father of Mary Ann, the other as father of other children. So Mary Ann is his daughter by 1st marriage to Elizabeth Henderson..

Died 4 Nov 1866 Elgin, Moray, Scotland - "FATHER OF ELIZABETH STRACHAN CHRYSTAL, LIVED IN BURGHEAD" shows that this record is for the correct Peter Christall. (1861 census shows Elizabeth as "Elizabeth S Christall")..

Resolution of Marriage date 8 Aug 1842 - The 8 Aug record is from her parish in Inverness where they were married. Likely to be correct. The 11 Aug is in his home parish and probably written up later. More likely to be wrong. The 9 Aug is from a newspaper - may have been transcribed wrongly..

Will 1866 - For Will and Obituary, see Gallery..

6-1 Samuel Jonas 1770-1843

Influential-1 - This was an influential family. Samuel's sister Mary married Samuel Webb. Their son Jonas Webb in the 1850s and for many years was one of the most prominent figures in agriculture and one of the leading breeders of Southdown sheep (The Field, 5 May 1951)..

Influential-2 - Samuel's daughter Rebecca married Robert Maulkin, and their daughter Emily married Frederick William King, who founded the Greene King Brewery in Bury St Edmunds..

Influential-3 - Samuel's son, Samuel, became the largest tenant farmer in England. Samuel's daughter Mary married Robert William King, cousin of Fred King, who farmed 800 acres at Brinkley Hall..

6-2 Rebecca Gardner, "The Blue Grandmother" 1777-1848

Inheritance 1800 Great Thurlow, Suffolk, England - Rebecca inherited two dwellings at Westend, Great Thurlow, from her grandfather, Ambrose Gardner..

6-5 Richard Payne

Mary Sugden, Mary Selby 1798, 1801 Middlesex, England - There were marriages in Aldgate 1798 between a Richard Payne and a Mary Sugden, and also in St Marylebone 1801 between a Richard Payne and a Mary Selby. Grandson's name "Robert Sugden" suggests that this Richard Payne married Mary Sugden, not Mary Selby..

6-8 Jane Charlton 1778-1864

Died 23 Dec 1864 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, Lancashire, England - Our information conflicts with England&Wales death record. Perhaps the death record is for a different Jane Charlton..

6-11 William Heaven

Ancestry / Identity - 1 26 Aug 1792 St Leonard, Shoreditch Hackney, England - Not known whether this marriage between William Heaven and Sarah Heaven (sic) is of "our" William Heaven and Sarah. Why is she called Heaven not her maiden name? William could sign his name, but Sarah and witness Thomas Heaven could not..

Ancestry / Identity - 2 26 Aug 1792 St Leonard, Shoreditch Hackney, England - It seems unlikely that these are "our" William and Sarah: 1. Shoreditch is some way (~5 miles) away from Pimlico. 2. Sarah Onslow was of "private means" when young, unlikely the daughter of a Mum who couldn't sign her own name?.

Ancestry / Identity - 3 Jul-Aug-Sep 1865 Cricklade, Wiltshire, England - There's no obvious reason to suppose the William Heaven died Cricklade 1865 is "our" WIlliam, but I'm recording it so I don't lose it. Coincidental that Cam Gyde Heaven's death is just a few lines earlier in the record..

Ancestry / Identity - 4 29 Mar 1821 Clifton, - If this William Robert Heaven is son of Robert Heaven (son of Samuel Heaven and Mary Gyde) then his death age 21 in Burke (see Gallery) is probably wrong. Needs checking! There's no other record of a William Robert Heaven dying in Bristol that I can find..

Ancestry / Identity - 5 - Also, WRH's mother, Coondun Buy, was "Eurasian" - presumably Anglo-Indian. If "our" WH, he would have been up to 1/4-Indian, any children up to 1/8-Indian, and some descendants would probably look like they had some Indian ancestry..

6-16 Alice Annis 1764-1836

Died 18 May 1836 Sproxton, Leicestershire, England - (Implied from burial details).

6-17 Christopher Oldfield 1764-1808

Died 1808 - Unmarried..

6-19 Colonel Richard Scott 1750-1824

Career - 1 - Richard entered the East India Company's service, and distinguished himself in the war in the Carnatic, where he commanded the 26th battalion of Bengal Sepoys, under Sir Eyre Coote, when engaged against the celebrated Hyder Ali Khun.

Career - 2 - subsequently having attained the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, he commanded the same corps, under Earl Cornwallis, in the war with Tippoo Sultann..

Information - Mentioned in sale of Hunt & Roskell Silver Meat Plate, 1852 - http://www.antiquesilverspoons.co.uk/hunt-roskell-silver-meat-plate.html.

Information - Much of the Family Tree information is sourced from hand-written information obtained by Richard's G-Grandson Frederick (my GrandFather) - see Richard Scott's gallery: RichardScottFamilyTree.pdf. But most of it has been confirmed from public records..

6-23 William Young Ottley 1771-1836

Information - He was custodian of the Prints at British Museum, London, England. He was a writer about art. He has an extensive biographical entry in the Dictionary of National Biography. See thepeerage.com and wikipedia web links..

6-25 Alexander Aikman b.1771

Information - Alexander and Janet had other children, not identified. Thomson was "the youngest of ten or more sons"..

6-26 Janet Thomson b.1771

Born abt 1788 Kinclaven, Perthshire, Scotland - Birth date is estimated from age given in census. With children born 1798 to 1816, her birth date (and maybe husband Alexander Aikman's) must have been quite a lot earlier..

6-27 Thomas Morton

Information - Thomas Morton was a merchant from Strathaven in South Lanarkshire..

6-31 George MacDonald, Captain d.1832

Prisoner of War - George MacDonald was a prisoner of war during the Napoleonic wars..

6-32 Margaret Maclean 1783-1817

Died 1817 ?Lowestoft, Suffolk, England - Lost at sea..

7-3 Ambrose Gardner, "The Younger" 1748-1793

Probate 10 May 1793 - Ambrose Gardner's Will is in the Gallery..

7-23 John Annis

Will 1742 - Photo is in the Gallery. Did John Annis have a first wife Alice and "re-use" the will for second wife Mary, or did he get his wife's name wrong? Probably the former, because the will is dated 1742, and he didn't marry Mary until 1753..

7-24 Mary Waite 1725-1818

Born 1725 - Date is from baptism date..

7-29 Jonathan Scott 1722-1778

Information 2 Jan 1759 - Release of fortune from Humphrey Sandford's marriage settlement..

Research needed ... - See "The Scotts of Shrewsbury" in Gallery..

7-30 Mary Sandford 1722-1766

Information 2 Jan 1759 - Release of fortune from Humphrey Sandford's marriage settlement..

7-33 Thomas Butterworth Bayley, F.R.S. 1744-1802

Biography 1802 - Biographical memoirs of the late Thomas Butterworth Bayley, Esq., of Hope Hall, near Manchester. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=wu.89100435767view=1up;seq=5 (in https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/005831201). An impressive read!.

7-34 Mary Leggatt 1748-1818

Information - Mary Leggatt had 17 children with Thomas Butterworth Bayley - see thepeerage.com web link..

7-35 Lucy Wilton b.1747

Name - Burke's Family Records (indexed) says that Mary Anne Alice Smith was a niece of John Wilton. Her mother's maiden name must therefore have been Wilton..

8-17 David McClellan 1720-1791

Born Abt. 1720 Scotland - Records for parents look a bit dubious. Need checking!.

8-23 Peter Ainsworth 1711-1780

The Opulent Bleacher 1737 - Peter and Alice were parents of Peter Ainsworth, "The Opulent Bleacher". See his entry for the connection with Dawn's family..

8-45 John Scott 1679-1735

Marriages - John Scott married 3 times. 1. Rebecca (Rebekah) Elfred, 2. Dorothy Waring daughter of Capt John or Timothy Waring, 3. Dorothy Waring daughter of Adam Waring. Confusing!.

8-47 Humphrey Sandford, of the Isle 1689-1741

Born 1689 Shropshire, England - Approx date.

Died 25 Mar 1741 Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England - Date is given in 'Draft release, Mr Scott' - see Jonathan Scott.

8-48 Rebecca Walker 1692-1732

Born 1692 Ferney Hall, Onibury, Shropshire, England - Approx date.

8-53 Daniel Bayley 1699-1764

Daniel Bayley - Mrs Gaskell - Details the link between Daniel Bayley and the author Elizabeth Gaskell ("Mrs Gaskell"). See document DanielBayley MrsGaskell.pdf in Gallery..

8-54 Anne Butterworth 1713-1795

Information-1 - Her 2 sisters were 1. Jane m. 1st Francis Jodrell of Yardsley (see Burke's Landed Gentry), and 2nd Hon George Sempill son of Hugh 11th Lord Sempill (see Burke's Peerage) by Sarah dau. .. of Nathaniel Gaskell ...

Information-2 - .. and 2. Susanna, wife of Sir Henry Hoghton, Bart. (see Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, de Hoghton, Bart.)..

8-55 Vincent Leggatt 1711-1763

Father 9 Apr 1706 City of London, England - A Vincent Leggatt, son of Abraham Leggatt, distiller, was given the freedom of the city on 9 Apr 1706. Maybe these two were this Vincent Leggatt's grandfather and great-grandfather?.

Probate 16 Jun 1763 - Vincent - linen draper of Cheapside but now of Tottenham - left 8,000 pounds in bank stock to each of his wife Sarah and daughter Mary. A Mr John Cornwall of Throgmorton Street is mentioned as an executor, presumably a brother or close relative of Sarah..

8-59 Drewry Ottley, Esq. 1680-1759

Migrated 1707 St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies - Drewry and his brother Thomas migrated to St Kitts in 1707..

8-61 Sir William Young, 1st Bart, Governor of Dominica 1725-1788

Died 8 Apr 1788 Saint Vincent, West Indies - Sir William was buried near his first wife, Sarah Fagg. See inscription - UK and Ireland, Find A Grave Index, 1300s-Current..

9-25 Peter Ainsworth 1682-1729

Info from valmcniven - Peter lived at The Holcroft near St.George's Church, Bolton and was our first definitely known bleacher. He was a Master Bleacher at a croft near the "Ten Houses", where his son Peter was apprenticed to him. His other son Richard died in Honduras in 1758..

9-38 Constantine Moyle 1670-1746

Buried St Kew, Cornwall Unitary Authority, Cornwall, England - From son James' grave: James son of Constantine and Prudence Moyle of Trethevan buried 25 May 1744. Constantine Moyle buried 11 Apr 1746 aged 76. Prudence Moyle buried 7 Jan 1750 aged 73..

9-39 Prudence Keigwin 1677-1750

Died 7 Jan 1750 - From son James' grave: James son of Constantine and Prudence Moyle of Trethevan buried 25 May 1744. Constantine Moyle buried 11 Apr 1746 aged 76. Prudence Moyle buried 7 Jan 1750 aged 73..

9-50 Christopher Oldfield 1657-1713

Information - Our information (RichardScottFamilyTree.pdf in Richard Scott's gallery) gives Christopher Oldfield's death 1703. stagebarn.com web link and Burke's Family Records (ancestry.com.au web link) both give death 1713..

9-51 Sarah Kay b.1666

Born 1666 Almondbury, Yorkshire, England - See stagebarn.com web link.

9-64 Hon. Rebecca Folliott 1665-1739

Information - Rebecca's sister Mary married Rowland Baugh of the Stonehouse Ludlow according to http://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/ligon/972/.

9-71 James Bayley 1673-1753

Born 4 Feb 1673 Manchester, Lancashire, England - See wikitree web link.

Information - Merchant in Manchester England. Held hostage by the Pretender in 1745. (see wikitree web link).

Information - Direct ancestor of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon 1900-2002 the late Queen Mother: James Bayley 1705-1769, Elizabeth Bayley -1797, Frances Mosley 1770-1844, Oswald Smith 1794-1863, Frances Smith 1832-1922, Claude Bowes-Lyon 1855-1944, E B-L..

Information 1 of 5 - email from Dorothy Gaunt (5xG Granddaughter of Thomas Bayley - presumably Thomas Butterworth Bayley 1744–1802):.

Information 2 of 5 - I have the information about James, and know that he was married to Sarah Kirkes, and was the son of Daniel Bayley (1651-1684/5) and Sarah Bradshaw (1650-1695)..

Information 3 of 5 - Daniel, in turn, was the son of Thomas Bayley (1626-1688) and Ann Churton, and probably grandson of Ralph Bayley. Perhaps you know all this..

Information 4 of 5 - [Our] shared ancestry with Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother? Her 5xgt grandfather was James Bayley (son of the above James) who married Anne Peploe, daughter of the Bishop of Chester. (The lineage from them to The Royal family is well-documented)..

Information 5 of 5 - They were a very interesting family with so many of them in the 18th century being members of the Cross Street Unitarian church in Manchester which included well-known names such as Beatrix Potter and Elizabeth Gaskell..

9-72 Sarah Kirkes d.1719

Information - Direct ancestor of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. See Information for James Bayley 1673-1753..

9-73 Thomas Butterworth b.1687

Died - Attached Deaths register entry is Sep 1793 for "Thomas S. of Thomas Butterworth wheelwright and his wife Ann of Oldham". This is almost certainly for a different Thomas Butterworth..

9-77 John Cornwall b.1695

Father 1695 - It is not certain that John was son of Abraham Cornwall. If he was, then he was master of trading vessel Loyale Catherine..

9-87 Brook Taylor, FRS, Mathematician 1685-1731

Maths - Brook Taylor is best known for Taylor's theorem and the Taylor series. The importance of Taylor's formula remained unrecognized until 1772, when J. L. Lagrange realized its powers and termed it "the main foundation of differential calculus"..

Moon crater - Crater Taylor on the moon is named after him..

Painting - 1 - His biographer says: He drew figures with extraordinary precision and beauty of pencil. Landscape was yet his favourite branch of design. His original landscapes are mostly painted in water-colours, but with all the richness and strength of oils..

Painting - 2 - They have a force of colour, a freedom of touch, a varied disposition of planes of distance, and a learned use of aerial as well as linear perspective, which all professional men who have seen these paintings have admired. ....

10-3 Richard Holborough, of Acton d.1690

Married 1655 or 1656 Long Melford, Suffolk, England - Francis (Frances) was Widow Aggas at time of marriage to Richard Holborough.

10-4 Francis (Frances) -, of Melford

Married 1655 or 1656 Long Melford, Suffolk, England - Francis (Frances) was Widow Aggas at time of marriage to Richard Holborough.

10-5 Joseph Parmenter 1648-1714

Born 1648 - Birth date is from baptism date. Not certain that this is the correct Joseph Parmenter..

10-17 James Swinton d.1709

Died 11 Sep 1709 Malplaquet, Artois, France - Battle of Malplaquet..

10-41 Thomas Grocock 1641-1702

Baptised 06 Mar 1642 Muston, Leicestershire, England - Baptism record shows death 2 days later ????? Can't see original document, suspect it is a transcription error..

Probate 24 May 1703 - See the will in Gallery..

Will 2 Apr 1702 Saltby, Leicestershire, England - Thomas Grocock, Miller of Saltby, gave 2/6d to eldest son Justinian, £25 to daughter Alice, rest of goods chattels and cattle to wife Alice and youngest son Thomas who were also joint executors. See the will in Gallery..

10-59 Thomas Folliott, 2nd Baron Folliott 1613-1697

Died 1697 Tirhugh Castle, Donegal, Ireland. - See National Trust web link.

10-82 Olivia (Olive) Tempest 1656-1716

Died 7 Apr 1716 - Olive and John Taylor had 18 children..

Gravestone inscription - 1 7 Apr 1716 - Here lies Olive ye Wife of John Taylor of Bifrons Esq. (who died in ye 60th Year of her Age on the 7th of April 1716). She had by him 18 Childrenwhereof 5 Sons & 4 Daughters mourne for the loss of their good Mother.

Gravestone inscription - 2 7 Apr 1716 - Margaret the 3d. Daughter who died May 24 1738, lies buried near this Chancel ElizthLady Young, Relict of Sir Wm. Young who is interred at Chartham with his first wife Sarah, daughter of Charles Fagg Esq. lies entombed without this wall, with ....

Gravestone inscription - 3 7 Apr 1716 - ... her Aunt, Mrs Mary Taylor. She was the only surviving issue of Brook Taylor of Bifrons LLD &FRS etc. She was an example of Christian Virtue, & possessed of every feminine accomplishment, she died beloved & regretted July 12 1801, aged 71..

11-11 Alison Skene

Petition 1674 City of Edinburgh, Scotland - Alison Skene, with other women, petitioned parliament against the Duke of Lauderdale's scheme for new modelling of the privy council. They were then banished from "the town of Edinburgh and the liberties thereof"..

11-51 Sir Henry Folliott, 1st Baron Folliott of Ballyshannon 1568-1622

Born 1568 Pirton Court, Worcestershire, England - see revolvy web ink.

Created Baron 22 Jan 1620 Ballyshannon, Donegal, Ireland - Created Baron Folliott of Ballyshannon.

Died 10 nov 1622 Ballyshannon, Donegal, Ireland - see revolvy web ink.

Fought 1601/02 - Fought at Battle of Kinsale.

Information - thepeerage.com does not show Thomas as son of Henry, but Wikipedia, Geni and revolvy do..

Princess Di - See famouskin.com source for ancestry line to Princess Di:.

11-52 Anne Strode 1590-1652

Princess Di - See famouskin.com source for ancestry line to Princess Di..

11-62 Colonel Robert Duckenfield, High Sheriff of Cheshire 1619-1689

Baronetcy 16 June 1665 Dukinfield, Cheshire, England - The Baronetcy of Dukinfield of Dukinfield, Cheshire was created in the Baronetage of England on 16 June 1665 for Robert Dukinfield, son of Colonel Robert Dukinfield..

Civil War - In the civil war, Robert Duckenfield fought for the Parliamentary forces. He defended Stockport Bridge against Prince Rupert, conducted the siege of Wythenshawe, captured the Isle of Man, and suppressed Sir George Booth's rebellion..

Dukinfield Family Dukinfield, Cheshire, England - Wikipedia: "The Duckenfields were a noted local family and their history in Cheshire can be traced back to the 13th century." - so maybe it is possible to trace the line further back???.

12-15 John Ainsworth 1588-1642

Information - In "Ainsworth Family Tree", father is given as Gyles Henrie Ainsworth 1567-1615, mother J Harwood 1568-? (plus some more generations), but dates don't add up so I've left them out..

12-51 Mary -

Name - The Scotts of Shrewsbury says Isaac's mother's name is Anne, but Anne appears to actually be his aunt..

12-56 Magdalen Newport 1552-1627

Born 1552 - 1558 seems more likely birth date, as son Henry was born in 1595..

Born 1558 High Ercall, Shropshire, England - See Information re portrait..

Died 11 Jul 1627 Chelsea, Middlesex, England - See Information re portrait..

Information - Portrait by Federigo Zuccaro (see Gallery) is of Magdalen Newport 1558-1627. Dates seem right for this Magdalen Newport so have been used..

Information - Biography and Genealogy Master Index (BGMI) has an entry for Magdalen Newport d.1627. Can't open the actual record without "World Heritage" membership..

12-58 Thomas Folliott d.1617

Information - Information on various family members is in the thepeerage.com web link.

12-59 Katherine Lygon

Information - Thomas Folyotte and Katherine Lygon's eldest son was Sir John Folyotte of Purton (Pirton) who married Elizabeth Aylmer (daughter of John Aylmer, Bishop of London). Elizabeth Aylmer was tutor to (Queen) Lady Jane Grey..

12-71 Anne Luke 1578-1642

Information May 1613 - Nicholas Luke's will .. mentioned his second son Thomas, and daughters Anne, wife of Sir Miles Fleetwood, ......

13-45 James Grocock 1552-1604

Born 1552 Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, England - hpqscan0005 in Gallery shows birth 1562, but this does not tally with other dates..

13-65 Eleanor Dennes (Dennis) 1515-1579

Born 1515 Dyrham, Gloucestershire, England - Wikitree give 1508 as Eleanor's birth date, but I suspect that it may be incorrect..

13-71 Katherine - 1568-1612

Identity Abt. 1565 - Other trees say Randal Butterworth's mother is Katherine, daughter of Edward Chester and/or Katherine Coronado, but sources are not given. Edmund's marriage 19 Apr 1602 doesn't name Katherine and is after son's birth so may be a different Edmund..

13-76 George Preston

Check this link! - https://www.ancestry.com.au/family-tree/tree/65409131/family?cfpid=32136460703&selnode=1&usePUBJs=true.

14-73 Anne Berkeley 1474-1523

Information - Anne and her sister were co-heiresses. Her sister married Sir Thomas Perrott, whose daughter married Philips of Picton Castle (Lord St Davids) [this is now thought to be a different Anne Berkeley (daughter of James B)].

Parents-1 - re Anne Berkeley's parents: Colonel Richard Scott ("CRS") family tree has an extra generation - father = Maurice's son James - not used in this tree because all other genealogies have Anne as Maurice Berkeley and Isabel Meade's daughter..

Parents-2 - But it is possible that CRS tree is correct, and a different Anne Berkeley (daughter of James Berkeley and Susan Viel aka FitzAlan, and sister of Mary) was Eleanor's mother..

Parents-3 - There are enough years for an extra generation between Isabel Meade b.1444 and 3G(or 4G)-GSon Henry Folliott b.1568. But Eleanor Dennis would have had to be born a bit later than 1508. Question - how reliable is that birth date?.

Parents-4 - I'll leave the other Anne Berkeley in the tree, but this Anne Berkeley is almost certainly mother of Eleanor Dennes (see "Visitation" source)..

14-74 William Strode, of Newnham 1504-1579

Information 1 - WILLIAM STRODE of Newenham, temp. Queen ELIZABETH, m.Elizabeth, only daughter and heiress of Sir Philip Courtenay, and grand-daughter of Philip Courtenay, of Molland, who was great-grandson of Hugh Courtenay, Earl of Devon, by Elizabeth Bohun, ....

Information 2 - ... his wife, grand-daughter of EDWARD I. Besides other issue, William Strode left two daughters [...]. [Actually, Margaret Bohum, not Elizabeth].

14-75 Elizabeth Courtenay 1513-1581

Information - There are some documents, giving information about Elizabeth Courtenay's genealogy, in her Gallery. Note that Loughtor and Newnham Park are the same place..

14-84 Barbara Francis

Information - Some sources show Thomas' 2nd wife Bridget Spring as mother of Sir William Fleetwood (1551-1616), but History of Parliament states explicitly that Thomas' 1st wife Barbara Francis was Sir William Fleetwood's mother..

15-51 missing V Aldefeld (Oldfielde)

Missing - About five generations are missing from Burke's..

15-59 Sir Richard Herbert, of Coldbrook 1440-1469

Died Jul 1469 Northamptonshire, England - Sir Richard and his brother, William Earl of Pembroke, were defeated at the battle of Edgcote in the Wars of the Roses - taken prisoners and beheaded at dawn the morning after, by order of Richard Nevill Earl of Warwick the "kingmaker"..

15-60 Margaret (Margred) verch Thomas 1444-1499

Richard III 22 Aug 1485 Bosworth Field, Leicestershire, England - Margaret's brother Rhys raised a large army and was instrumental in the victory of Henry VII at Bosworth Field. Rhys is reputed to have killed Richard III in the battle, but the fatal blow was probably from one of Rhys's men..

15-68 Sir Richard I Lygon 1467-1512

Richard or Thomas? - 1 - The Colonel Richard Scott tree (see Richard Scott) show Anne Beauchamp marrying Thomas Lygon. thepeerage.com says she married Richard Lygon..

Richard or Thomas? - 2 - thepeerage.com says: "Anne Beauchamp was born between 1472 and 1482.1 She was the daughter of Richard Beauchamp, 2nd Baron Beauchamp of Powick and Elizabeth Stafford.1 She married Richard Lygon.1 She died in 1535."..

Richard or Thomas? - 3 - Resolution: The Colonel Richard Scott tree missed a Richard Lygon. There were two Richard Lygons, I and II, father and son. Richard I married Anne Beauchamp. Richard I's father was Thomas Lygon, who married Anne Giffard not Anne Beauchamp..

15-69 Anne Beauchamp, Hon. 1482-1535

Born c.1472 or 1474 or 1482 - see sources thepeerage.com and Other(Ancestry of Princess Di)..

Problem - Problem re spouse. See spouse Thomas Lygon..

15-73 Maurice Berkeley, de jure 8th Lord Berkeley, 3rd Baron Berkeley 1436-1506

Anne Berkeley 1474 - re Anne Berkeley's parents: Colonel Richard Scott family tree has an extra generation - not used in this tree because all other genealogies have Anne as Maurice Berkeley and Isabel Meade's daughter..

15-74 Isabel Meade 1444-1514

Anne Berkeley 1474 - re Anne Berkeley's parents: Colonel Richard Scott family tree has an extra generation - not used in this tree because all other genealogies have Anne as Maurice Berkeley and Isabel Meade's daughter..

15-78 Thomas Cromwell (also Smyth), 1st Earl of Essex 1485-1540

Died 28 Jul 1540 Tower Hill, London - Executed by Henry VIII for treason and heresy..

Information 1485 - Dictionary of National Biography has a lot about Thomas Cromwell. Young ruffian, imprisoned, left the country, common soldier, asked for alms "in his poverty" in Florence, repaid benefactor Francis Frescobaldi "with superabundant interest", etc..

15-86 Ellen (Helen, Helena) Standish

Ancestry - Some trees say Ellen Standish's mother is Margaret Croft 1460-1529 and her paternal grandfather is Gilbert Standish 1430-1502). ie, that Robert is the Robert in https://www.sail1620.org/biographies/myles-standish It seems quite likely, but I can't verify..

16-4 Sir David Home, 3rd of Wedderburn d.1513

Died 9 Sep 1513 Battle of Flodden Field, Northumberland, England - Killed in action..

16-73 missing IV Aldefeld (Oldfielde)

Missing - About five generations are missing from Burke's..

16-78 Sir William ap Thomas, "The Blue Knight of Gwent" 1380-1445

Agincourt 25 Oct 1415 Agincourt, Lorraine, France - Fought alongside Dafydd Gam (father of his future wife) at Agincourt for Henry V..

Knighted 1426 - Knighted by Henry VI. Suggestions that he was knighted by Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt appear to be incorrect..

16-79 Gwladys ferch Dafydd Gam, "The Star of Abergavenny", "Gwladys the happy and the faultless" d.1454

Born Monmouthshire, Wales - Birth date 1385 in FindAGrave.com looks too early - son Sir Richard b.1440. Not substantiated anywhere else..

Died 1454 Coldbrook, Monmouthshire, Wales - According to legend, 3,000 knights, nobles and weeping peasantry followed her body from Coldbrook House (her son Richard's manor) to the Herbert Chapel of St. Mary's Priory Church where she was buried..

16-80 Sir Thomas Hynaf ap Gruffydd ap Nicolas, Earl of Cardiff 1428-1474

Died 1474 Bardsey Island, Carmarthenshire, Wales - Killed in a duel.

16-85 William Folyotte 1425-1459

Information - PM Churchill's 13-Great Grandfather. Lady Diana's 15-Great Grandfather. PM Cameron's 15-Great Grandfather. see web link.

16-90 Sir Richard Beauchamp, 2nd Baron Beauchamp of Powycke 1435-1496

Born c.1435 - (see thepeerage.com web link).

Died 1496 - As per our information (see Richard Scott).

16-96 Lady Isabel Mowbray d.1452

Died 23 September 1452 Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England - Isabel's husband James Lord Berkeley was involved in a bitter feud with his cousin Elizabeth, Countess of Warwick. Isabel was captured by Elizabeth's son-in-law the Earl of Shrewsbury, and held imprisoned until her death in 1452..

Information - Isabel's sister Margaret married Sir Robert Howard and was ancestor, by him, of the "present" (c.1950?) Duke of Norfolk..

16-97 Philip Meade (Mede), Mayor of Bristol 1415-1471

Battle of Nibley Green 20 Mar 1470 Nibley Green, Gloucestershire, England - He funded and sent men to his son-in-law's private battle for his estate at the Battle of Nibley Green. It is notable for being the last battle fought in England entirely between the private armies of feudal magnates..

16-117 Anne Launcelyn 1470-1538

Born Abt. 1470 - Anne Launcelyn was a wet-nurse from 1491, and mother of Nicholas b.1505, so she was very likely born between 1465 and 1475..

Information 1491 - Anne Launcelyn was wet-nurse to King Henry VIII..

16-126 Sir Philip Wentworth 1423-1464

Died 18 May 1464 Middleham, Richmondshire District, England - Beheaded after the Battle of Hexham..

17-3 George Home, of Wedderburn d.1497

Died 18 May 1497 - Killed..

17-103 missing III Aldefeld (Oldfielde)

Missing - About five generations are missing from Burke's..

17-107 Thomas ap Gwillem

Name - Name in our documentation given as Thomas ap Gwillem ap Jenkin of Llansanfraid.

17-109 Sir Dafydd (David) Gam, ap Llewelyn ap Hywel Fychan, "Crooked David" d.1415

Died 25 Oct 1415 Agincourt, Lorraine, France - Died saving the life of King Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt..

Gam - The name "Gam" is taken from a Welsh word for "lame/deformed" (from which "gammy" as in "gammy leg" may be derived)..

Hero or Traitor - Regarded as a traitor ("Crooked David") by some Welshmen, he is regarded as a hero by others - he supported Henry V against Owain Glyndwr..

Knighted 1415 - Said to have been knighted on the field of Agincourt, possibly posthumously..

Shakespeare's Henry V - The character Fluellen in Shakespeare's Henry V was almost certainly based on David Gam - although the last name of the fallen read out in the play is Davy Gam..

17-110 Lady Gwenllian ferch Gwilym ab Howel d.1402

Died Abt. 1402 Petyn Gwyn Estate, Brecon, Wales - Owain Glendwr captured and assaulted Lady Gwenllian at Petyn Gwyn. After imprisoning her inside the house, he burnt the mansion to the ground..

17-111 Gruffyd ap Nicolas FitzUrban 1393-1461

Died 2 Feb 1461 Mortimers Cross, Herefordshire, England - Killed in the Battle of Mortimers Cross..

17-123 Sir Humphrey Stafford 1400-1450

Died 7 Jun 1450 Sevenoaks, Kent, England - slain by a Jack Cade - see thepeerage.com web link.

17-128 Jane Beaufort b.1392

Born Aft. Mar 1392 - Illegitimate daughter of Alice FitzAlan (married to John Cherleton, 4th Lord Cherleton (25 Apr 1362 – 19 Oct 1401)) and Cardinal Henry Beaufort..

17-130 Elizabeth Bluet 1358-1425

Information - It is doubtful that Elizabeth was the mother of any of the three sons named in Thomas'will, as Elizabeth was 45 years old or older when she and Thomas were married. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/soc.genealogy.medieval/ojdlCkqMfHI.

17-152 John Launcelyn d.1505

Cople Cople, Bedfordshire, England - Some history of Cople is given in the attached sources. Launcelyns and Lukes are mentioned.The given dates make it impossible for John Launcelyn d.1435 and Margaret to be the parents of Anne Launcelyn wet-nurse from 1491, mother of Nicholas b.1505..

Died 1505 - ... recent research by Douglas Richardson has produced records of a lawsuit from 1505 indicating that Anne [Launcelyn]’s father was a John Launcelyn who died c.1505 and that she was his fourth daughter and coheiress. The suit regarded land in Bedfordshire..

17-163 John Clifford, 7th Baron de Clifford 1388-1422

Died 13 Mar 1422 Siege of Meaux, Ile-De-France, France - Killed in battle..

17-167 Rowland Tempest d.1467

Born - Illegitimate..

18-15 Sir Adam Hepburn, of Hailes b.1446

James I 1423 - Sir Adam was one of the Commissioners sent to England to treat for the release of King James I of Scotland in 1423..

18-142 missing II Aldefeld (Oldfielde)

Missing - About five generations are missing from Burke's..

18-162 Edmund de Ferrers, 5th Lord Ferrers (of Chartley) 1386-1435

Battles - Edmund fought in most of the great victories of King Henry V including the Battle of Agincourt..

18-214 Sir Henry Percy, KG KB, "le fitz Hotspur", Justice of Chester North Wales and Flintshire 1364-1403

After death - 1 Aft. 21 Jul 1403 - Sir Henry was buried in Whitchurch, Shropshirehowever, when rumours circulated that he was still alive, Henry IV had the corpse exhumed and displayed it, propped upright between two millstones, in the market place at Shrewsbury. ....

After death - 2 Aft. 21 Jul 1403 - ... This done, the king dispatched Percy's head to York, where it was impaled on one of the city's gateshis body was chopped in four, and the four quarters were first sent to London, Newcastle upon Tyne, Bristol, and Chester before they were finally ....

After death - 3 Aft. 21 Jul 1403 - ... delivered to his widow Elizabeth. She had him buried in York Minster in November of that year. In January 1404, Percy was posthumously declared a traitor and his lands were forfeited to the Crown..

Died 21 Jul 1403 Battle of Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England - Henry was killed at the Battle of Shrewsbury while commanding a rebel army that fought against the superior forces of King Henry IV..

19-1 Sir John de Swinton, 14th of that Ilk d.1402

Fighter-1 - John Swinton was one of the greatest fighters of his time. In the wars with the English, he is said to have visited the enemy, and given a general challenge to fight any of their army. At Homildon Hill, with the battle going very badly for the Scots, ....

Fighter-2 - ... "Swinton and Gordon descended the hill, accompanied by only one hundred men, and a desperate valour led the whole body to death. Had a similar spirit been shewn by the Scottish army, it is probable that the event of that day would have been different.".

19-3 George Dunbar, 10th Earl of Dunbar 1370-1457

Earldom 1434 - George was stripped of his earldom by King James I, and took flight to England, where he was paid a paltry sum from Scottish sources till his death..

19-15 Jean (Jane) Haliburton (Halyburton) 1350-1400

Father Abt. 1350 - wikitree says Jean's father was John Haliburton, but the text says: Jane Halyburton is the daughter of Sir William Halyburton of Dirletoun. She married Henry Sinclair, 1st Earl of Orkney, [..].

19-16 Sir William Douglas, of Nithsdale 1370-1392

Born Abt. 1370 - Illegitimate..

Died Abt. 1392 - Killed..

19-33 George Douglas, 1st Earl of Angus 1378-1402

Born Bef. 1378 - Illegitimate..

Died sep 1402 London, England - Bubonic plague..

19-56 Lady Janet Dundas, Baroness Livingston 1389-1459

Parents Abt. 1389 - wikitree says possible parents James Dundas b.~1377 and Christian Stewart b.~1377 but point out that birth dates don't tally. wikitree gives alternate parents, same as given in thepeerage.com, used in this tree..

19-71 Sir Malcolm Fleming of Biggar 1383-1440

Died 24 Nov 1440 Edinburgh, Scotland - Executed immediately after a mock trial..

19-80 James Hamilton, 5th Laird of Cadzow 1398-1441

Born 1398 Cadzow, Lanarkshire, Scotland - Genetic testing has shown thatJanet (James's mother)'s husband John Hamilton 4th of Cadzow was not James's father. James's father is not known..

19-83 Maria (Mary) Egmond-Gelre, of Guelders 1434-1463

Information - Queen of James II of Scotlandmarried 1449; on death of James at Roxburgh, 1460, set out for the camp with the infant king and took the castle; regent of Scotland during James III's minority; received Maragaret and Henry VI after defeat at Towton, 1461..

19-181 Sir Hugh de Wrottesley 1314-1381

Information - Knight, Order of the Garter. In 1346 served Black Prince's division, Battle of Crécy..

19-188 missing I Aldefeld (Oldfielde)

Missing - About five generations are missing from Burke's..

19-200 Sir William Tyrwhitt d.1377

Died 1377 Genoa, Italy - Killed in a tournament..

19-229 Hugh the Younger le Despencer (Despenser), 1st Lord Despencer, 3rd Baron le Despencer 1286-1326

Died 24 Nov 1326 - Charged with high treason and ultimately hanged, drawn and quartered. His head was mounted on the gates of London..

19-230 Lady Eleanor de Clare, suo jure 6th Lady of Glamorgan 1292-1337

Siege of Caerphilly Castle 28 Jan 1316 Caerphilly Castle, Glamorgan, Wales - The Welsh nobleman Llywelyn Bren launched a surprise attack on 28 January 1316, and besieged Caerphilly Castle, which successfully held out under command of "The lady of Clare" and a small garrison until relieved by Sir William Montacute on 12 March 1316..

19-289 Henry de Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland 1341-1408

Died 19 Feb 1408 Bramham Moor, Yorkshire, England - In 1405 after conspiring against Henry IV he fled abroad. In 1408 heading south from the Scottish border with a band of followers he was intercepted and killed in action. His head was removed and displayed on London Bridge, and his body divided into four..

19-296 Sir Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, 4th Lord Neville of Raby 1364-1425

Died 21 Oct 1425 Raby Castle, Durham, England - He was buried at Staindrop, where his alabaster effigy in armour between his two wives remains the finest sepulchral monument in the north of England..

20-9 Sir Alexander Home, of Home and Dunglas 1380-1424

Died 17 Aug 1424 Battle of Verneuil, Normandy, France - Killed in action, fighting in the Scottish army for France against England. The battle of Verneuil was a particularly bloody battle, and the Scottish army was effectively destroyed..

20-17 Archibald Douglas, "The Grim", 3rd Earl of Douglas 1325-1401

Born Abt. 1325 - Illegitimate..

20-24 Walter de Moravia de Culbin b.1360

Born Abt. 1360 - He is believed to be a descendant of the Flemish house of Freskyn..

20-38 Robert III (John) Stewart, King of Scotland 1337-1406

Born 1337 Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scotland - Birth name was John..

20-42 Sir James Douglas, 1st Laird of Dalkeith 1338-1420

Married Abt. 1377 Keth Symon, East Lothian,Scotland - Agnes was widow of John Monfode..

20-47 Robert Glen 1300-1345

Robert the Bruce - There were strong links betrween Robert's father, John, and Robert the Bruce. John married a daughter (illegitimate) of Bruce, and after Robert the Bruce died John accompanied Bruce's heart to the Holy Land..

20-48 Margaret Bruce 1300-1370

Born Abt. 1300 Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland - Illegitimate. Bruce named two, at least, of his daughters Margaretone was legitimate and she married William Sutherland, Earl of Sutherland; this Margaret, illegitimate, married Robert Glen, a companion of both Wallace and Bruce..

20-56 Princess Marjorie (Margaret, Margory, Marjory) Bruce 1297-1316

Died 2 Mar 1316 Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland - Died in childbirth..

20-57 Aodh (Hugh) de Ross, 4th Earl of Ross 1297-1333

Died 19 Jul 1333 Battle of Halidon Hill, Northumberland, England - When the Scottish ranks broke .. Scots honour was saved by the Earl of Ross and his Highlanders, who fought to the death in a gallant rearguard action..

20-63 Sir John Livingston of Callendar d.1402

Died 14 Sep 1402 - Killed in action..

20-66 Joan (Joanna) Douglas b.1365

Born Abt. 1365 Douglas Castle, Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland - Joan (Joanna)'s birth details are in text for daughter Janet's wikitree entry..

20-69 Sir Thomas Erskine 1354-1404

Died 28 May 1404 Hill, Gloucestershire, England - Some other sources give place of death Erskine, Renfrewshire, Scotland..

20-80 David Annandio (de Annand)

Details - All details in wikitree for David and wife Islay look suspect so are not used here..

20-81 Islay -

Details - All details in wikitree for Islay and husband David look suspect so are not used here..

20-86 Sir David Fleming, Lord of Biggar 1325-1406

James I of Scotland - 1 Feb 1406 - David was with 11yo James, Prince of Scotland, at the Bass Rock (owned by our ancestor Sir Robert Lauder of the Bass ~1350-1425) in February 1406, and saw James safely onto a ship for France. On his return home, David was attacked and killed at ....

James I of Scotland - 2 1406 - ... Longherdmanston, near Edinburgh, on 14 Feb 1406, at the instigation ("provocatus per Alexandrum de Seton") of his own grandson, Alexander Seton. James's ship was captured by the English and James (who became King in April) was a prisoner for 18 years..

20-245 John de Aldefeld d.1356

Fountains Abbey Bef. 1356 Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire, England - John gave his possessions at Aldefeld to Fountains Abbey. Of the 6 burials there, 5 are 'ours': Roger de Mowbray, 1st Baron Mowbrayhis wife Rose; John de Mowbray, 2nd Baron Mowbray; Henry de Percy, 1st Baron Percy; William de Percy, 3rd baron Topcliffe..

20-246 Richard de Sandford, Lord of Sandford d.1347

Fought 26 Aug 1346 - Fought at Cressy (Crécy).

20-250 Elidir Ddu ab Elidir b.1255

Born Abt. 1255 Crig, Llandeilo Fawr, Carmarthenshire, Wales - Geni has two separate people who on inspection are the same person. Birth dates are about 1295 and about 1255. The earlier date fits with others, the later date does not..

20-294 Sir Paon (Payne) de Roet 1310-1380

Ancestor of the monarchs of England and of Scotland - The children of his daughter Katherine gave rise to the Tudor dynasty while her granddaughter Joan Beaufort married into the Stuart dynasty. Another of his daughters, Philippa, also made a notable marriage to the poet Geoffrey Chaucer..

20-297 Hugh the Elder le Despenser, 1st Earl of Winchester 1261-1326

Died 27 Oct 1326 Bristol, England - Hugh le Despenser was hanged at Bristol on 27 October 1326. He was then beheaded and his body cut into pieces for the dogs. His head was sent for display to Winchester..

20-299 Gilbert de Clare, 6th Earl of Hertford, 7th Earl of Gloucester, 3rd Lord of Glamorgan, 9th Lord of Clare 1243-1295

Information - thepeerage.com and Wikipedia number the Earls of Gloucester differently. Needs resolution..

20-300 Joan Plantagenet, of Acre , Countess of Hertford and Gloucester 1272-1307

Born Apr 1272 Acre, Israel - Born while her parents were on a crusade..

Died 23 Apr 1307 - Buried at Clare Priory, Suffolk, England (see gallery)..

Spoiled rotten 1274 to 1278 Ponthieu - From 1274 to 1278, Joan stayed with her grandmother Joan, Countess of Ponthieu, who treated the girl so indulgently that when she was returned to England her parents found that she was thoroughly spoiled..

20-343 Sir Ralph Bigod, Sheriff of Yorkshire 1410-1461

Died 29 Mar 1461 Battle of Towton, Yorkshire, England - The Battle of Towton was "probably the largest and bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil". - wikipedia.

20-348 Margery (Margaret) Darcy (d'Arcy) 1418-1469

Born 1 Sep 1418 Maldon, Essex, England - Posthumous - her father died 7 1/2 months before she was born..

20-367 Isabel Berkeley 1307-1362

Pardoned 9 Jun 1345 - After her first husband Robert Clifford died, Isabel married Sir Thomas de Musgrave without the king's license, but she was later pardoned..

21-5 Sir Patrick Dunbar 1305-1356

Died 1356 Candia, Crete, Greece - En route to the Holy Land..

21-7 Baron Alan de Winton (Wyntoun, Wyntown) 1330-1363

Born Abt. 1330 - Wikitree gives different birth and death dates, but the text suggests that 1330-1363 is pretty close. Wikitree gives parents Alan Wyntown and Margaret Murray, but they also say his parents have never been identified in original source material..

Died Abt. 1363 Mt Sinai, Israel - It was reported that Alan died on his way to Mount Sinai, when about to visit the tomb of St. Katherine there..

21-8 Lady Margaret -, Heiress of Seton b.1330

Born Abt. 1330 Seton, Eastlothian, Scotland - Lady Margaret's father was a son of Alexander Seton and Christian Chayne, but it is not certain which one..

Died Scotland - Margaret outlived her husband, and never remarrried..

Wintoun's War - 1 Abt. 1347 - Alan abducted Margaret in about 1347, when both were young, causing a rift "Wyntoun's War" in the local community, where "some favoured the ravisher, others thought to bring him to punishment". Alan was apprehended and brought before King David II. ....

Wintoun's War - 2 Abt. 1347 - Margaret was then blindfolded and had to "choose" between two objects, a sword and a ring. She "chose" the ring, so they were considered to be married. The sword would presumably have led to Alan's execution. Medieval justice!.

21-48 Thomas Stewart, 2nd Earl of Angus d.1361

Died 1361 Dunbarton Castle, Dunbartonshire, Scotland - Died from the plague while imprisoned for alleged complicity in the murder of King David II's mistress, Catherine Mortimer..

21-55 Patrick de Dunbar, 8th Earl of Dunbar, 2nd Earl of March 1285-1368

Changing loyalty - 1 1314 to 1361 - In 1314 John was pro-English. He hosted King Edward II at Dunbar Castle after Bannockburn and helped him escape to England. In 1318 he supported Scotland and helped take Berwick. In 1332-3 he commanded Scottish troops in the battles of Dupplin and ....

Changing loyalty - 2 1314 to 1361 - ... Halidon Hill. Later he sided with the English for a year or so. In 1346 he fought for Scotland at Neville's Cross. In February 1360/61 he appears to have deserted the Scots Crown yet a third time since he is called a rebel and his lands are forfeited..

21-64 Beatrix Stewart 1268-1337

Parents 1268 - wikitree says her parents are Alexander Stewart and Jean Macrory b.1211, but dates make this impossible..

21-71 Alice (Alianore) Stewart b.1268

Parents 1268 - wikitree says her parents are Alexander Stewart and Jean Macrory b.1211, but dates make this impossible..

21-95 Sir David de la Haye, 6th of Erroll d.1346

Died 17 Oct 1346 Battle of Neville's Cross, Durham, England - Killed in action..

21-120 Maria van Arkel 1389-1415

Information - The marriage of "beautiful" Maria van Arkel to Jan of Egmond was arranged by her uncle, Duke Reginald of Guelders. Their granddaughter, Mary of Guelders, married King James II of Scotland, and ruled Scotland for 3 years (until her death) after James died..

21-332 Elidir ap Rhys b.1225

Born Abt. 1225 Carnwyllion, Carmarthenshire, Wales - See Elidir Ddu 1255-? for resolution of conflicting records in Geni..

21-338 Efa verch Gruffudd 1279-1320

Parents - Geni gives Efa's parents as Gruffudd ap Dafydd ap Tudur born about 1290 and Nest ferch Iorwerth born about 1290. These dates are not possible (well after Efa's birth date)..

21-341 Goronwy ap Tudur Hen, Lord of Penmynydd 1265-1331

Career 1314 to 1319 - He served as a soldier in Scotland and probably at Bannockburn in 1314. In 1316 he was moved to North Wales to protect the area from the Irish threat. In 1318 he became forester of Snowdon. In 1319 he was involved in retaking Berwick from Scottish forces..

21-344 Alice (Ales) verch Ithel 1270-1344

Born Abt. 1270 Tegeingl, Flintshire, Wales - Geni gives Ales's birth date as about 1250, and in a separate entry, about 1288. Her mother's and daughter's birth dates suggest that Ales was born about 1270..

Conflicting Data - In Geni, Alice is: 6G-GrandDaughter of Cynfyn. Wikitree has 2 entries for this Cynfyn: born before 890born about 990. Clearly, these Welsh lines are difficult to untangle!.

21-371 Edward le Despencer d.1342

Died 1342 Vannes, Brittany, France - Died during the siege of Vannes..

21-372 Anne Ferrers, of Groby

Father - Wikipedia entry for Anne's son Edward le Despencer says she was sister of Henry, Lord Ferrers of Groby. He would be 2nd Lord Ferrers of Groby, b 1303, d. 15 Sep 1343. Her father was therefore William de Ferrers, 1st Lord Ferrers of Groby..

21-394 Sir Hugh le Despenser, 1st Baron le Despenser, Chief Justiciar of England 1223-1265

Died 4 Aug 1265 Battle of Evesham, Worcestershire, England - Killed by Sir Roger Mortimer, 1st Baron Wigmore (also our ancestor)..

Information - He has an extensive biographical entry in the Dictionary of National Biography..

21-401 Eleanor de Castilla, Queen of England, Comtesse de Ponthieu 1244-1290

Information - More ancestor generations are available from eg. thepeerage.com web link. I haven't put them into this tree..

21-433 Sir Richard Champernoun, of Modbury 1280-1338

Born Abt. 1280 inceworth, Maker, Cornwall, England - Inceworth is in the parish of Maker. Maker is in both Devon and Cornwall. The church is in Devon. Inceworth village is in Cornwall. Old references to Inceworth or Maker could mean Devon or Cornwall..

21-444 Joan Lovel 1303-1337

Mother 1303 - Our Royal ... source gives Muriel Soulis as Joan Lovel's mother. thepeerage.com gives Muriel Douglas. Our Royal ... gives three respectable-looking references. thepeerage.com's source is an email. Margaret Soulis is accepted as Joan Lovel's mother..

21-447 John Wentworth 1370-1425

Parents Abt. 1370 - wikitree says John's mother was Jane Tyas b. Abt. 1310, daughter of Richard Tyas b. Abt. 1260 and Alice Tankersley b. Abt. 1260, but the dates are impossible (Abt. 110 years in 2 generations)..

21-474 Margaret Saville 1410-1451

Born Abt. 1410 Thornhill, West Riding, Yorkshire, England - Margaret was the daughter of Sir Thomas's first wife, possible Margaret daughter of Sir Thomas Pilkington, not his second wife, Margaret daughter of Sir John Pilkington..

21-485 Sir John le Blount of Sodington 1298-1358

Died 1358 - Killed in battle..

21-499 Sir Robert Clifford, 1st Lord Clifford 1274-1314

Died 24 Jun 1314 Bannockburn, Stirlingshire, Scotland - Killed in action..

21-518 William de Burgh, 3rd Earl of Ulster 1312-1333

Died 6 Jun 1333 - Murdered..

22-4 Alan Stewart, 7th Earl of Menteith d.1309

Died Bef. 13 Mar 1309 - As a supporter of Robert Bruce, he was imprisoned by the English and died in captivity..

22-18 Matilda (Maud) Bruce, Countess of Ross 1272-1329

Born 1272 Carrick, Argyll and Bute, Scotland - Sister of Robert the Bruce..

22-19 Sir William Douglas, "le Hardi", of that Ilk d.1298

Died 1298 London, England - Prisoner..

22-22 Sir John Stewart of Menteith, of Rusky, Sheriff of Dunbartonshire 1275-1329

Capture of William Wallace Aug 1305 Robroyston, Lanarkshire, Scotland - In August 1305, Sir John captured Sir William Wallace, and handed him over to the English, and hence to King Edward I of England. Edward had William Wallace hanged, drawn and quartered for high treason and crimes against English civilians..

22-50 Beatrix -

Parents - wikitree makes Beatrix sister of her husband Alexander's first wife Alice. Wikipedia doesn't name her parents. It is assumed here that wikitree is incorrect..

22-56 Janet Gifford 1262-1346

Born 1262 Seton, East Lothian, Scotland - wikitree says Janet's father is Hugh Giffard 1130-1195 (in this tree), but the dates are impossible..

22-57 Alexander Fraser of Touchfraser and Cowie, Sheriff of Stirling, Lord Chamberlain of Scotland 1275-1332

Died 12 Aug 1332 Battle of Dupplin Moor, Perth, Scotland - The Battle of Dupplin Moor was a terrible defeat of the disorganised Scottish forces by a smaller English/rebel force...

22-58 Mary Bruce (de Brus) 1282-1323

Prisoner Abt. 1314 to 1318 Roxburgh Castle, Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland - During the First War of Scottish Independence, she was captured by the English and imprisoned in a cage at Roxburgh Castle for about four years..

22-80 Jean Macrory 1211-1297

Born Bef. 1211 Isle of Bute, Argyll and Bute, Scotland - Jean Macrory, heiress of the Isles of Bute and Arran, daughter of James (who with his father and brothers was killed 1210 by the men of Skye), son of Angus Lord of Bute &Arran (younger son of Somerled, King of the South Isles). [Burke's Peerage].

22-89 Sir Walter de Somerville of Linton and Carnwath 1260-1330

Died Abt. 1330 Scotland - Wikipedia says d.1380, but this date is way out of line with other dates..

22-94 James de Dundas 1310-1364

Excommunication - He took part in violent contest with Abbot of Dunfermline over certain islands in the Forth, hence was temporarily excommunicated..

22-106 Nicholas de la Haye, younger of Erroll d.1332

Died 1332 - Allegedly killed in action. (thepeerage.com).

22-124 Sir William de Seton 1348-1409

Battle of Homildon Hill 14 Sep 1402 Battle of Homildon Hill, Wooler, Northumberland, England - Sir William was captured by the English, and taken to the tower, but returned to Scotland a few years later..

22-272 Sir Henry Percy, 1st Lord Percy 1273-1314

Born Abt. 25 Mar 1273 Petworth, Sussex, England - Henry was born at Petworth in Sussex in 1273, seven months after his father's death, saving the family line from extinction, as two older brothers had died in infancy, and all six uncles had died without leaving any legitimate heirs..

22-315 Sir Hugh de Wrottesley 1270-1296

Information - In 1265 sided with Simon de Montfort), hence his estates confiscated after the Battle of Evesham, though these restored under the Dictum of Kenilworth..

Lived - Alive in 1242..

22-432 Rhys ap Gronwy b.1195

Born Abt. 1190 or 1195 Carnwyllion, Carmarthenshire, Wales - See Elidir Ddu 1255-? for resolution of conflicting records in Geni..

22-433 Gwladys ferch Cadwgan b.1205

Born Abt. 1205 - See Elidir Ddu 1255-? for resolution of conflicting records in Geni..

22-438 Meurig Foel ap Gruffudd

Born - Meurig Foel's birth date in Geni is impossible if son's birth date is correct..

22-450 Morfudd verch Gruffudd b.1255

Ancestry - Geni Family Trees gives Morfudd's ancestry as verch Gruffud ab Adda ap Gruffudd Goch ap Gweirydd ap Rhys Goch. But Gruffud ab Adda's birth and death dates are given as 1225-1333 (age 108) which seems rather unlikely, so this tree stops here..

Father Abt. 1225 - Morfudd's father, as per Geni, is Gruffud ap Adda, born about 1225, died after 1333. These dates look unlikely, so this tree stops at Morfudd..

22-451 Ithel Fychan ab Ithel Llwyd 1220-1300

Born Abt. 1220 Englefield, Flintshire, Wales - Geni has 2 entries for (what appear to be) the same person..

22-457 Catryn ferch Elidyr II

Born - Geni says Catryn b. about 1290, but with husb. Ieuan b. about 1259 and son Cadwgan b. 1284, Catryn must have been born earlier. BUT, with father Elidir b. about 1290 (perfect match with Catrin`s given ancestry) she must have been born later. Not resolved!.

22-522 John de Lacy, 1st Earl of Lincoln 1192-1240

Magna Carta 1215 Runymede, Berkshire, England - John de Lacy was one of the baronial council of 25 at Runymede and his name appears on the Magna Carta – an act for which he was excommunicated by the Pope..

22-532 Sir Reginald (Reynold) FitzPiers (FitzPeter), Lord of Blaen Llyfni 1208-1286

Information 1258 - He appears to have been a person of great rank in the time of Henry III. He was summoned to the aid of Sir Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, in defence of the Marchesand in the following year he was summoned to march against Llewellin..

22-537 Robert I Capet, King of France, Count of Artois 1216-1250

Died 9 Feb 1250 Mansourah, Egypt - Killed..

22-550 Alice Lusignan 1224-1256

Information - Alice le Brun was daughter of Isabella, Dowager Queen of King John, by her second husband, Count Hugh le Brun, and thus half-sister to King Henry III..

22-574 Sir Walter de Cornwall, Coroner of Cornwall 1254-1313

Born Abt. 1254 Branell, Cornwall, England - Illegitimate. Walter's mother could be a different mistress of Richard..

22-619 Lady Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland 1379-1440

Born 1379 - Illegitimate, but later declared legitimate by King Richard II. Her parents did eventually marry, with papal approval..

22-624 Sir Thomas Hopton 1370-1427

Born Abt. 1370 Suffolk, England - Illegitimate. Because of this, Thomas took his mother's name..

22-625 Margaret Pert 1388-1466

Mother = step-sister Aft. 1390 - Margaret Pert was daughter and co-heiress of William Pert and Joan le Scrope. After her father died, her mother married Sir Roger Swillington. Margaret Pert later married Thomas Hopton, Roger's half-brother. So Margaret's mother was also her step-sister..

22-627 Margaret Pilkington

Identity - Margaret's identity is disputed. Wikitree says: Wotton's Baronets didn't know in 1727, but by the 1741 edition Wotton's got a name - "Margaret daughter of Sir Thomas Pilkington, Knt". They question whether this information is reliable..

22-629 Margaret de St Quintin, Lady of Hornby b.1379

Debt 4 May 1435 - Margaret (widowed) was still alive in May 1435, when she and her son Christopher sued Thomas de Keleby, parson of the church of Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire, over a debt of £17 14s. 10d..

22-663 Juliana (Juliane) FitzMaurice (FitzGerald), Lady of Inchiquin and Youghal, Lady of Thomond 1263-1300

Ancestress - 1 - Juliana is an ancestress of the English king Edward IV. By Edward IV's daughter, Elizabeth of York, consort of Henry VII, she was an ancestress to all subsequent monarchs of England and the current British Royal Family..

Ancestress - 2 - Juliana is also an ancestress of Henry VIII's queens consort Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr..

Young Widow 29 Aug 1287 - Juliana's husband Thomas died on 29 August 1287, leaving Juliana a widow at the age of twenty-four with four small childrenthe youngest, Margaret was not quite five months old. Juiana did marry again, twice..

22-680 James of Aldithley, Justiciar of Ireland, Sheriff of Shropshire, Sheriff of Staffordshire 1220-1272

Died Abt. 11 Jun 1272 Ireland - Broke his neck..

22-697 Walter de Burgh, 1st Earl of Ulster d.1271

Died 28 Jul 1271 - He has an extensive biographical entry in the Dictionary of National Biography..

23-8 Sir John Stewart, of Bonkyl d.1298

Died 22 Jul 1298 Battle of Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland - Killed fighting for Sir William Wallace..

23-10 Sir Alexander Seton, Governor of Berwick, Master of Torphichen, Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem 1270-1349

Parents Abt. 1270 - thepeerage.com gives Alexander's parents as Sir Christopher Seton and Lady Christian Bruce (sister of Robert the Bruce), but wikitree says that dates make this impossible. So wikitree's lineage has been used instead..

23-12 John St Clair, of Herdmanston

Bannockburn 23/24 Jun 1314 - John St. Clair of Herdmanston fought in the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, after which for his services, King Robert I gave him a sword whose blade was engraved 'Le Roi me donne, St. Clair me Porte..

23-21 Sir William -, "Longlegs", 3rd of Douglas 1230-1274

Born Bet. 1210 and 1230 - Birth dates given for William and brother Andrew range from 1200 to 1240. The actual dates have to be somwhere between these two dates, probably between 1210 and 1230 but I can't narrow them down any further..

23-27 Sir Andrew Murray, 2nd Lord of Tullibardine 1284-1332

Died 7 Oct 1332 Perth, Perthshire, Scotland - Captured at the Battle of Dupplin Moor and executed as a traitor (he played a crucial role before the battle, showing Baliol's forces where to cross the river Earn..

23-28 Lady Christina Bruce, Countess of Mar d.1356

Died 1356/57 - At a great age..

23-41 Sir Robert de Quincy, "The Younger" 1200-1257

Died Aug 1257 London, England - In a tournament..

23-50 Margaret Murray 1220-1250

Born Abt. 1220 Scotland - Margaret appears to have taken her mother's name, Murray..

23-64 Gilbert Ogilvie 1226-1284

Born 1226 Angus, Scotland - Parents given in wikitree are impossible (dates)..

23-66 John de Ness b.1220

Born Abt. 1220 Glen, Renfrewshire, Scotland - The de Ness family came originally from Ness near Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England..

23-73 Gilronan Macgilronan 1223-1300

The Forgotten Monarch of Scotland - An entry in myheritage.com refers to Gilronan Macgilronan as "The Forgotten Monarch of Scotland", but there appear to be no other references..

23-87 James Macrory, Lord of Bute d.1210

Died 1210 Scotland - Killed by the men of Skye, along with his father and two brothers..

23-92 William (Uilleam) mac Dhonnchaidh, 5th Earl of Mar 1222-1291

Died Bet. 16 May 1291 and 12 Nov 1291 - wikitree says Bef. 25 Jul 1281..

23-131 Sir Simon Fraser 1266-1306

Died Sep 1306 London, England - Taken prisoner and hung drawn and quartered by the English. His head was impaled on a spike on London Bridge, alongside John Fraser, stated as a brother, and William Wallace..

23-132 Margaret Sinclair of Orkney 1263-1364

Died 1364 - Age 101??.

23-140 Sir Thomas Boyd, "The Archer", 2nd Lord of Kilmarnock 1323-1365

Died Abt. 1365 - Wikitree has the place of death wrong. Thomas's father, not this Thomas, died at the Battle of Homilden Hill..

23-159 Margareta (Malgorzata) Piast, Gravin van Holland 1342-1386

Piast Dynasty, Brzeg - From the early 14th to late 17th centuries, Brzeg was ruled by the Piast dynasty, the first historical ruling dynasty of Poland. It then came under the control of the Bohemian Crown within the Holy Roman Empire and became part of Germany..

23-386 Nicole d'Aubigny 1210-1247

Inheritance 1221 Barrow on Soar, Leicestershire - In 1221 she obtained as her 4th share of her father's inheritance, the manor of Barrow on Soar, Leicestershire..

23-461 William Odingsells 1235-1295

Died 19 Apr 1295 Maxstoke Castle, Warwickshire, England - William held lands at Pyritone, Solyhull, Makstok, Merston, Cotes, Arley, Buddebrok. By the time of the inquisition into his death (like probate) his son Edmund had died and his estate was inherited by his four daughters Ida, Ela, Alice and Margaret (18)..

23-524 Wolfric de Whixhall (Quixhull)

Ancestry link - https://tinyurl.com/ybons4wd.

23-525 John FitzAlan 1246-1272

Information - Family tree goes back several more generations - see thepeerage.com web link.

23-526 Isabel de Mortimer

Information - Family tree goes back several more generations - see thepeerage.com web link.

23-529 Gronwy ap Einion b.1165

Born Abt. 1165 Carnwyllion, Carmarthenshire, Wales - See Elidir Ddu 1255-? for resolution of conflicting records in Geni..

23-535 Gruffudd ap Elidir

Born - Gruffudd's birth date in Geni is impossible if son's birth date is correct..

23-545 Tibot (Agnes) de Pulford b.1210

Born Abt. 1210 - Geni has birth date 1225, but this seems very unlikely..

23-548 Rhys ap Rhys (Rhys Gryg, Rhys Fychan), "The Hoarse", "The Younger", Prince of Deheubarth 1165-1234

Died 1234 Llandeilo Fawr, Carmarthenshire, Wales - Died of wounds from attacking Camarthen for Llywelyn the Great..

23-553 Llewelyn Foel ap Moreiddig Fychan

Born Caerwedros, Cardiganshire, Wales - Geni gives Llewelyn's birth date as about 1155, but this looks too early. Son Ieuan Llwd was born about 1232 (Llewelyn age ~77), and this tallies with brother Ieuan Goch`s daughter Gwerfyl being born about 1230..

23-579 William Mauduit, Baron of Handslope (Hanslope), Chamberlain of the Exchequer 1196-1256

Born Abt. 1196 - Chamberlain of the Exchequer was a hereditary position until 1293..

23-587 Robert de Ferrers, 6th Earl of Derby 1239-1279

Turbulent - Robert was impetuous and violent, in part perhaps because he had inherited a severe form of gout from his grandfather. He was also unreliable and lacking in political sophistication. Some of his turbulent life and narrow escapes are in his Wikipedia entry..

23-600 John de Botetourte, 1st Baron Botetourt, Admiral for the Northern Seas 1264-1324

Born Abt. 1264 - Illegitimate..

23-606 Sir Peter II de Brus, 7th Lord of Skelton 1190-1241

Died 7 Sep 1241 Marseilles, Cher, Centre, France - On pilgrimage..

23-617 Gladys (Gwladus) Ddu du ferch Llywelyn, Princess, "Gladys the Black", "The Dark" d.1251

Information-1 - Our information (see Richard Scott) is that Gladys' mother was Joan (Plantagenet) Lady of Wales. Wikipedia is open. thepeerage.com and others say her mother was Tangwystyl Goch. thepeerage.com info has been used (see Information-2)..

Information-2 - Gwladus' 1st marriage in 1215 (to Reynold de Briouze) would seem to place her date of birth well before Llwelyn's 1205 marriage to Joan. It therefore seems that Gwladus was the (illegitimate) daughter of Tangwystl Goch, not of Joan..

Married 1215 - Married Reynold de Briouze..

23-618 William Braose, Baron Abergavenny 1200-1230

Died 2 may 1230 - Hanged at Aber Castle for alleged adultery with Llewelyn the Great's wife, Joan, Lady of Wales..

23-624 Yolande of Brittany, Countess of Penthievre, Countess of Porhoet, Countess of La Marche, Countess of Angouleme, Dame de la Fere-en-Tardenois de Chai 1218-1272

Child Betrothals - Yolande was betrothed three times as a child: 1. to King Henry III of England when she was seven years old. 2. to John of France, Count of Anjou, the son of King Louis VIII of France. 3. to Theobald IV, Count of Champagne. None of the marriages took place..

23-638 Roger Fitz Eustace (aka Roger de Lacy), 7th Baron of Halton, Sheriff of Yorkshire and Cumberland, Constable of Chester 1170-1211

Name Change - 1 - Robert de Lacy, a descendant of Ilbert de Lacy 1st Lord of Pontefract Castle, and his wife Isabella were childless. After his death all his lands across Yorkshire and Lancashire passed to his cousin Albreda de Lizours..

Name Change - 2 - From Albreda, the lands passed to her grandson Roger Fitz Eustace on condition that he changed his name to de Lacy..

Sheriff of Nottingham? - Was Roger Fitz Eustace (de Lacy) the fictional "Sheriff of Nottingham"? His character fits the profile - ferosious temper and pitiless execution of prisoners..

23-655 John de Braose, Lord of Bramber 1197-1232

Born Abt. 1197 - John was hidden in his early years. because the family was out of favour with King John, but was captured and improsoned in 1214. He was released in 1218, two years after King John's death..

Died 18 Jul 1232 Bramber, Sussex, England - Killed in a fall from his horse..

23-674 Saint Louis IX Capet, King of France 1215-1270

Canonised 1297 - Canonised by Pope Boniface VIII..

23-732 Sir John Colville 1347-1405

Died 20 Aug 1405 Durham, England - Beheaded..

23-733 Alice Darcy b.1353

Died - Alice is said to have been beheaded along with her husband on 20 Aug 1405, but "this was likely a misinterpretation of the account of his death.".

23-775 Elizabeth Thornhill 1360-1437

Born Abt. 1360 Thornhill, Yorkshire, England - Her father died when she was about two years old, making her a very rich and beautiful girl. Her marriage was bought by Sir John Savile of Rishworth for £123, and surprisingly given to his 2nd son, Henry. (wikitree).

23-778 Elizabeth de Swinhoe 1364-1412

Married 4 times - After first husband John de St Quintin died, Elizabeth married 3 more times: 2. Sir Thomas de Mountforth son of Lawrence de Mountford, 3. William Bishopdale, 4. Richard Clitheroe of Licolnshire..

23-814 Matilda Prendergast, Lady of Offaly 1242-1274

Marriages - When she was a young child, Maud was married to, firstly David FitzMaurice, who died by 17 March 1249, which was her seventh birthday. She later married Maurice de Rochford and had child(ren) with him. After he died, she married Maurice FitzGerald..

23-824 Sir Robert Neville, 1st Lord Raby, Sheriff of Northumberland 1217-1282

2nd Wife - Robert's 2nd wife was Isabel, daughter of Robert I Bruce (King of Scotland)..

23-832 Sir William Longespee, Earl of Salisbury 1205-1249

Died 7 Feb 1250 - Killed..

23-835 Margaret de Guines d.1304

Identity - thepeerage.com says that Richard de Burgh married Margaret Guines daughter of Arnould III de Guines and Alix Marie de Coucy. Wikipedia says he married Margaret de Burgh, daughter of his cousin John de Burgh. thepeerage.com has been used here..

23-838 Sir John Engaine (d'Engaine) 1230-1302

Diana Spencer - John Engaine is a direct ancestor of Lady Diana Spencer..

23-842 Richard Mor de Burgh, Lord of Connaught, Justiciar of Ireland 1194-1243

Father Abt. 1194 - thepeerage.com says his father was William FitzAldelm, but Wikipedia says that William FitzAldelm is often genealogically confused with William de Burgh, Richard's actual father..

23-852 Joan (Joanna) de Munchensi (Munchensy), Lady of Swanscombe, Countess of Pembroke 1230-1307

Upbringing Aft. 1234 - Joan's mother died soon after Joan was born. Joan was brought up by her stepmother, Warin's second wife, Dionisie de Anesty..

24-8 Sir Alexander Seton 1252-1332

Born 1252 Seton, East Lothian ,Scotland - wikitree gives Alexander's parents as Sir Christopher Seton and Lady Christian Bruce (sister of Robert the Bruce), but the dates are impossible..

Died Aug 1332 Berwick upon Tweed, Scotland - Balliol and his party landed at Wester Kinghorn in August, 1332. The Scottish army, feebly comanded, kept at a distancebut “Sir Alexander Seton threw himself with a handful of soldiers upon the English, and was instantly overpowered and cut to pieces”..

24-12 Sir Colin Campbell, of Lochow d.1294

Died Abt. 1294 Ath-dearg of Lorn, Argyllshire, Scotland - Killed while fighting Alexander, Lord of Lorne..

24-19 Archibald -, 2nd of Douglas 1175-1240

Born Bef. 1175 - thepeerage.com gives a much later birth date. Wikitree explains its dates in some detail in the entry for Archibald's father William..

24-25 David Barclay 1235-1314

Died 24 Jun 1314 - This is the date of the Battle of Bannockburn. His son David was killed in the battle. It seems that either this David Barclay also died in the battle, aged 79, or he has been confused with his son..

24-42 Llywelyn Fawr ap Iorwerth, "The Great", Prince of North Wales 1173-1240

Potted Summary - Llywelyn dominated Wales for 45 years. He sided with the barons who forced King John to sign Magna Carta in 1215. For 15 more years he fought Marcher lords and the king, and then he ruled Wales peacefully until his death..

24-57 Hugh Giffard 1130-1195

Born Abt. 1130 - Hugh and his brothers are the first Giffards in Scotland, very likely descended from the Norman Giffard family from Longueville-la-Gifart in France..

24-62 Sir Andrew Douglas of Hermiston 1230-1259

Born Bet. 1210 and 1230 Douglas Castle, Lanarkshire, Scotland - Birth dates given for Andrew and brother William range from 1200 to 1240. The actual dates have to be somwhere between these two dates, probably between 1210 and 1230 but I can't narrow them down any further..

24-63 Patrick de Dunbar, 5th Earl of Dunbar d.1248

Died Bet. May and Dec 1248 Marseilles, France - En route to the Holy Land..

24-69 Lady Isabelle (Isabel, Isabella) Marshal 1200-1240

Died 17 Jan 1240 Berkhampstead Castle, Hertfordshire, England - Jaundice contracted while in childbirth..

24-85 Gille Crist (Gilchrist) Ogilvie, 3rd Earl of Angus 1142-1207

Born Abt. 1142 Angus, Scotland - Some sources place his birth date much later, but children's birth dates suggest this earlier date is more likely..

Title - wikitree calls him 4th Earl of Angus, but also says "He succeeded his brother, Adam, the second Earl of Angus, who died in 1198". So he must have been 3rd Earl of Angus. His father must have been 1st Earl of Angus..

24-87 Angus -, Lord of Bute and Arran d.1210

Died 1210 Scotland - Killed by the men of Skye..

24-88 William de Burgh, Governor of Limerick 1160-1205

Died Winter 1205/06 Galway, Ireland - "William Burke plundered Connacht, as well churches as territoriesbut God and the saints took vengeance on him for that; for he died of a singular disease, too shameful to be described." (Annals of the Four Masters).

24-107 Sir Hugh de Dundas 1275-1364

Loyalty - Adherent of Sir William Wallace..

24-111 Helen (Elen) ferch Llywelyn of Wales, "The Younger" 1230-1295

Born Abt. 1230 Cantref Mawr, Carmarthenshire, Wales - wikitree, and Gwynedd and Wales, say Helen was Illegitimate. wikipedia says her mother was Joan. That she was illegitimate seems more likely, since there was already a daughter Elen by Joan..

24-113 Hugh (Hugo) Giffard of Yester, "The Wizard of Yester" 1220-1267

Born Abt. 1220 - wikipedia says Bef. 1230, but the text says Abt. 1220..

The Wizard of Yester 1806 - Hugo Gifford features in Sir Walter Scott's poem Marmion. See the wikitree source citation for the text..

24-125 Prince Magnus (Maghnus) O'Cahan (O'Cathain, Ua Cathain), "Yellow-Haired", Prince of Limavady 1200-1260

Died Abt. 14 May 1260 Battle of Down, Downpatrick, County Down, Ireland - Killed by the English in the Battle of Down (Druim Dearg)..

24-134 John (Jon) Magnusson, 36th Jarl of Orkney, 9th Earl of Caithness 1259-1311

Father Abt. 1259 - Wikitree and thepeerage.com say John's father is Malcolm, but wikitree gives his name as Magnusson. Wikipedia says John is son of Magnus. Wikipedia is preferred..

24-162 Bonne (Jutta, Guta) of Luxembourg 1315-1349

Died 11 sep 1349 Saint-Ouen-l'Aumone, Departement du Val-d'Oise, Ile-de-France, France - Died of Bubonic Plague..

24-435 Simon de Coughton d.1199

Information - He was enfeoffed by the Abbot of Evesham with the Manors of Wrottesley and Livington/Loynton, Staffordshire circa 1164..

24-440 William d'Aubeney, 3rd Earl of Arundel 1173-1221

Died 1 Feb 1221 Caneill, near Rome, Italy - On journey home from 5th Crusade..

24-539 Sir Walter FitzRobert 1219-1258

Died Bef. 10 Apr 1258 England - wikipedia says place of death is Dunmow Castle, but there appears never to have been a Dunmow Castle. Maybe there's confusion from the Barony of Little Dunmow in Essex and the honour of Baynard Castle, London, having at times been held by the same person..

24-598 Sir Alanus de Aldefeld d.1281

Chapel Bef. 1281 Aldefeld, Almondbury, Yorkshire, England - Sir Alanus founded and endowed the chapel at Aldefeld..

24-601 Manfredo di Saluzzo, III Marchese di Saluzzo d.1244

Information - Family tree goes back several more generations - see thepeerage.com web link.

24-603 Einion ap Llywarch b.1135

Born Abt. 1135 Carnwyllion, Carmarthenshire, Wales - See Elidir Ddu 1255-? for resolution of conflicting records in Geni..

24-624 Rhys ap Gruffudd, The Lord Rhys, Prince of South Wales 1132-1197

Achievement - 1 - Rhys's career was indeed remarkable. He occupied the stage of Welsh politics for over fifty years. But it was his achievement which was astounding: he had reconstituted the kingdom of Deheubarth and made it the premier Welsh kingdom..

Achievement - 2 - Rhys is described as "a man of excellent wit and quick in repartee". He built the earliest recorded native-built stone castle in Wales (Cardigan). He held a festival of poetry and song in 1176, generally regarded as the first recorded Eisteddfod..

Died 1197 St Davids, Pebidiog, Pembrokeshire, Wales - ... there was a great pestilence throughout the island of Britain... that ... killed innumerable people and many of the nobility and many princes, and spared none. That year ... died Rhys ap Gruffydd, Prince of Deheubarth and unconquered head of all Wales..

Endless Battles 1146 to 1170 - From 1146 to 1170, Rhys was involved in endless battles. But by 1196 Rhys ruled almost all of Deheubarth, as well as controlling much of the remainder of south Wales through client princes..

24-625 Gwenllian verch Madog b.1140

Died - Geni dates her death in 1160, but she could not have had her 6 children by then - and the text shows that 1160 was her father's date of death, not hers..

24-653 Mabel FitzRobert, de Caen b.1128

Born Abt. 1128 Gloucestershire, England - Mabel is referred to as Earl Robert's illegitimate daughter in Domesday Descendants[1895]..

Died - Geni and Wikitree both give 23 Nov 1183 as the date of her death, but that is actually the date of death of her half-brother William..

24-660 Sir William Foliot, Lord of Bychemarche and Longdonne

Information - Our information (see Richard Scott) is that the son of William Folyot (of Bychemarche and Longdonne) who married Audrey de Falco and had 3rd son Richard, was William. This web site http://www.multiwords.de/genealogy/foliot1.htm gives his name as Richard.

24-677 Maud FitzGeoffrey

Inheritance 1213 - Maud was heiress on her father's death, as her brothers had both died. But she didn't personally get his title, that passed through to her eldest son Humphrey..

24-720 Elisabeth (Elizabeth) - 1240-1290

Ancestry 1240 - Elisabeth is the daughter of a chieftain of the Cuman tribes..

24-724 William Marshal, "The Elder", 1st Earl of Pembroke 1146-1219

Information - Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke's son Gilbert de Striguil, or Strigoil, died unmarried before 1189. As a minor, he never became an earl, thus the earldom was passed with Richard’s daughter Isabel to her spouse William Marshall. (wikipedia).

24-738 Orabilis of Leuchars

Information - Orabilis was heiress of the Scottish lordship of Leuchars and, through her, her husband Robert de Quincy became lord of an extensive complex of estates north of the border which included lands in Fife, Strathearn and Lothian..

24-764 Alys Capet, of France, Countess of Vexin 1160-1220

Henry II and Richard the Lionheart - 1 1169 - When Alys was 8 years old, she was engaged to Henry II's son Richard the Lionheart, and sent to England as Henry's ward. In 1191 (22 years later!) Richard married Berengaria of Navarre, while still officially engaged to Alys. He never married Alys..

Henry II and Richard the Lionheart - 2 1191 - Alys was said by some to have been seduced by King Henry II of England while betrothed to his son, Richard the Lionheart. Richard sent her back to her brother, King Philip II of France, refusing to marry his father's mistress..

24-806 Juliane de Cantelowe 1219-1295

Born Abt. 1219 - Birthplace is given as Ashby, Buckinghamshire, England, but there does not appear to be an Ashby in Buckinghamshire..

24-889 Simon Thornhill b.1330

Unknown wife - 1 - Heir to his father's considerable wealth, and his mother's interesting bloodlines, Simon married an unidentified but presumably suitable young lady but then died young, possibly before his father, leaving as issue only a very young girl, ....

Unknown wife - 2 - ... sole heiress of the senior line of Thornhill. Simon's wife is of course a matter of considerable interest, but her identity has not been discovered. Burke called her a Babthorpe, but no supporting evidence has ever been published..

24-902 Robert fitzPayn 1321-1393

Born Abt. 1321 - He changed his name from de Grey to fitzPayn, and inherited manors in Somerset and Dorset from his uncle, Sir Robert FitzPayn..

24-916 Geoffrey VII de Neville 1197-1242

Born Abt. 1197 Raby, County Durham, England - Born Geoffrey fitz Robert, but changed his name to his mother's name in order to inherit vast estates..

24-946 William Longespee, 1st Earl of Salisbury 1170-1226

Born between 1160 and 1170 - Illegitimate..

24-956 Madog ap Maredudd, The last Prince of Powys 1098-1160

Born 1098 Montgomeryshire, Wales - Geni has two entries for the same person, Madog ap Maredudd / Madoc ap Meredudd..

24-959 Ida Longespee 1222-1262

Born 1222 Salisbury,Wiltshire,England - William Longespee and his wife Ela Salisbury may have had two daughters named Ida. One married Walter FitzRobert. The other married Ralph de Somery and married 2nd William de Beauchamp..

24-969 Sir John Comyn, 1st of Badenoch, Justiciar of Galloway 1215-1278

Parents Abt. 1215 - thepeerage.com says that John's parents were William Comyn, Earl of Buchan, and Sarah FitzHugh, but Wikipedia and Wikitree say that these are his grandparents through a Richard Comyn. Wikipedia and wikitree have been followed here..

25-3 Isabel Comyn

Mother - thepeerage.com says that Isabel's mother was Isabel Countess of Mentieth 1217-1271, but those dates are impossible..

25-15 William of Douglas, 1st of Douglas 1157-1213

Born Bef. 1157 - thepeerage.com gives a much later date. Wikitree explains dates in some detail..

25-24 Henry de Brechin 1193-1244

Born Abt. 1193 Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire, England - Illegitimate..

25-62 Walter de Berkeley, Chamberlain of Scotland 1136-1190

Born Abt. 1136 Gartley, Banffshire, Scotland - Father, Roger, is uncertain. Some sources give Roger's death as 1131..

25-66 Ada - 1174-1200

Born Bef. 1174 - Illegitimate..

25-80 Bertolf Leslie

Missing generation - 1 - The Genealogical Tree of the Royal Family of Scotland says Beatrix, daughter of King Duncan, and sister of Malcohn III. or Canmore, married Bartholomew, of whom all the Leslies in Scotland are descended. But the dates make it impossible ....

Missing generation - 2 - For Malcolm b.1121 to be son of Beatrix. There must be a missing generation. Malcolm is son of Bertolf. This Bertolf must be son of Bartholemew and Beatrix, not the Bartolf (Bartholemew) who married Beatrix..

25-92 Gille Brigte (Gillbride) -, 2nd Earl (Mormaer) of Angus 1128-1187

Born Bef. 1128 - thepeerage.com says he is 2nd Earl of Angus, wikitree says he is 1st..

25-120 Saer de Dundas 1260-1299

Loyalty 1296 - In 1296 he swore allegiance to King Edward I of England..

25-142 Sir Robert Bruce, Baron of Liddesdale 1303-1332

Battle of Dupplin Moor - 1 10-11 Aug 1332 Dupplin Moor, Perth, Scotland - The Battle of Dupplin Moor was between English-supported rebels and the Scottish crown. The Scots outnumbered the rebels about 15,000 to 2,800 but were over-confident and unprepared. They had two armies, one led by Donald, Earl of Mar, and ....

Battle of Dupplin Moor - 2 10-11 Aug 1332 Dupplin Moor, Perth, Scotland - ... this Robert Bruce, Baron Liddesdale, the other led by Patrick, Earl of Dunbar. The rebels took advantage of the Scots' slackness and outflanked them and set up a strong defensive position. This caused a furious argument between Donald of Mar and ....

Battle of Dupplin Moor - 3 10-11 Aug 1332 Dupplin Moor, Perth, Scotland - ... Robert of Liddesdale, which ended with them both charging at the rebels, each trying to be first into battle. Using tactics which Wellington successfully used against Napoleon nearly 500 years later, the Scots were slaughtered. ....

Battle of Dupplin Moor - 4 10-11 Aug 1332 Dupplin Moor, Perth, Scotland - ... Donald of Mar and Robert of Liddesdale were killed, along with up to 13,000 other Scots. Patrick of Dunbar retreated without engaging the rebels. The rebels lost just 33 men..

Born 1303 Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland - Illegitimate..

25-144 Nicholas Scrimgeour 1282-1324

Bannockburn Jun 1314 Battle of Bannockburn, Bannockburn, Stirling, Scotland - Nicholas was royal standard-bearer at the battle of Bannockburn..

25-151 Sir Robert Boyd, "The Hero of Goldberry Hill" 1230-1290

Goldberry Hill - Goldberry Hill was an action during the (fairly minor) battle of Largs between invading Norwegians under King Haakon and the defending Scots..

25-185 Dietrich VIII -, Graf von Kleve 1256-1305

Born Abt. 1256 Kleve, Rheinland, Germany - Not to be confused with his likewise named younger brother..

25-189 Philippe VI -, King of France 1293-1350

Hundred Years War 1334 - An (arguably petty) argument between Philippe and King Edward III of England led to the Hundred Years War (1337-1453) between England and France..

25-306 "Reginald (Reinald, Reinaldus)" de Dunstanville, Earl of Cornwall 1110-1175

Born Abt. 1110 Dunstanville, Kent, England - Illegitimate..

25-318 Rohese de Vere 1110-1166

A "forceful personality" - (see Wikitree source).

25-502 Sir Gilbert de Notton, de Barton 1154-1220

de Barton Aft. Abt. 1203 Barton, Lancashire, England - Sir Gilbert is thought to have moved to Barton and changed his name to de Barton, after marrying his second wife Edith Barton..

25-522 Hamelin de Warenne, d'Anjou, 5th Earl of Surrey 1129-1202

Born c.1129 - Hamelin was an illegitimate son of Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, and half-brother to Henry 2nd..

25-530 Ranulf II de Guernon, 2nd or 4th Earl of Chester 1099-1153

Died 16 Dec 1153 - Poisoned by William Peverel the Younger..

25-548 Hunydd ferch Eunydd 1063-1132

Born Abt. 1063 Dyffryn Clwyd, Denbighshire, Wales - Geni dates Hunydd's birth at about 1080, but referenced notes say "born about 1063". 1063 is a better fit with other dates..

25-587 Robert FitzWalter, Baron of Little Dunmow 1180-1235

Magna Carta 1215 Runnymede, Surrey, England - Robert FitzWalter was elected leader of the rebel barons opposed to King John. An enigmatic personality, by turns shifty, querulous, conspiratorial and high principled, he played a major part in the events leading to the signing of Magna Carta in 1215..

Plot to assassinate King John 1212 - Robert one of the wealthiest and most powerful English Barons. After an unsuccessful plot to assassinate King John he fled to France, but was later reconciled and had his lands restored..

25-641 Sir Ralph de Sandford

Fought against King John Abt. 1217 - Fought with barons against King John. His estates were confiscated in about 1217, but restored "when his party attained the ascendant"..

25-654 Llywarch ap Bran, Lord of Menai, 6th-Great-Grandson of Rhodri Mawr b.1120

Ancestry - Ancestral line to Rhodri Mawr : Llywarch ap Bran ap Dinawal ap Tudwal ab Einudd ab Aelan ab Alser ap Tudwal Gloff ap Rhodri Mawr. (Another 12 generations to Coel Hen)..

25-655 Rhael ferch Gronwy, about 20th-Great-Granddaughter of Coel Hen

Ancestral line - Rhael ferch Genilles ferch Hoedlyw ab Ithel ab Edryd ab Inethan ab Iasedd ap Carwed ap Marchudd ap Cynan ... ap Elyw ap Môr ap Mynan ab Yspwys Mwyntyrch ab Yspwys ap Cadrod ap Cynwyd ap Cynfelen ab Arthwys ap Maeswig Gloff ap Ceneu ap Coel Hen..

25-656 Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd 1096-1172

In Books - Cadwaladr's attempt to reclaim his lands with the help of a Danish fleet in 1144 forms the background to The Summer of the Danes by Ellis Peters in the Brother Cadfael series. He also appears in the Sarah Woodbury 'Gareth and Gwen Medieval Mystery Series'.

Turbulent Life - Like many others then, Cadwaladr had a turbulent life. He inflictied a heavy defeat on the Normans at the Battle of Crug Mawr, married a Norman's daughter, was exiled to Ireland, re-invaded, lost again, and finally was given land in Shropshire by Henry II..

25-657 Adeliza (Alice) de Clare, Lady of Tunbridge 1115-1150

Father Richard - Adeliza's birth date 1115 is before her father Richard's 1130. The relationship is correct but the dates are not. I have not been able to (quickly!) resolve the dates. I suspect that the Geni dates have been estimated incorrectly..

25-666 Gruffydd ap Rhys, "The Homeless Prince" 1081-1137

The Homeless Prince - The full story of The Homeless Prince is given in Ancient Wales Studies..

25-667 Gwenllian verch Gruffydd, Princess-consort of Deheubarth 1103-1136

Author? - Gwenllian may be the author of The Four Branches of the Mabinogi, the earliest prose stories in British literature. They appeal to a wide range of readers, and continue to inspire. The style is admired for deceptive simplicity and controlled wordpower..

Died 1136 Maes Gwenllian (Field of Gwenllian), Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales - Executed after she led a failed attack on Kidwelly Castle. Gwenllian can be compared to Boadicea. She is the only known medieval woman who led a Welsh army into battle. For centuries after her death, Welshmen cried out "Revenge for Gwenllian" in battle..

Eloped Abt. 1113 - Gwenllian was strikingly beautiful. Around 1113 she eloped with Gruffydd ap Rhys. They were often displaced by the Normans from their castle into mountain and forest strongholds. From there, she and Gruffydd led retaliatory strikes against the Normans..

25-701 Mabel FitzRobert (FitzHamon), Countess of Gloucester 1100-1157

Heiress Mar 1107 - Mabel was the eldest of 4 daughters. The other 3 became nuns, making Mabel sole heiress to her father's lordships and vast estates in England, Wales and Normandy. These passed to her husband, but she remained an active administrator of the estates..

25-714 William de Mauduit, Chamberlain of the Exchequer 1133-1197

Born Abt. 1133 - Chamberlain of the Exchequer was a hereditary position until 1293..

25-724 Lady Margaret of Huntingdon, Princess of Scotland, Duchess of Brittany, Countess of Hereford 1145-1201

Information - Princess Margaret was sister of Malcolm IV and William the Lion, Kings of Scotland. Her 3rd brother, David, was great great grandfather of King Robert the Bruce..

25-754 John "Lacy, FitzRichard", 6th Baron of Halton, Constable of Chester 1150-1190

Astronomer - John was a patron of science, he maintained an astronomer at Halton Castle..

Born Abt. 1150 Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England - John changed his name to Lacy under the terms of an agreement with his paternal grandmother Aubrey. This allowed him to inherit lands etc derived from his grandmother's first marrige..

Died 11 Oct 1190 Tyre, Lebanon - Defending the port of Tyre from attack by Saladin..

25-758 Hawise (Helewise) de Stuteville 1156-1223

Wealthy widow - Hawise had possessions in her own right in Kirkoswald and Lazenby, co. Cumb., and large possessions which she held in dower of the endowment of her first two former husbands..

25-784 Maud (Matilda) de St Valery, "Lady of Hay" 1155-1210

Died 1210 Corfe Castle, Dorset, England - Maud and her son William were first imprisoned at Windsor Castle, but were shortly afterwards transferred to Corfe Castle in Dorset where they were placed inside the dungeon. Maud and William both starved to death..

Magna Carta - 1 1215 - The manner in which Maud and her son William met their deaths so outraged the English nobility that Magna Carta, which King John was forced to sign in 1215, contains clause 39 (see Magna Carta - 2)..

Magna Carta - 2 1215 - Clause 39 of Magna Carta: "No man shall be taken, imprisoned, outlawed, banished or in any way destroyed, nor will we proceed against or prosecute him, except by the lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land.".

25-787 Richard Fitzgilbert de Clare, "Strongbow", Earl of Pembroke 1130-1176

Daughter Adeliza - Adeliza's birth date 1115 is before her father Richard's 1130. The relationship is correct but the dates are not. I have not been able to (quickly!) resolve the dates. I suspect that the Geni dates have been estimated incorrectly..

Information - He has an extensive biographical entry in the Dictionary of National Biography..

Mother of Adeliza - Geni and thepeerage.com differ re the mother of Adeliza. Geni says Alice de Gernon of Chester, thepeerage.com says Aoife MacMorrough. I have gone with thepeerage.com..

25-809 Robert FitzWalter de Hastings d.1128

Born - Comment in wikitree: Not to be confused with his contemporary of the Chesney pedigrees..

25-820 Alphonso II of Aragon, King of Aragon, Count of Barcelona, "The Chaste", "The Troubadour" 1152-1196

Name change - Born Raymond Berengar/Berenguer, changed his name to Honour Alfonso I..

25-862 Beatrix de Vaux 1149-1217

Information - She had been the mistress of Reynold FitzRoy, Earl of Cornwall before her marriage to Sir William de Briwere..

25-869 Sir Thomas de Sandford 1166-1203

Descendants - Burke has two generations more from Sir Thomas than are in the Colonel Richard Scott tree. Burke appears to have the names duplicated (ie. Ralph, Richard in twice).

25-899 Sir Robert de Holand of West Derby

Identity - This could possibly be the same person as Robert de Holand 1220-1275 in this tree..

25-971 Saire de Sutton d.1291

Died Abt. 1291 Surrey, England - Saire was probably the Saire de Sutton who, with his brother Lambert, is recorded in the Close Rolls (entry dated 30 March 1291) as having been killed in Surrey by John de Reresby, then in Nottingham gaol..

25-993 Christiana -

Alive 1332 - Christiana was alive in 1332..

25-1001 Sir Thomas de Poynings d.1339

Died 10 Oct 1339 - Killed in action..

25-1044 Grecia - b.1082

Born Abt. 1082 - Wikipedia: Possibly a daughter of Hugh de Morville and Beatrice de Beauchamp..

25-1057 Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Brenin Powys, King of Powys 1065-1132

Born Abt. 1065 Montgomeryshire, Wales - Wikipedia gives birth date as 1047 but this seems incompatible with other dates..

26-37 Uchtred of Galloway, Lord of Galloway d.1174

Died 22 Sep 1174 - Murdered..

26-46 Owain Gwynedd ap Gruffydd, "The Great", King of Gwynedd, Prince of Wales 1100-1170

Defence of Gwynedd - Owain Gwynedd is considered to be the most successful of all the North Welsh princes prior to his grandson, Llywelyn the Great. He successfully defended Gwynedd against Normans and other Welsh princes, including two defeats of King Henry II of England..

Madoc - Sailed to America? 1170 Fort Morgan, Alabama. Fort Mountain State Park, Georgia. Devil's Backbone, Kentucky. etc. - Owain's son Madoc was reputed to have sailed to America in 1170. Thomas Jefferson instructed the Lewis and Clark Expedition to find their descendants. In 1953 a plaque in memory of Prince Madoc was erected at Fort Morgan (since removed)..

26-64 Waltheof de Dunbar, 3rd Earl of Dunbar d.1182

Hostage 1175 - In 1175 he was held captive by the English as hostage for King William 'the Lion' of the Scots..

26-66 Roger de Berkeley 1069-1136

Berkeley Castle 1117 Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England - Roger began the building of the Castle of Berkeley in 1117, the home of our de Berkeley ancestors Thomas Berkeley ?-1361 3rd Baron Berkeley onwards..

26-104 Olaf (Olafr) Gudrodarson Bitling, King of Man and the Isles d.1153

Died 29 Jun 1153 - Killed by his nephew Rognvaldr Haraldsson. Rognvaldr approached Óláfr, raised his axe as if to salute the king, and decapitated him in a single stroke..

26-106 Diarmait (Diarmaid, Dermot, Dermod) mac Murchada (MacMorrogh, MacMurrough), King of Leinster 1110-1171

Father Abt. 1110 - thepeerage.com has an extra generation, with Diarmait's father Enna King of Leinster, son of Donnchad. Wkipedia has Donnchad as Diarmait's father. Wikipedia has been used here..

26-122 Donald (Domnall) III mac Donnchada, "Donald bane", King of Scotland 1033-1099

Ireland - Donald hid in Ireland for 17 years, for fear that he would be killed by MacBeth..

Shakespeare - Donald III is the character Donalbain in Shakespeare's MacBeth..

26-136 Ranulf Moray 1130-1165

Born Abt. 1130 Moray,Scotland - wikitree says Abt. 1120 but I think this is a typo..

26-143 Sir Alexander Scrimgeour, 1st Constable of Dundee 1254-1306

Died 4 Aug 1306 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England - Alexander was with Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Methven on 19 June 1306. He was captured by the English under the Earl of Pembroke, who refused to execute him as ordered by Edward I of England. He was executed (hanged) on 4 Aug at Newcastle-upon-Tyne..

26-168 Dietrich Loef von Kleve, Graf von Hulchrath b.1259

Born Abt. 1259 Kleve, Rheinland, Prussia - Not to be confused with his likewise named older brother..

26-184 Philippe Capet d'Artois, Lord of Conches, Nonancourt, and Domfront 1269-1298

Died 11 Sep 1298 - Philippe was wounded at the Battle of Furnes. He never recovered, and died of the effects over a year later..

26-359 Sir Robert Corbet, Earl of Cornwall 1054-1122

Domesday Book 1086 Shropshire, England - The Domesday Book records “Robert fitzCorbet” holding Woolstaston, Ratlinghope, Womerton, Woodcote, Longden and several other places in Shropshire..

26-366 Beatrice Mabilia fitzWilliam 1114-1162

Died Abt. 1162 Chertsey, Surrey, England - Wikitree gives date of death Abt. 1208, but this is date of death of her daughter Emma. Possible, but Geni's date Abt. 1162 seems a bit more likely..

26-368 Aubrey II de Vere 1082-1141

Died 15 May 1141 London, England - Killed in a riot..

26-570 William de Mauduit, Baron of Hanslope, Chamberlain of the Exchequer d.1170

Born - Chamberlain of the Exchequer was a hereditary position until 1293..

26-575 Geoffrey IV or V Plantagenet, "The Fair", Comte d'Anjou et Maine, 12th Duc de Normandie 1113-1151

Plantagenet - Geoffrey received his nickname, Plantagenet, from the sprig of yellow broome (planta genista) that he wore in his hat. He also appears to have originated the golden-lion English Royal coat of Arms..

26-586 Miles (Milo) Fitzwalter of Gloucester, 1st Earl of Hereford 1095-1143

Died 24 Dec 1143 - Killed accidentally while hunting..

26-610 Bleddyn (Blethyn) ap Cynfyn, King of Powys 1025-1075

Died Abt. 1075 Powys, Wales - Murdered by his cousin Rhys ab Owain..

King of Powys 1063 - Bleddyn was King of Powys from 1063 to 1075..

26-657 Walter FitzRobert of Woodham, 2nd Lord of Little Dunmow 1133-1198

Born Abt. 1133 Dunmow, Essex, England - wikipedia says place of birth is Dunmow Castle, but there appears never to have been a Dunmow Castle. Maybe there's confusion from his father Robert being granted the Barony of Little Dunmow in Essex and the honour of Baynard Castle, in the city of London..

26-706 Aldelinus de Aldefeld, Lord of Aldefeld

Living 1154 Aldfield, Yorkshire, England - Aldelinus is recorded as Lord of Aldefeld in 1154, at which date he is mentioned in a charter of Pope Adrian IV as giving certain lands to Fountains Abbey..

26-722 Gruffydd ap Cynan, King of Gwynedd 1055-1137

Long and Eventful Life - 1 1055 to 1137 - Gruffudd ap Cynan was a key figure in Welsh resistance to Norman rule. A descendant of Rhodri Mawr, he was a senior member of the House of Aberffraw. Through his mother, Gruffudd had close family connections with the Norse settlement around Dublin and ...

Long and Eventful Life - 2 1055 to 1137 - ...often used Ireland as refuge and source of troops. He three times won and lost the throne of Gwynedd, before regaining it in 1099 and keeping power until his death. He laid the foundations for his son Owain Gwynedd and great-grandson Llywelyn the Great..

26-723 Angharad ferch Owain 1065-1162

Information - GG-GDaughter of Lady Godiva (these generations are now in this tree)..

26-726 Seisyll ap Dyfnwall, Lord of Upper Gwent 1126-1175

Died 25 Dec 1175 Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales - Murdered by William de Braose..

26-733 Rhys ap Tudur, King of Deheubarth, Prince of South Wales 1045-1093

Agreement with William the Conqueror 1081 Deheubarth - William the Conqueror visited Deheubarth in 1081. It seems likely he came to an arrangement with Rhys, whereby Rhys paid William £40 a year for his kingdom, ensuring good relations with William that lasted until the battle of Brecon in April 1093..

Died 30 Apr 1093 Brecon, Powys, Wales - Died at the battle of Brecon..

26-753 Catherine de Lacy

The de Lacy Family - Catherine was presumably from the de Lacy family as described by Elizabeth Ashworth, but there is no mention of her..

26-759 Sir Aaron ap Bleddri, Knight of the Sepulchre b.1165

Crusade 1191 - Aaron was a Knight of the Sepulchre who followed Richard the Lionhearted on his crusade in 1191..

26-770 "Sibylla (Sibyl), aka Lucy, aka Adela" Corbet, Lady of Alcester 1077-1157

Information - Sibylla was the ancestress of the Baronial House of Fitz Herbert. Before marrying Herbert FitzHerbert, she was a mistress of King Henry I of England, by whom she had 4 or 5 children..

26-771 Robert FitzHamon, Seigneur de Creully, Seigneur de Torigny, Lord of Glamorgan d.1107

The Twelve Knights of Glamorgan Abt. 1090 Morgannwg (Glamorgan and Monmouthshire) - Robert Fitzhamon and his "Twelve Knights of Glamorgan" were invited by Iestyn ap Gwrgan (in this tree) into Morgannwg to help him, and ended up deposing him and taking Morgannwg for themselves..

26-807 Sir Richard de Lucy (de Luci), "The Loyal", Chief Justiciar of England 1089-1179

Excommunicated 1166 and 1169 - Excommunicated by Thomas Becket..

26-808 Rohese de Boulogne b.1100

Identity Abt. 1100 - Rohese is thought to be the sister of Faramus de Boulogne and hence daughter of William de Boulogne..

26-814 Aubrey (Albreda) de Lisours 1128-1200

Information - 2 - ... was about the year 1130. She was twice married: first to Richard Fitz Eustace, Constable of Chester, by whom she had a son, John, who took the name of De Laci, and was the ancestor of the Earls of Lincolnand secondly, to William Fitz Godric, ....

Information - 3 - ... by whom she had another son, William Fitz William, from whom derive the Earls Fitzwilliam. Her great inheritance was thus divided. The Laci lands went to the issue of her first husband, the Lisours lands to the issue of her second..

Information -1 - Robert (Albreda's father) made an illustrious marriage with the widow of Henry de Laci, Lord of Pontefract, and had one daughter only .. who lived to be his heir, as well as heir of the paternal line. Her name was Albreda. The birth of this great lady ....

26-820 Helewise (Hawise) Murdac de Valognes 1122-1183

Born Abt. 1122 Lazenby, Cumberland, England - wikitree gives a different father, but comments say his genealogy is a mess..

26-872 Waleran I de Beaumont, 1st and last Earl of Worcester 1104-1166

Information - He has an extensive biographical entry in the Dictionary of National Biography. He has an extensive biographical entry in the The Complete Peerage..

26-902 Urraca de Portugal, Empress of All the Spains, Empress of All Galicia 1079-1126

Information - Urraca was a feisty lady - see FindAGrave source. Her Aunt Urraca of Zamora was obviously pretty good at looking after herself too! - see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urraca of Zamora.

26-903 Ramon Berenguer III (Raimond Berengar III) -, "The Great", Count of Barcelona and Provence, Girona, Ausona, Besalu 1080-1131

Identity 1080 - Raimond Berengar III (thepeerage.com) and Ramon Berenguer III (findagrave.com) are clearly the same person. See also "Identity" fact for Robert de Guiscard / de Hauteville..

26-907 Garcias IV or V or VI or VII Ramirez, "The Restorer", King of Navarre 1100-1150

Born 1100 Navarra, Spain - findagrave.com and thepeeragecom give different fathers - Ramirez and Sanches - for Garcias, but both are sons of Garcias III (Sanches was illegitimate)..

26-919 Wido (Guy) II -, Comte de Ponthieu 1090-1147

Died 25 Dec 1147 Ephesus, Ionia, now part of Turkey - On crusade..

26-924 Nest ferch Iorwerth 1148-1234

Information - Nest, wife of Ralph Bloet, bore a son by Henri d'Anjou, Morgan (born 1180/89). Morgan was elected as bishop of Durham in 1213, but the appointment was blocked by the Pope because he was the illegitimate son of King Henry II..

26-950 Sir Richard de Sandford

Living 1169 - mentioned in the Pipe Roll of 1169.

26-956 Adeliza FitzEdith 1112-1165

Born 1112 Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, England - Geni says her mother was Edith FitzForn and her father was Robert d'Oyly, but Edith was Henry I's mistress in 1112 and didn't marry Robert d'Oyly until 1120. Geni calls her "Edith" but her correct name was much more likely Adeliza FitzEdith..

26-958 Petronilla Scudamore b.1100

Born Abt. 1100 Upton Scudamore, Wiltshire, England - Geni says Petronilla's parents were Geoffrey de Scudamore and Mathilde Giffard, but the dates are impossible..

26-984 Lucy Corona 1250-1316

Born Abt. 1250 Adlington, Cheshire, England - There is speculation that Lucy may have been an illegitimate child of Edward I, King of England, but there is insufficient evidence to prove it..

26-1007 Thomas Mauduit 1287-1322

Died Mar 1322 - Executed. He joined Thomas Earl of Lancaster's rebellion, and being specially named in the letter to Ralph de Nevill as one of the most dangerous of the associates, was hanged and drawn, Mar 1322..

26-1008 Eleanor Knoville b.1285

Parents Abt. 1285 - wikitree gives Eleanor's parents as Bewes Knoville and Alianore Warenne, but says "By her he had no issue". The dates are consistent with Alianore being Eleanor's mother..

26-1021 Gilbert Culcheth 1205-1246

Died Abt. 1246 Lancashire, England - Murdered..

26-1065 Nicholas de Insula b.1222

Born Aft. 1222 - Mother's birth date is Bef. 1212, and Nicholas' is Aft. 1222. They must have been more than 10 years apart. Nicholas was probably born several years later than 1222..

26-1081 Sir Thomas de Lucy 1230-1305

Name Abt. 1230 - According to Douglas Richardson, he took his mother's last name. This was not done in error..

26-1099 John Comyn, "The Red", 3rd of Badenoch 1274-1306

Born Abt. 1274 - thepeerage.com names JohnComyn "2nd of Badenoch", but Wikipedia says 3rd..

Died 10 Feb 1306 Greyfriars Church, Dumfries, Dumfries-shire, Scotland - Stabbed by Robert the Bruce..

26-1122 Maurice de Prendergast, Lord of Prendergast d.1205

Prendergast Castle 1177 (now) Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales - In 1177 Maurice gave Prendergast Castle in Wales to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, and eventually joined that order..

26-1139 Patrick de Salisbury, 1st Earl of Salisbury d.1168

Died Abt. 7 Apr 1168 Poitou, France - Kiled in action..

26-1141 Richard Tempest

Information 1153 - Living in 1153..

26-1162 Uilliam (William) I mac Einric, "The Rough", "The Lion", King of Scotland 1142-1214

Reign 9 December 1165 – 4 December 12149 Dec 1165 to 4 Dec 1214 - His reign of almost 49 years was the longest in Scottish history. A strong and popular king..

26-1163 - Avenel

Concubine - She was a concubine of William the Lion, king of the Scots..

26-1173 Gillemichael (Gillemathil, Gille Micheil) MacDuff, Mormaer of Fife 1098-1136

Born Abt. 1098 Methil, Fife, Scotland - wikitree has an extra generation - Duff MacEth - between Ethelred and Gillemichael, but the dates seem very unlikely..

27-6 Enguerrand II de Coucy d.1147

Died Aft. 1147 - Killed in battle during the 2nd crusade. Buried in Nazareth..

27-33 Elizabeth, aka Joan -

Born - Illegitimate..

27-63 Roger de Berkeley 1040-1093

Domesday Book 1086 - In his entry in the Domesday Book he is called Roger De Berchelai..

27-64 Rissa de Montgomery 1044-1090

Born 1044 St Germain, Montgomery, Normandy, France - Some sources say her mother is Mabel de Belleme, in this tree, but Wikipedia lists Mabel's ten children - no Rissa..

27-77 Donnchad (Duncan) I mac Crinain, "the Gracious", "the Diseased", "The Sick", King of Scotland 1001-1040

Died 14 Aug 1040 Pitgaveny, Elgin, Moray, Scotland - Killed in battle against MacBeth..

27-92 Malcolm III -, "Canmore", King of Scotland 1031-1093

Information - "Malcolm" in Shakespeare's Macbeth.

27-93 Saint Margaret Aetheling, Saint Margaret of Scotland, Margaret of Wessex 1045-1093

Buried 1250 Dunfermline Abbey, Fife, Scotland - Remains were re-interred..

Canonised 1250 - Canonised by Pope Innocent IV..

Information - Princess Margaret was daughter of Edmund the Exile, who was grandson of Ethelred, Saxon King, of England AD1016 - who was great great grandson of King Alfred the Great..

Information - Last Saxon princess of England.

27-94 Waltheof of Huntingdon, Earl of Northumbria 1050-1076

Died 31 may 1076 Winchester, City of Winchester, Hampshire, England - The only English aristocrat to be executed during the reign of William I..

Information - The last of the Anglo-Saxon earls.

27-96 William de Warenne, 1st Earl of Surrey 1055-1088

Fought 1066 - Fought at the Battle of Hastings.

Information 1 - A Warenne Family History is given in the familypedia web link http://familypedia.wikia.com/wiki/Warenne Family Ancestry.

Information 2 - US President George W Bush is a direct descendant of this William de Warenne. See familypedia web link http://familypedia.wikia.com/wiki/Ancestors of George Walker Bush. GWB is also a direct descendant of several others in this tree..

Information 3 - I haven't checked whether GWB is connected by multiple lines, or by just one..

27-97 Gundreda (Gundrada) - 1063-1085

Information - Gundreda is given in many pedigrees as being the youngest daughter of "The Conqueror" and is so described on her tomb at Lewes, Sussex, but her parentage is a disputed subject and remains uncertain..

27-99 Aelis (Adelaide) de Vermandois, Countess of Vermandois and Valois et de Crepy 1065-1120

Died 1121-1123 - (from thepeerage.com).

Died 1122 - (from Wikipedia).

Information - Descendant of the ancient Carolingian dynasty. The dynasty became extinct in the male line with the death of Eudes, Count of Vermandois. His sister Adelaide (Aelis de Vermandois), the last Carolingian, died in 1122. See wikipedia web link..

27-102 Gudrodr (Godred, Gofraid) Crovan (Croban, Meranach), King of Dublin and the Isles d.1095

Died 1095 Islay, Argyll, Scotland - Died of pestilence According to Irish sources, one quarter of Ireland perished from pestilence in 1095 alone. (Wikipedia).

King Orry of Manx - Godred may well be identical to the celebrated King Orry of Manx legend, a figure traditionally credited with instituting the Manx legal system. (Wikipedia).

27-127 Thomas de Muschamp, Baron of Wooler 1150-1190

Born Abt. 1150 Wooler, Northumberland, England - Thomas adopted his mother's name (and the barony)..

27-132 Alice FitzWilliam de Rumilly, Lady Skipton 1116-1187

Born Abt. 1116 Yorkshire, England - Alice used her mother's name: de Rumilly..

27-254 Maude Fitz Walter, of Gloucester 1081-1127

Born Abt. 1081 Clifford Castle, Herefordshire, England - Birth date "Abt. 1081" is from thepeerage.com, and looks a bit too early when compared with other dates. But all other information tallies OK..

27-382 Anna Yaroslavna, of Russia, Anne of Kiev (Anna of Kiev) 1024-1075

Information 1 - Anna Yaroslavna is "Anne of Russia" in RichardScottFamilyTree (see Richard Scott gallery). There are at least 3 statues of Anna - in the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris, in Senlis, France, and in Kiev, Ukraine..

Information 2 - Line: #1 Yaroslav I Vladimirovich of Kiev (c.978-1054), #2 Vladimir the Great (c.958-1015), #3 Svyatoslav I Igorevich of Kiev (c.942-972), #4 Igor Ryurikovich of Kiev (c.878-945), #5 Rurik Prince of Novgorod (c.832-879) the first ruler of Kievan Rus'..

Information 3 - Also: #1 Ingegerd Olofsdotter (St Anna, 1001-1050), #2 Olof Skötkonung King of Sweden..

27-511 Godefroi (Godfrey) I de Louvain, "The Bearded", Count of Brabant, Brussels and Louvain, Duke of Lower Lorraine, Margrave of Antwerp 1060-1139

Born Abt. 1060 Lorraine, France - Some sources say Godefroi was born Abt. 1074, but he "died of old age" in 1139, so 1074 is unlikely..

Died 25 Jun 1139 Belgium - Some sources say Godefroi died on 25 Jan 1140 in Jerusalem, but Wikipedia states explicitly that this is an errror..

27-583 Geoffrey Ridel d.1120

Information - He was a Royal Justice. He was a powerful feudal baron..

27-584 Giofu (Geva) d'Avranches, of Chester

Born - Illegitimate..

27-585 William d'Aubigny (de Albini), "Pincerna" (Master butler of the Royal household) 1070-1139

Buried 1139 Wymondham Priory, Norfolk - He founded Wymondham Priory in Norfolk. He was buried there in front of the high altar, where the monks continued for many generations to pray for the soul of "William de Albini, the King's Butler.".

27-586 Maud Bigod 1085-1130

Buried 1130 Church of Wymondham Priory, Norfolk - Maud (le Bigod) d'Aubeney and her husband William d'Aubeney were buried before the high altar in the church of Wymondham Priory, Norfolk..

27-628 Helie "of Burgundy (de Bourgogne), de Toulouse" 1080-1141

Born Nov 1080 - Wikitree says she was born in England, but that seems unlikely..

27-659 Robert de Vipont (de Vieuxpont) 1050-1085

Died 1085 Sainte Suzanne, Mayenne, Pays de la Loire, France - Killed fighting for William, Duke of Normandy &Conqueror of England (1066) against a Norman rebellion led by Vicomte Hubert de Beaumont, during the siege of the castle of Saint Suzanne in Mayenne, France in 1085..

William the Conqueror Aft. 1066 - Robert de Vieuxpont was a companion to William although it's not known if he fought in the 1066 battle. William gave him rich lands in the north of England and then called upon him to intervene again in France in 1085..

27-673 Gruffudd ap Cynan b.1041

Born 1041 - Geni appears to have confused this Gruffudd ap Cynan with another. I`m pretty sure that Ranallt Olafsdottir was the mother of the other..

27-773 Ragnhildir (Ranult, Ragnaillt) Olafsdottir 1026-1055

Husband - There is some dispute whether she married Cynan ap Iago or Cynan ap Idwal. Geni quotes genealogist Darrell Wolcott: she is "the wife of Cynan ap Idwal, and NOT Cynan ap Iago". This seems correct - other data does not match up with Cynan ap Iago..

27-774 Morfydd verch Ednywain Bendew b.1048

Identity - The wife of Owain ap Edwin and mother of Angharad is given by 'Gwynedd and Wales' as a daughter of Angharad ferch Maredudd and Cynfyn ap Gwerystan. But that would make her a half-sister of her husband's aunt. More likely is in Geni: Morfydd ferch Ednywain..

27-778 Haer -

Identity - Not sure that Geni has the right person, so no details here..

27-787 Gwenllian verch Gwyn 1020-1069

Born Abt. 1020 Llechwed Ucha, Caernarvonshire, Wales - Geni gives Gwenllian's birth date as about 977, but this doesn't tie in with other dates, so I have used the date given in Wikitree..

27-788 Rhiwallon ap Cynfyn, Prince of Powys 1024-1070

Died 1070 Mechain, Montgomeryshire, Wales - Killed in the Battle of Mechain by the sons of his half-brother, Gruffudd ap Llewelyn..

27-801 Owain ap Gruffydd, Prince of Deheubarth 1198-1235

Buried 1235 Strata Florida, St. Mary Churchyard Strata Florida, Ceredigion, Wales - Buried by the side of his brother Rhys "Ieuanc" ap Gruffudd. at Strata Florida..

27-819 Mabel Talvas de Belleme, Dame d'Alencon, de Seez, and de Belleme, Countess of Shrewsbury, Lady of Arundel 1026-1079

Died 2 Dec 1079 Castle of Bures on the Dives, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France - Murdered (beheaded) by Hugh Bunel and accomplices..

Information - Mabel was said to be an extremely strong willed woman, shrewd, politically adept, but also cruel - "small, very talkative, ready enough to do evil, shrewd and jocular, extremely cruel and daring.".

27-844 Walden the Engineer (Ingeniator)

Domeday Book 1086 - He was a Domesday tenant-in-chief, holding a scattered feudal barony directly under the king in 1086 in Lincolnshire..

Ingeniator - His second name describes a skill or function, presumably connected to the technical skills used in sieges, particularly to do with siege engines..

27-872 Guiges de Forez d.1241

Born - Birth date 1130 given in Wikitree must be wrong..

27-873 Mahaut (Mathilde) de Lyon et de Forez d.1256

Children - The birth dates given by Wikitree for her children are impossible: Guy 1152, Agnes Abt. 1200. Maybe these dates are way out, or maybe Wikitree has missed a generation?.

27-875 Ada de Mortain, of Tournai b.1109

Born Abt. 1109 Oisy, Namur, Belgium - Wikitree gives a name, Francka, for Ada's mother, but also gives dates that are imposssible. It may simply be that Ada's mother came from France?.

27-889 Isa (Ida) Billung of Saxony, Heiress of Laroche 1035-1102

Born 1035 - Wikitree gives birth date 1046..

27-922 Judith of Bavaria, Duchess of Swabia 1100-1124

Born 19 May 1100 Bavaria, Germany - Wikitree says 1103..

Died 27 Aug 1130 Germany - Wikitree says about 22 Feb 1124 in Hohenstaufen, Goppingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany..

27-932 Hugues de Grandmesnil, Sheriff of Leicester 1032-1094

Battle of Hastings 1066 Battle of Hastings - Hugh is one of the very few proven companions of William the Conqueror known to have fought at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Subsequently, he became a great landowner in England..

Buried 1094 Abbey of St Evrault, Orne, Normandy, France - His body, preserved in salt and sewn up in the hide of an ox, was taken to the Ouche valley in Normandy by two monks. He was buried at the Abbey of St. Evroult by the Abbot Roger on the south side of the Chapter House, near the tomb of Abbot Mainer..

Died 28 Feb 1094 Leicestershire, England - Feeling his end approaching, in accordance with the common practice of the period, he took the habit of a monk, and expired six days after he had taken to his bed on 22 February 1094 at Leicester..

27-933 Adelize de Beaumont-sur-Oise 1040-1087

Born Abt. 1040 - Probably born a few years later ("Abt." dates for the same person from different sources are often a few years out of kilter)..

Died 1087 Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandy,france - Other sources say 11 Jul 1091, but Wikipedia says she died in the same year as William the Conqueror..

27-936 Geoffrey de Mandeville (de Magnaville), Constable of the Tower of London, Sheriff of London and Middlesex d.1100

Magnate - An important Domesday tenant-in-chief, Geoffrey de Mandeville was one of the ten richest magnates of the reign of William the Conqueror. William granted him large estates, primarily in Essex, but in ten other shires as well..

27-938 Eudo FitzHubert (Dapifer) de Rie d.1120

Information - Eudo served 3 kings of England - William the Conqueror, William II, Henry I - and became very powerful. He owned the town of Colchester and several manors. There is a statue of Eudo on Colchester Town Hall in honour of his service to the town..

27-940 Richard Fitz Gilbert, Lord of Clare 1035-1090

Battle of Hastings 1066 - Richard fitz Gilbert participated in the Norman conquest of England. He was rewarded with 176 lordships and large grants of land in England, including the right to build the castles of Clare and of Tonbridge. Parts of the wall of Clare Castle still stand..

27-941 Rohese Giffard d.1113

Domesday Book - Rohese Giffard occurs in Domesday Book as a landowner in her own right..

27-950 Baudouin III -, Comte de Hainaut, Comte de Valenciennes, Graaf van Oosterbant 1088-1120

Died 17 Jun 1120 - Hunting accident..

27-960 Raimond Berenguer II (Ramon Berengar II) -, Comte (Conde) de Barcelona 1054-1082

Identity 1054 - Raimond Berengar II (thepeerage.com) and Ramon Berenguer II (findagrave.com) are clearly the same person. See also "Identity" fact for Robert de Guiscard / de Hauteville..

27-961 Maud (Matilda) Guiscard (or de Hauteville) 1059-1108

Identity 1059 - Maud de Hauteville (thepeerage.com) and Matilda Guiscard (findagrave.com) are clearly the same person. See also "Identity" fact for Robert de Guiscard / de Hauteville..

27-1097 Isabel Bertram

Living 15 Jun 1281 - Isabel was alive on 15 June 1281..

27-1137 Sayer Sutton 1180-1246

Dispute with Meaux Abbey Aft. Abt. 1217 Meaux Abbey, East Riding, Yorkshire, England - Sayer's son Amandus, a novice at Meaux Abbey, died, and gave lands to the Abbey. Sayer refused to confirm the gift. After long acrimonious dispute involving the pope, and in which one of Sayer's serfs was killed by monks, some of the land was recovered..

27-1152 Denise (Dionis) FitzThomas 1230-1284

Born Abt. 1230 England - wikitree gives her father as William FitzWilliam, but this is clearly her grandfather not her father. So the two "Denise FitzWilliam"s in wikitree are the same person, actrually Denise FitzThomas..

27-1155 Peter de Savile 1250-1308

Lunacy 1286 - A lunacy inquisition of 1286 found that Peter was "clearly mad and an idiot", though his illness seems to have been intermittent, with episodes of normality earlier and later..

27-1157 Henry de Rishworth (Risseworth) 1250-1306

Died Abt. 1306 Coley, Yorkshire, England - On his death, Henry's possessions were divided equally between his three daughters..

27-1188 Arnolph (Arnulf) de Montgomery, Earl of Pembroke 1066-1120

Born Abt. 1066 Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales - Maybe earlier - wikitree says 1048..

Died Abt. 1120 Pembroke Castle, Pembrokeshire, Wales - Maybe later - wikitree says 1126..

27-1205 Iwerydd verch Cynfyn b.1022

Died Wales - Death date 1048 given in Geni Family Trees is almost certainly wrong..

27-1206 Cynfyn ap Gwerystan, Arglwydd (Lord) of Cwybr, "The Interim King", King of Powys 985-1033

Died Abt. 1033 - Thought to have been killed by Iago ap Idwel..

Irish-Welsh Connection - 1 - There are connections between our Irish ancestor Sihtric Silkbeard and our Welsh ancestor Cynfyn ap Gwerystan. In the year 1000, Irish king Brian attacked Sitric Silkbeard and evicted him from Dublin...a defeat he overcame in 1014 by killing Brian and ....

Irish-Welsh Connection - 2 - ... retaking Dublin. We suggest a young Cynfyn ap Gwerystan brought a group of Powys men to assist Sitric, and took home a daughter of Sitric as his wife. ... Around 1033 Cynfyn was (probably) killed by Iago ap Idwal, and the remainder of the Powys ....

Irish-Welsh Connection - 3 - ... royal family fled to Ireland where Gruffudd ap Llewelyn and his entourage were given refuge by Sitric Silkbeard. Sitric, about 1039, gave his eldest grand-daughter as wife for the Powys heir, and troops to support Gruffudd's return to Wales..

27-1212 Ernulf (Arnulph, Arnoulf) de Hesdin (Hesding), Seigneur of Hesdin 1040-1097

Domesday Book - Ernulf de Hesdin (Arnulph de Hesding) took part in the Norman conquest of England, was a major landowner in Domesday Book, but nothing is known about his origins except that he came from Hesdin..

27-1217 Matihilde (Matilda) van Vlanderen, of Flanders 1030-1083

Feisty? - When young, Matilda was rumoured to have been in love with the great Saxon thegn Brictric, son of Algar, who declined her advances. Years later, she is said to have confiscated Brictric's lands and thrown him into prison, where he died..

The Mora 1066 - Matilde gave William a ship, the Mora, which was his flagship for the invasion of England..

27-1220 Aubrey (Albericus) I de Vere, "Aubrey the Chamberlain", Sheriff of Berkshire 1030-1112

Hedingham Castle Aft. 1086 Castle Hedingham, Essex, England - The manor of Hedingham was awarded to Aubrey de Vere I by William the Conqueror by 1086. The castle was built by the de Veres in late 11thC and early 12thC. The stone keep is the only medieval structure to survive. It is open to the public. See Gallery..

The de Veres - The immensely rich and powerful de Veres were one of the most important medieval families who, as Lord Great Chamberlains, gave loyal service and military leadership to their kings and queens for over 500 years..

28-13 Reginald Crawford

Born Clydesdale, Lanarkshire, Scotland - wikitree gives birth date Abt. 1110, but son Reginald was born Abt. 1100. This Reginald's birth and death dates have been omitted here..

28-76 Crinan (Crinain) of Dunkeld, Abbot of Dunkeld, Mormaer of Atholl 975-1045

Died 1045 Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland - Kiled in action against MacBeth..

28-78 Siward (Sigurd) Bjornsson, Digera, "Sigurd the Dane", Earl of York, Earl of Northumberland 1020-1055

Macbeth 1054 - Siward's height was 6'7". He led a successful invasion of Scotland, defeating Macbeth and replacing him with Malcolm Canmore <25G-GFather>. In Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, Young Siward was Siward's son Osbjorn Bulax (killed in battle 1054)..

28-91 Edward Aetheling, "The Exile" 1016-1057

Information 1016 Kiev, Ukraine - Ingegerd Olofsdotter (27G-GMother by a different line) may have been involved in saving the life of Edward the Exile (26G-GFather)..

28-92 Agatha Yaroslavna of Kiev 1030-1070

Ancestry - 1 Bef. 1030 - Ancestry of Agatha is disputed - see eg. Wikipedia. Their onomastic (names) analysis, using her children's anglo-saxon names, seems highly unlikely to be correct, since Agatha's children were also children of anglo-saxon Edward..

Ancestry - 2 Bef. 1030 - findagrave.com says Agatha was daughter of King Istvan of Hungary 975-103 and Saint Gisela of Bavaria 1002-1042, but Wikipedia's "Kievan Theory" is more convincing (connection to Edward and Andrew of Hungary via Ingegerd)..

Ancestry - 3 Bef. 1030 - Several chronicles unambiguously state that Agatha's sister was a Queen of Hungary. That almost certainly means she was sister of Andrew of Hungary's wife Anastasia, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise and Ingegerd of Sweden..

Died Aft. 1070 Scotland - Simeon of Durham (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simeon of Durham) carries what appears to be the last reference to her in 1070..

Information 1067 Scotland - Following the Norman conquest of England, in 1067 she fled with her children to Scotland, finding refuge under her future son-in-law Malcolm III..

28-95 Rudolph II de Warenne d.1074

Identity - There were two Rudolphs de Warenne - Rudolph I father (married Beatrice, niece of Gunnora Duchess of Normandy), Rudolph II son (married Emma)..

28-138 Eiall Alexander

Alexander I - Eiall is said to be a niece of King Alexander I of Scotland..

28-139 Sir Henry Sinclair, 3rd Lord of Rosslyn 1110-1180

Born Abt. 1110 Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland - wikitree warns that all Henry's ancestry is suspect unless verified..

28-141 Raghnaill (Ranall) O'Cathain, Prince of Limavady, Lord of the Craebh, Cianachta, and Fir-Li b.1090

Died - Fell through treachery and guile, by the Ui-Eoghain of the Valley..

28-143 Gilchrist O'Neill 1180-1240

Born Abt. 1180 Dalriada, Argyll, Scotland - Gilchrist was a great grandson of the Irish prince Anrothan of the O’Neill line of kings of northern Ireland. In the 11th century Anrothan married the Scottish heiress of the lands of Cowal and Knapdale..

28-248 Anna (Anne) of Bohemia, Duchess of Silesia, High Duchess of Poland 1204-1265

Saint - Anne of Bohemia is venerated as a saint in Poland, but is not canonised by the Catholic church..

28-257 Margaretha -, Countess of Henneberg 1230-1277

Legend of the 365 children - Margaretha was famous for the legend of the 365 children. (An illustration of the level of ignorance and superstition in medieval times)..

28-368 Geoffrey de Clinton, Lord Chamberlain and Treasurer to King Henry I, Sheriff of Warwick 1083-1133

Mother Abt. 1083 - Keats-Rohan (in Domesday People and Domesday Descendants) has proposed that Geoffrey and his brothers were sons of Geoffrey the Chamberlain to the king (presumably William the Conqueror)'s daughter Mathilda..

28-417 Yaroslav (Jarislaus) I Vladimirovich, of Kiev, "The Wise", "The Lame", Grand Prince of Kiev and Novgorod 978-1054

4 Daughters - In Gallery: 11thC fresco of Saint Sophia's Cathedral, Kiev - daughters of Yaroslav, Anne (Anna) wife of Henri I of France probably youngest, Anastasia wife of Andrew I of HungaryElizabeth wife of Harald Hardradi, possibly Agatha wife of Edward the Exile..

28-418 Saint Anna (Princess Ingegerd) Olofsdotter, Grand Princess of Kiev 1001-1050

Information 1016 Kiev, Ukraine - Ingegerd Olofsdotter (27G-GMother) may have been involved in saving the life of Edward the Exile (26G-GFather by a different line)..

28-431 Athon de Courtenay, de Chateaurenard 985-1045

Died Abt. 1045 Courtenay, Loiret, France - Could have been earlier - also recorded as Aft. 1039..

28-434 Hodierne de Gometz-la-Ferte, Jourdaine de la Ferte 1014-1074

Died 7 Dec 1074 La Ferte Alais, Essonne, Ile-de-France, France - Wikipedia says death was in 1108..

28-441 Herleva de Falaise 1012-1050

Information 1028 - One of Robert I's many mistresses, but definitely recorded as the mother of William the Conqueror..

28-448 Almodis de la Marche 1020-1071

Died 1071 Spain - Almodis was murdered by one of her sons, who was then excommunicated and disinherited. Barcelona was then split between her two twin sons - but one murdered the other..

Marriage Career - Almodis de la Marche was famed for her marriage career, in particularly for her third marriage to Ramon Berenguer I, Count of Barcelona, with whom she committed double bigamy in 1053, and for which the Pope had them excommunicated..

28-449 Etienne (Stephen) de Penthievre, Count Of Treguier, 3rd Lord of Richmond 1065-1136

Born 1065 Penthievre, Departement du Morbihan, Bretagne, France - (or maybe earlier).

28-592 Meredith verch Myrrdin 1058-1093

Born Abt. 1058 Methley, Yorkshire, England - wikitree says born 1038 but other sources say Abt. 1058 (much more likely)..

28-593 Gislebert (Gilbert) de Gand (Gaunt, Ghent) 1048-1095

Born Abt. 1048 Flanders, Belgium - thepeerage.com says Gibert's father is Baldwin IV of Flanders, but dates suggest Wikipedia is correct, saying his parents are Ralph, Lord of Aalst near Ghent, and Gisele of Luxembourg (Baldwin IV's sister-in-law)..

Domesday Book - Gilbert of Ghent, in the Domesday Book, has titles of 172 English manors (most in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire) but also within 14 shires where there were estates including York, Derby, Huntingdonshire, Leicestershire and Cambridgeshire..

28-628 Ermengarde (Ermisende) d'Anjou, Duchess of Aquitaine, Duchess of Brittany d.1146

Died 1 Jun 1146 Israel -or- Redon, Brittany, France - Ermengarde was buried in Redon Abbey, but the place of her death is unclear. She may have died in Redon, or she may have died on crusade in Israel and been brought back to Redon for burial..

28-686 William Malet, Lord of Graville, High Sheriff of Yorkshire, High Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk d.1071

Battle of Hastings - Fought in the Battle of Hastings in 1066, where he accompanied William the Conqueror. He was given King Harold's body for burial..

Family - William Malet's parents are unknown, but he is said to be the brother of Aelgifu, my 28xG-GMother, daughter-in-law of Lady Godiva..

28-694 "Godehaut (Godeheut, Godehilde)" Barcelona 1000-1077

Identity Abt. 1000 - The careless identification of the two wives of Roger de Tosny as one person has sometimes resulted in the false attribution of Godehilde as a daughter of Ramon Borrell. (wikitree).

28-718 Ethelfleda verch Edwyn 963-1044

Born 963 Dynevor, Llandyfeisant, Carmarthenshire, Wales - Geni Family Trees gives Ethelfleda's father as Eadwine Earl of Mercia, but from their birth dates this is not possible..

28-764 Goisfrid (Geoffrey) de Bec b.1115

Information - Comments in wikitree suggest that Goisfrid did exist, but that his relationships to others are incorrect. ie, that he is not Walter's father..

28-766 Hugh Dapifer FitzPincheon

Was Hugh a psychopath? - 1 - Falsehood with him was an easy task, and he was wonderfully skilful in making people believe his lies. He held deceit to be a virtue, and he employed it against his master, who had been very kind to him. [from Simeon of Durham].

Was Hugh a psycopath? - 2 - Hugh also captured people for ransom. If he didn't get his way, he would "appear like a second Triphon". Tryphon was a usurper of the Syrian throne. "Tryphon, by treason and successive wars, gained supreme power, killed Antiochus and assumed the throne.".

28-822 Iago ab Idwal, King of Gwynedd 1005-1039

Born Abt. 1005 Malltraeth, Isle Of Anglesey, Wales - Wikipedia and Gwynedd and Wales give Iago's ancestry as ab Idwal ap Meurig ap Idwal Foel. Geni gives an extra generation: ab Idwal ab Elisedd ap Meurig ap Idwal Foel. Geni looks more likely (dates)..

Died 1039 Aberffraw, Isle Of Anglesey - Murdered by Gruffydd ap Llewelyn - or - killed by his own men..

28-824 Olaf (Amlaib, Afloed) Sihtricsson (mac Sihtric), King of Dublin 995-1034

Died 1034 en route to Rome - Killed by "Saxons" en route to Rome on pilgrimage..

Ransom 1029 - When Olaf (Amlaib) was captured by Mathghamhain Ua Riagain, Lord of Brega, the ransom was 1280 cows, 140 British horses, 60 ounces of gold and of silver, the sword of Carlus, and many hostages..

28-837 Cadell ab Einion b.980

Died - Geni dates Cadell's death as 993 at the Battle of Llangwm. But Cadell appearss not to have been involved in the battle, which was between Eidwal ap Meurig and Maredydd ap Owain, and Cadell's son Tudur Mawr was born some years later..

28-838 Elinor verch Gwerystan 980-1041

Born Abt. 980 Powys, Wales - Geni has some different birth dates and places for Elinor. Their "Birth: ABT 980 in Powys, Wales" fits best with other sources. Elinor would have been born in Powys not in Dinefwr Castle, as her father Gwerystan ap Gwaethfoed was King of Powys..

28-842 Madog Eidio (Idio) Wyllt Y Golwg Goch ap Sutric, "The Wild Steer", "Red Eyes", of Llywel 1065-1105

From Ireland - 1 Abt. 1090 - This Irishman is said to have come to Brycheiniog about 1090 (in his mid-20`s) to assist his uncle Rhys ap Tewdwr in his attempts to expel the Norman, Bernard Newmarch. For this he was granted the manor of Llywel in Brecknock`s Cantref Mawr. Rhanillt, ....

From Ireland - 2 Abt. 1090 - ..the lady who married the refugee from Gwynedd, Cynan ap Idwal, was Eidio`s aunt. Although Brecknock was lost to Newmarch in 1093, Eidio and his descendants continued to hold Llywel. Other branches of his family later settled in neighboring Ystrad Tywy ...

From Ireland - 3 Abt. 1090 - ..at Perfedd, Cantref Bychan and in Caeo, Cantref Mawr. Eidio married Elen ferch Drymboenig of Brecknockher father was a younger brother of Bleddyn, king of Brycheiniog until he and Rhys ap Tewdwr were killed by Newmarch in 1093. Elen was born c. 1080,..

From Ireland - 4 Abt. 1090 - ..so her marriage to Eidio would have been after Newmarch`s final conquest. This suggests that both Drymboenig and Eidio were able to remain alive and keep possession of at least some of their lands by acknowledging Newmarch as their new Lord..

28-847 Gruffydd ap Rhys 1157-1201

A Turbulent Life - Gruffydd ap Rhys had a bitter feud with his brother Maelgwn. Imprisoned Maelgwn, later Maelgwn imprisoned him. After his release, he recaptured most of Ceredigion from Maelgwn..

28-862 Iestyn ap Gwrgan, King of Glywysing and Gwent, Brenin of Glamorgan, the last King of Morgannwg 1040-1093

Kingdom Abt. 1090 Morgannwg (Glamorgan and Monmouthshire) - Iestyn, after a dispute with his rival Einion ap Collwyn, invited Robert Fitzhamon (a Norman, Lord of Gloucester)and his twelve knights into the region to settle the matter. Naturally, once invited in, they refused to leave. They deposed Iestyn in c.1090..

28-867 Hamo de Creully, "Bucktooth" (Dentatus) d.1047

Died Abt. 1047 Val-es-Dunes - Killed by Duke William (later William the Conqueror) at the Battle of Val-ès-Dunes..

28-868 Roger I de Montgomery, Seigneur of Montgomery, Vicomte de l'Hiemois 984-1040

Brothers - All four of Roger's brothers were murdered in revenge for the murder of Osberne de Crepon, guardian of Duke William. Roger was the survivor..

Died Aft. 1040 Paris, France - Exiled..

28-871 Hildeburg of Holland, de Beaumont 985-1067

Died Abt. 1067 Alencon, Normandie, France - Strangled by order of her husband..

28-872 Hugh (Hugues) de Beauchamp, Viscount Stafford d.1141

Born Abt. 1050? - Geni gives birth date about 1087 but that is too late to fit with known ancestors/descendants..

28-873 Matilda (Adeliza) de Taillebois (Tailbois, Talvas)

Born Abt. 1050? - Geni gives birth date about 1092 but that is too late to fit with known ancestors/descendants..

28-874 Urso (Urse) d'Abitot, "The Bear", "The Notorious Sheriff", Baron of Salwarpe and Elmley, Sheriff of Worcestershire 1040-1108

Rapacious - Urse was known for his acquisitiveness, and during William II's reign was considered second only to Ranulf Flambard, another royal official, in his rapacity..

28-885 Maud de Ingelrica 1032-1083

William the Conqueror 1048 Falaise, Calvados, Normandy, France - Maud is reputed to have had an affair (and a child William "Elder" Peverel) with William the Conqueror..

28-895 Mary -

Information - Name is either Mary FitzEustace or Mary FitzEustace or FitzRichard Clavering de Lacy..

28-924 Pierre de Courtenay, Comte de Nevers et d'Auxerre, Marquis de Namur, Emperor of Constantinople 1158-1219

Died Abt. Jun 1219 Epirus, Turkey - After being crowned Emperor of Constantinople, Pierre was captured in the Albanian mountains by Theodoros Angelos Lord of Epirus, and disappeared. For years. It was finally confirmed that he had died in 1219..

28-936 Gertrude (Petronilla) of Lorraine d.1144

Born France - Born Gertrude, she renamed herself Petronilla..

28-941 Ludwig II von Arnstein d.1130

Born Arnstein, Bayern, Germany - Wikitree says birth date 1099, but it must have been earlier if father's and son's dates are correct..

28-994 Adele (Adelais) Gournay 1010-1099

Died 8 Apr 1099 Hinckley, Leicestershire, England - Her son-in-law Hugh de Grandmesnil was sheriff of Leicester..

28-998 Gilbert (Giselbert) de Brionne, 2nd Count of Eu, 2nd Count of Brionne 1000-1040

Died Abt. 1040 Duchy of Normandy, France - Murdered while he was peaceably riding near Eschafour..

28-999 Walter Giffard, Lord of Longueville 1010-1085

Battle of Hastings 1066 Hastings, Sussex, England - Walter Giffard was one of the 15 or so known companions of William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings. He provided 30 ships for William's invasion fleet. He declined to carry William's standard in the battle, as he wanted both hands free to fight..

28-1005 Judith Montanolier 995-1017

Died 16 Jun 1017 Mainstone, Shropshire, England - Wikitree gives location as "Maidstone, Shropshire". This is surely Mainstone, Shropshire..

Mother 995 - Wikitree gives Judith's mother as Gunnora de Crepon, but Gunnora was born in 936, 59 years before Judith..

28-1026 Robert de Guiscard (or de Hauteville), "Black Shirt Robert", Count and Duke of Apulia, Calabria and Sicily 1022-1085

Identity 1022 - Robert de Guiscard (findagrave.com) and Robert de Hauteville (thepeerage.com) are clearly the same person (same dates, wife, parents)..

28-1027 Sigelgaita (Sichelgaita, Sikelgaita) of Salerno, Duchess of Apulia 1040-1090

Information - Known for her bravery, she commanded troops in her own right, wearing full armour..

28-1032 Guy de Poitiers, Guillaume VI Count of Poitou, Guillaume VIII Duke of Aquitaine 1024-1086

Name change 1058 - Changed his name to Guillaume de Poitou, on the death of his elder brother Guillaume..

28-1057 Gerhard II -, Graf von Egisheim 1050-1098

Born Abt. 1050 Egisheim, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France - Our Royal Titled Noble and Commoner Ancestors and Cousins may have confused Gerhard II von Egisheim and Gerhard I von Vaudemont..

28-1058 Petronilla of Verdun 1012-1098

Born Abt. 1012 - Named Richarda in Our Royal Titled Noble and Commoner Ancestors and Cousins.

28-1060 Robert FitzHarding de Berkeley, "The Devout", 1st feudal baron of Berkeley 1095-1170

Berkeley family - 1 - The Berkeley family is an aristocratic English family, nearly unique in English history in that it has to this day an unbroken male line of descent from a noble Anglo-Saxon ancestor (Robert Fitzharding, 1st feudal baron of Berkeley) ....

Berkeley family - 2 - ... before the Norman conquest of England in 1066 and also retains possession of much of the lands it held from the 11th and 12th centuries, centred on Berkeley Castle in Gloucestershire, which still belongs to the family..

28-1062 Owain ap Caradog, King of Gwent 1075-1116

Born about 1075 Castell Arnallt, Monmouthsgire, Wales - Wikitree gives Owain's mother as Gwenilian ferch Bleddyn, but her given birth date 1070 makes this impossible..

28-1195 Laurette de St Valerie 1163-1190

Born 1163 Normandie, France - thepeerage.com says Renaud de St Valerie is Laurette's father. wikitree says he is her grandfather, giving dates. wikitree has been followed here..

28-1204 Sir Robert de Thweng, "Will Wither" ("William the Angry") 1208-1268

The rebellion of Will Wither - 1 Aft. Easter 1232 Yorkshire, England - Robert de Thweng had a dispute with the Prior of Gisborough, claiming that the Prior had dishonestly tried to gain control of the parish. He was angered by what he saw as the imposition of foreign (Italian) priests. ....

The rebellion of Will Wither - 2 Aft. Easter 1232 Yorkshire, England - ... When he had exhausted all ecclesiastical routes of appeal, he turned to rebellion, and raided church properties, especially those belonging to foreign churchmen, using the name Will Wither (‘William the Angry’), and gave the spoils to the poor. ....

The rebellion of Will Wither - 3 Aft. Easter 1232 Yorkshire, England - ... He was excommunicated by the Papal Legate in England, Cardinal Otto. He was given support by the great northern Magnate families: Percy, Neville, Fitz-Randolph, de Vesci, de Maulay, de Menyll, de Roos and de Brus (all are names in this tree). ....

The rebellion of Will Wither - 4 Aft. Easter 1232 Yorkshire, England - ... He took his case to King Henry III of England who gave him letters of recommendation to Pope Gregory IX. The Pope ruled in his favour, bringing the rebellion of Will Wither to an end..

28-1207 Jean d'Aubigny b.1165

Father Bef. 1165 - Amandus Lord Sutton first of that name married a daughter of Albany Earle of Arundell (Sutton pedigree in the Visitations of Norfolk), but which Earl of Arundell cannot be identified..

28-1225 Sir Robert de Ros of Helmsley, Baron Ros of Wark 1170-1227

Information 1215 - He was one of the twenty-five barons to guarantee the observance of Magna Carta, sealed by King John on 15 Jun 1215..

28-1226 Isabella mac William b.1165

Born Abt. 1165 - Illegitimate..

28-1242 Gwenllian (Gwenlynn) Mechyll

Arms of the House of Dinefwr - Gwenllian became heiress of her grandfather Rhys Gryg. The inheritance included the arms of the House of Dinefwr (Gules, a lion rampant or within a bordure). Her husband Gilbert Talbot adopted the arms in honour of his wife "a great princess"..

28-1274 Adeline (Adelina) "de Beaugency, de Presles" d.1090

Born France - Wikitree says birth date is Abt. 1090, but this must be her death date..

Died Abt. 1090 - See comment re birth date..

28-1277 Trahaearn ap Caradog, King of Gwynedd 1044-1081

Died 1081 Mynydd Carn, Pembrokeshire, Wales - Died in the Battle of Mynydd Carn..

28-1279 Constance d'Arles, de Taillefer 973-1032

Died 25 Jul 1032 Melun, Departement de Seine-et-Marne, Ile-de-France, France - (or 28 Jul 1032).

28-1283 Ethylfreda ferch Sitric Silkbeard 1000-1022

Died Abt. 1022 - Probably died in childbirth, on the birth of Iwerydd..

28-1285 Walter de Beauchamp 990-1068

Born abt 990 Normandie, France - wikitree says 1007, but Abt. 990 looks more likely..

28-1292 Walkelin (Walchelinde, Walcheline) de Ferrieres (Ferrers) d.1045

Died 1045 - Killed in combat with Hugh I de Montfort (also our ancestor). Both were killed..

28-1300 Gospatric of Dunbar, Earl of Northumbria, Lord of Allerdale and Carlisle 1040-1074

Counter to Malcolm III - 1 Abt. 1070 Northumberland, England - Even though Gospatric had rebelled against William the Conqueror in 1068, William understood and valued Gospatric's stability and stature with the people of the North and at an early opportunity ....

Counter to Malcolm III - 2 Abt. 1070 Northumberland, England - ... reinstated Gospatric's authority on the English border in Northumberland as a counter to King Malcolm III of Scotland whom William perceived as an unreliable "powder keg"..

28-1301 Robert de Meinill 1070-1135

Born Abt. 1070 Whorlton, Yorkshire, England - Robert de Meinill is the first member of this family in England of whom there is a record. Robert is probably of Norman extraction..

28-1303 Maredudd ab Owain, King of Deheubarth, King of Gwynedd, King of Powys, King of the Britons 945-999

Viking Raids about 986 to 999 - Viking raids were a problem in all of Maredudd's reign. In 987, Godfrey Haroldson raided Anglesey, supposedly killing 1,000 and taking 2,000 captivesMaredudd was said to have paid a huge ransom (a silver penny each) for the freedom of the hostages..

28-1305 Hugh d'Avranches, 1st Earl of Chester, Vicomte d'Avranches 1047-1101

Information 1066 Battle of Hastings - In 1066 he contributed 60 ships to the invasion of England, but did not fight at the Battle of Hastings..

28-1306 Sir Gaulter Somerville b.1030

Progenitor of the Somervilles 1066 - Tradition says Sir Gaulter arrived with William the Conqueror in 1066, was granted lands for his services, and is the common ancestor of all the Somervilles in England, Scotland, and America..

29-13 Sir Gregan Crawford d.1120

Born - wikitree gives his father as Reginald Crawford, plus several more generations, but the dates look highly suspect, so this tree stops here..

29-58 Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, King of Wales, King of the Britons 1007-1064

King of Wales 1056 - Gruffydd was the only Welsh king ever to rule over the whole of Wales. From about 1057 until his death in 1063, Wales was one, under one ruler, a feat with neither precedent nor successor. From 1053 and 1063, Wales had no internal strife and was at peace..

29-83 Duncan O'Neill, Mormaer of Atholl

Battle of Luncarty Abt. 990 Luncarty, Perthshire, Scotland - Duncan fought in the Battle of Luncarty circa 990, where he commanded the left wing, and where the Danes were so crushingly defeated that their raids on that part of what subsequently became Perthshire, ceased..

29-85 Aeldred (Ealdred) of Bernicia, Earl of Bernicia, Earl of Bambaugh d.1038

Died 1038 - Murdered. Aeldred's father Uhtred was murdered by Thurbrand. Aeldred killed Thurbrand. Thurbrand's son Carl then murdered Aeldred. Aeldred's son-in-law Sigurd then murdered Aeldred's other heirs, so that he could inherit. They were a violent lot!.

29-86 Gille Coemgain, King of Moray

Died - Burned to death, together with 50 of his men..

29-106 Harald Gudrodsson, "The Black" 980-1040

Died Abt. 1040 - wikitree gives location Stamford Bridge Yorkshire England. The battle of Stamford Bridge was in 1066. It seems unlikely that Harald died in Stamford Bridge in 1040 (or in 1066 age about 86)..

29-111 Ragnhild Magnussdatter, Princess of Norway 1037-1070

Born 1037 Norway - Illegitimate..

29-133 Helias de Dundas 1140-1165

Dundas - He had in the reign of King David I confirmation of lands of Dundas, and asumed that name..

29-136 Robert de Muschamp, Baron of Wooler 1067-1131

Born Abt. 1067 Ilkeston, Derbyshire - wikitree gives a Thomas de Muschamp as Robert's father, but the dates are impossible..

29-145 Sir Alexander Carron, "Schyrmeschur", 1st Constable of Dundee 1090-1160

Scrimgeour 1107 - Alexander was given the name Schyrmeschur by King Alexander I of Scotland for his outstanding swordsmanship. He was also given the hereditary honour of carrying the Royal Standard..

29-178 Wierchoslawa Ludmilla Miszkowna Piast, of Poland, Lady of Bitsch, Duchess of Lorraine 1152-1223

Gniezno Doors Abt. 1180 Gniezno Cathedral, Gniezno, Poland - Wierzchosława Ludmilla became the contact between the French and Polish artistic representatives. One of the theories about the building of the famous Gniezno Doors states that thanks to her efforts, around 1180 the Doors came to her father's court..

29-214 Enguerrand de Boves 1155-1224

Identity - Wikipedia says Ada's father was "Enguerrand II de Coucy, Seigneur de Boves, uncle of Robert de Coucy". This appears not to be the Enguerand II de Coucy killed in the 2nd crusade..

29-232 Arnold (III) von Kleve 1155-1200

Born Abt. 1155 Kleve, Rheinland, Prussia - Wikitree says birth Abt. 1171, Wikipedia says Abt. 1155 (entry for Dietrich II, Count of Cleves). 1155 looks more likely..

29-380 "Wevia (Weva, Avelina)" de Crepon 954-1037

Parents - In both sources Avelina is sister of Gunnora, who is identified by findagrave.com (see Gunnor de Crepon in this tree) as daughter of Harald I Bluetooth and Gynrthe Olafsdottir. All other facts (dates, spouse, etc) match completely..

29-390 Matilda - 1061-1086

Born Abt. 1061 - Matilda was born around 1061, died perhaps about 1086. Mentioned in Domesday Book as a daughter of William..

29-405 Roger de Toeni, "The Spaniard" 990-1039

Died 31 May 1039 Vielles, Normandy, France - Killed in battle against a neighbouring noble whose territory he had overrun in a revolt against the succession of King William I of England to his father's Norman possessions on the grounds that William was illegitimate..

29-407 William Pantulf 1036-1112

Suspected of murder 2 Dec 1079 Castle of Bures on the Dives, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France - William was suspected of the murder of Roger de Montgomery's wife Mabel de Belleme (in this tree), and fled. Later he cleared himself of the charge..

29-408 Lesceline (Leclina) de Normandie 1065-1112

Born Abt. 1065 Normandy, France - Lesceline has been said to be a child of Guillaume de Normandie (around 1020 to after 1054) but Charles Cawley, a major authority for persons in this time and place, states that "no record has been found of his having left descendants.".

29-427 William I of Provence, Count of Provence, Count of Arles 950-993

Born Abt. 950 - Other sites give different parents, but Wikipedia looks more reliable..

29-430 Rogneda Rogvolodovna, of Polotsk 962-1002

Information - The nationalist Russian opera Rogneda by Alexander Serov, which premiered in 1865, was about this Rogneda. [Wikipedia].

29-447 Richard II -, "The Good", 4th Duke of Normandy 963-1026

Protected 996 Normandy - Richard was a minor when his father died. His half-uncle Raoul d'Ivry (also our ancestor) then helped Richard`s mother Gunnor quell rebellions in order to protect Richard's inheritance..

29-452 William I de Gometz-la-Ferte, Seigneur de Bures 980-1060

Born Abt. 980 Essonne, Ile-de-France, France - Geni gives birth date Abt. 993, but this seems too late..

29-473 Hubert de Rie, Intendant de Normandie 1005-1086

Helped William the Conqueror - 1 1047 Ryes (Rie), Bayeux, Basse Normandie, France - in 1047 young Duke William of Normandy, later William the Conqueror, took refuge from enemy conspirators in Castle Rie when just 20 years old. He was the bastard son of Duke Robert II and as his eldest, if illegitimate, son, he had claimed the throne. ....

Helped William the Conqueror - 2 1047 Ryes (Rie), Bayeux, Basse Normandie, France - ... Baron Hubert, master of the manor, had his three older sons convey William back to his castle of Falaise, about 45 miles to the south-east of Rie, avoiding the enemy by their superior knowledge of the terrain. Hubert joined William at the conquest ...

Helped William the Conqueror - 3 1047 Ryes (Rie), Bayeux, Basse Normandie, France - ... of England in 1066 with all 4 of his sons. After a few years, the Conqueror named him the Royal "Intendant" or Steward of Normandy and sent him back to France to manage William's interests there and put down any attempts to usurp his ducal throne ....

Helped William the Conqueror - 4 1047 Ryes (Rie), Bayeux, Basse Normandie, France - ... while he was consolidating his power in England. Baron Hubert, by now at least 60 years old, obeyed. He never returned to England. His sons were magnificently rewarded by King William, in England..

29-479 Hugh de Montfort 1072-1124

Name and inheritance - On account of his mother being so great an heiress, he assumed the name of Montfort and inherited all the possessions of his grandfather, Hugh, who came with William, the Conqueror. (wikitree).

29-545 William I de Percy, "aux Gernons" (with whiskers), 1st feudal baron of Topcliffe 1034-1096

Algernon - William's nickname "als gernons" or "aux gernons" (meaning "with whiskers") was later used to form the first name Algernon, frequently used by the Percy family. [William, a Norman nobleman, came to England immediately after the Norman Conquest of 1066.].

29-546 Emma de Port 1038-1096

A Saxon Lady - Emma's husband, William de Percy, appears in Domesday as a great landowner, holding 30 knight's fees, including some lands which had belonged to a Saxon lady, whom, "as very heire to them, in discharging of his conscience," he afterwards married..

29-631 Ermengarde d'Anjou 1018-1076

Died 18 Mar 1076 Church of Saint-Fleurey-sur-Ouche - Murdered..

29-632 Jean de Beaugency, Seigneur de la Fleche 1030-1097

Born 1030 Beaugency, Departement du Loiret, Centre, France - FindAGrave says b.1030 son of Lancelin and grandson of Landry. Geni says b.1042 son of Landry. Either could be correct..

29-636 Guy (Wido) I -, Comte de Montreuil and Ponthieu 1030-1101

Born Abt. 1030 Alencon, Orne, Basse-Normandie, France - Wikitree says Guy was born Abt. 1035, Wikipedia says mid to late 1020s..

Father Abt. 1030 - Wikitree says Guy's father was Enguerrand son of Hugh II, but Wikipedia says Guy was Enguerrand's brother. Dates for Wikitree's version are almost impossible..

Harold, William, and the Bayeux Tapestry - 1 1064, 1066 - In 1064, Harold Godwinson, the Earl of Wessex, was shipwrecked on the shores of Ponthieu and captured by Count Guy who took him to his castle of Beaurain and then delivered him to Duke William. Harold was not released from Normandy until he had sworn ....

Harold, William, and the Bayeux Tapestry - 2 1064, 1066 - ... on the Holy Relics to aid Duke William to the English throne. (This story is pictured prominently in the Bayeux Tapestry where Guy is called Wido). In 1066, Harold accepted the crown of England when Edward died, thus precipitating the Norman Conquest..

29-637 Ada d'Amiens 1030-1066

Parents Abt. 1030 - Wikitree says Ada's parents were Alan de Cornouaille and Berthe de Blois, but this does not agree with any other sources. Wikitree has confused Berthe with Berthe de Blois who married Alain III de Rennes not Alain de Cornouaille. Ada's parents are unknown..

29-647 Richard Scrob, "the Crab", Sheriff of Worcester 1020-1067

French Bef. 1066 - Richard was one of the few Frenchmen (maybe Norman) who came to England before 1066. He came during the reign of Edward the Confessor, ie. between 1042 and 1066. Richard joined the Norman cause and fought against Eadric the Wild in Herefordshire..

Richard's Castle Bef. 1051 Richard's Castle, Shropshire-Herefordshire - Richard's Castle is a village on the Shropshire-Hertfordshire border named after the castle built by Richard before 1051. The castle was a motte-and-bailey style construction, one of only three or four castles of this type built before the Norman conquest..

29-676 Gilbert Montgomery 1020-1063

Died 1063 Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England - Murdered. He was claimed by Orderic to have been poisoned by his sister-in-law Mabel de Belleme (in this tree)..

29-688 Sihtric (Sigtrygg) Olafsson, "Silkbeard", King of Dublin 960-1042

Information - Sigtrygg established Ireland's first mint, in Dublin..

Irish-Welsh Connection - 1 - There are connections between our Irish ancestor Sihtric Silkbeard and our Welsh ancestor Cynfyn ap Gwerystan. In the year 1000, Irish king Brian attacked Sitric Silkbeard and evicted him from Dublin...a defeat he overcame in 1014 by killing Brian and ....

Irish-Welsh Connection - 2 - ... retaking Dublin. We suggest a young Cynfyn ap Gwerystan brought a group of Powys men to assist Sitric, and took home a daughter of Sitric as his wife. ... Around 1033 Cynfyn was (probably) killed by Iago ap Idwal, and the remainder of the Powys ....

Irish-Welsh Connection - 3 - ... royal family fled to Ireland where Gruffudd ap Llewelyn and his entourage were given refuge by Sitric Silkbeard. Sitric, about 1039, gave his eldest grand-daughter as wife for the Powys heir, and troops to support Gruffudd's return to Wales..

29-690 Idwal ab Elisedd b.975

Born Abt. 975 - Geni gives one more generation (Idwal ab *Elisedd* ap Meurig) than Gwynedd and Wales. Geni's version is used, as the dates are more credible..

29-773 Edryd ab Inethan 1005-1056

Father - Geni gives Edryd's father as Aeddan ab lasedd, but his father's name should be Inethan. mostyn.com identifies his father as Inethan ap Iaseth, and this is clearly the same person..

29-787 Einion ap Owain, Prince of Deheubarth 940-984

Battles 966 to 984 - Einion helped King Iago of Gwynedd to drive the Irish and their Danish allies from Wales in 966. But in 967 he invaded Gower on a pretext, and ended up fighting many battles with various others including the English. In 984 he was killed "by treachery"..

29-808 Sir Payn de Turberville, "The Demon" 1090-1129

Legend of the Ghostly Coach - According to legend, a ghostly coach crosses the bridge by Woolbridge Manor near Wool, Dorset at night, carrying John Turberville of Woolbridge and Anne, the daughter of Thomas Howard, 1st Viscount Howard of Bindon, on their elopement..

Tess of the d'Urbevilles - The d'Urberville family in Thomas Hardy's novel Tess of the d'Urbervilles, was based on the mediaeval Turberville family of Bere Regis, Dorset..

Turberville History - The name Turbeville came to England with the ancestors of the Turbeville family in the Norman Conquest of 1066. There is more information in "Turbeville History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms" - (from houseofnames.com)..

Twelve Knights of Glamorgan Abt. 1090 Morgannwg (Glamorgan and Monmouthshire) - Sir Payn was one of the legendary "Twelve Knights of Glamorgan". For this to be correct, some dates must be wrong - the knights acted "about 1090", supposedly the year Sir Payn was born. See also Robert Fitzhamon and Iestyn ap Gwrgan in this tree.

29-812 Josceline - 960-1050

Born about 960 France - She is believed to have been a niece of Duchess Gunnora, wife of Richard I, Duke of Normandy, perhaps daughter of Senfria..

29-820 Rudolph I de Warenne

Identity - There were two Rudolphs de Warenne - Rudolph I father (married Beatrice, niece of Gunnora Duchess of Normandy), Rudolph II son (married Emma)..

29-822 Ralph IV Vexin of Valois, Count of Valois (Crepy), Bar-sur-Aube, Vitry, Montdidier, Vexin (Mantes), Amiens, Tardenois, Suzerain of 7 more counties 1025-1074

Born Abt. 1025 Normandy, France - In Wikitree, he is Raoul III, in Wikipedia Ralph IV - but definitely the same person..

29-840 Eustace II -, "Aux Gernons" ("with Moustaches"), Count of Boulogne 1015-1087

Bayeux Tapestry Abt. 1070 Made in England - Eustace is one of the few proven companions of William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings. He appears in the Bayeux Tapestry, and it has been suggested that Eustace was the patron of the Bayeux Tapestry..

29-844 Ilbert Lacy, 1st Baron Pontefract, 1st Lord Bowland 1045-1090

Norman Conquest - 1 Abt. 1069 Pontefract, Yorkshire, England - Ilbert was with William the Conqueror at Senlac. For his services, he received the castle and town of Brokenbridge (name converted into French "Pontefract") .. with other lands of vast extent. At the time of the Domesday survey he possessed 170 lordships..

Norman Conquest - 2 Abt. 1069 Pontefract, Yorkshire, England - "And thus it was throughout the country, the former proprietors were dispossessed, while a Norman lord and his followers shared the plunder, the intruders putting their feet upon the neck of the conquered Saxons.".

29-845 Hawise l'Arcedeckne b.1049

Born Abt. 1049 Cheshire, England - Name l'Arcedeckne suggests that Hawise was daughter of an archdeacon. Presumably Norman not Saxon..

29-857 Hedwig von Flinsbach 1047-1112

Father - FindAGrave.com says Hedwi's father might be Bernard II Billung von Sachsen Duke of Saxony (in this tree), but the dates are a bit of a stretch and there seems to be no supporting evidence. Wikitree has a different Bernard (accepted)..

29-886 Ermengarde of Lorraine 975-1033

Born Between 970 and 975 - Sources call her "Ermengarde of Lower-Lorraine" and "Adelaide of France" but from the relationships (children's names) they are clearly the same person..

29-906 William I -, Count of Eu, Count of Hiemois 978-1057

Born 978 - Illegitimate..

29-910 Hilduin II -, Count of Montreuil, Montdidier, Rameru, & Ponthieu, Count of Arcis-sur-Aube d.992

Identity - Charlemagne chart shows Hilduin father of Rotgaire d.957 and Manasses d.1037 (not possible). Manasses must have been son of Rotgaire's brother Hilduin..

29-932 Thorold (Touroude, Torulf, Turulf) de Pont-Audemer, Seigneur de Pont-Audemer, Baron de Tourvile 954-1032

Born Aft. 954 Harcourt, Normandie, France - wikitree says b.949..

29-953 Baldwinus VI -, "The Peaceable", Graaf van Vlaanderen 1030-1070

Born 1030 - Brother-in-Law of William the Conqueror..

29-960 Gilberga, aka Ermesinda de Conserans, de Aragon 1015-1049

Name change 22 Aug 1036 - Changed her name to Ermesinda.

29-966 Ida (Itha) of Formbach-Ratelnberg 1055-1101

Died Sep 1101 Heraclea Cybistra - She was known as one of the great beauties of her day. She raised and led her own army toward Jerusalem in the crusade of 1101. She is reported as having been killed in an ambush by the sultan Kilij Arslan I..

29-974 Sancha Sanchez

Identity 1021 - thepeerage.com says Sancha Sanchez is daughter of Garcia II Sanchez, Comte d'Aragon and Jimera Fernandez. The findagrave.com ancestry looks more reliable and has been used..

29-991 Aimery IV de Thouars, Viscount of Thouars 1024-1094

Battle of Hastings 1066 Hastings - He accompanied William the Conqueror to Hastings, and commanded a corps in the battle..

29-1004 Harding FitzEadnoth of Merriot, Sheriff of Bristol 1060-1125

Domesday Book entry 1086 Merriott Manor, Crewkerne Hundred, Somerset, England - In the Domesday Book, Harding was a living landowner, but his father had held much more land before the Norman conquest. Harding's principal holding was the manor of Merriot in the Crewkerne Hundred. Much of his father's land had gone to Hugh of Chester..

29-1006 Estmond -

Identity - Wikitree gives Eve FitzEstmond's parents as Estmond FitzEadnoth and Godiva of Normandy. Her parents names were Estmond and Godiva, but probably that is all that is known about them. This Godiva is not the famous Lady Godiva..

29-1007 Godiva -

Identity - Wikitree gives Eve FitzEstmond's parents as Estmond FitzEadnoth and Godiva of Normandy. Her parents names were Estmond and Godiva, but probably that is all that is known about them. This Godiva is not the famous Lady Godiva..

29-1024 Thomas de Saundford

Information - Thomas came over with William the Conqueror. The Shropshire Guardian and Shrewsbury Herald of 4 dec 1886 gives a lot of Sandford family information..

29-1027 Emma of Brittany 1034-1094

Born Abt. 1034 - [There are two different "Emma of Brittany"s, with similar dates..

29-1034 Baldric Teutonicus (the German), Lord of Bacqueville, Aunou, Courcy, Neuville, Bocquence

Key Character in History - Baldric is a key character in history as he is considered the patriarch of many noble families of France, England and Ireland..

29-1044 Rose Stourton 1145-1198

Born Abt. 1145 Stourton, Wiltshire, England - There seems to be a discrepancy amongst the Stourton ancestors. Some sources show birth or death in Stourton, Wiltshire, others show Stourton or Storeton in other counties. They are probably all the same Stourton..

29-1105 Alice de Friston 1180-1247

Born Abt. 1180 Friston, Yorkshire, England - wikitree has records for Alice Haget and Alice de Friston, similar birth dates, same death dates, both wives of Jordan de St Mary, both daughters of William de Friston and Alice Haget, that appear to be the same person..

29-1144 Edgar of Dunbar, "Unnithing" ("the Dauntless") 1130-1179

Born Abt. 1130 Dunbar Castle, East Lothian, Scotland - Illegitimate..

29-1166 Sir Richard FitzRobert de Lathom 1145-1220

Died 23 Apr 1220 Yorkshire, England - Sir Richard and Lady Alice were travelling to visit her family in York. They were caught in a flash flood while fording a stream a few miles from York and drowned. It was several days before their bodies were found and returned to Lathom for burial..

29-1167 Lady Alice Nelson 1146-1201

Died 23 Apr 1201 Yorkshire, England - Sir Richard and Lady Alice were travelling to visit her family in York. They were caught in a flash flood while fording a stream a few miles from York and drowned. It was several days before their bodies were found and returned to Lathom for burial..

29-1173 Matilda de Braose

Carreg Cennen castle Aft. 1244 - Rhys Mechyll died in 1244 and some time after this Matilda , out of hatred for her son Rhys, placed the castle of Carreg Cennen in the hands of the Normans. Rhys regained the castle in 1248..

29-1190 Geoffrey Alselin 1040-1120

Domeday Book entry 1086 - Domesday Book has an entry for: land of Geoffrey Alselin In Alvaston and Ambaston Thulston and Elvaston Toki. He would also haveowned land at Laxton, (~25 miles NE),granted to Geoffrey in 1066, where he or son-in-law Richard de Caux built Laxton Castle..

29-1214 Maldred -, Lord of Allerdale 1015-1045

Died 1045 - Killed in action, while attempting to avenge the murder of his brother by Macbeth..

29-1225 Rhiwallon ap Dyngad, of Maelor Gymraeg b.965

Died - Geni dates his death as 1073, but this would make him over 100. There seems to be no supporting information so death date is omitted from this tree..

29-1227 Nele Fossard, Lord of Mulgrave 1040-1120

Lands - 1 Aft. 1066 Doncaster area, England - Before the Norman Conquest, Doncaster and much of its southern vicinity was held by Nigel Fossard on the Saxon tenure. After the Conquest, William the Conqueror gave manors and land to his step-brother Robert, Earl of Mortaigne. ....

Lands - 2 Aft. 1066 Doncaster area, England - ... After William's death, Robert de Montaigne died in a revolt against William II. This proved to be very fortunate for the Fossard Family, for they got back most of their manors and land - nearly the same as they had been before the Conquest..

30-2 Lancelin (Landry) I de Beaugency 980-1060

Born Abt. 980 Beaugency, Departement du Loiret, Centre, France - Geni says Abt. 995. Maybe brith date is between 980 and 995..

30-18 Hereward The Wake, "The Outlaw", "The Exile", Lord of Bourne 1035-1072

Rebellion 1865 - Hereward the Wake led an East Anglian rebellion against William the Conqueror, from his base on the Isle of Ely in East Anglia.. He was made famous in Victorian times by Charles Kingsley’s 1865 novel Hereward the Wake: the Last of the English.

30-22 Rognvald Brusse (Brusason), 19th Jarl (Earl) of Orkney d.1046

Died 1046 - Executed..

30-50 Llywellyn ap Seisyll, King of Gwynedd, Powys and Deheubarth d.1023

Prosperity 1018 to 1023 - The Brut y Tywysogion portrays Llywelyn’s reign as one of prosperity saying “complete in abundance of wealth and inhabitantsso that it was supposed there was neither poor nor destitute in all his territories, nor an empty hamlet, nor any deficiency.”..

30-68 Uhtred -, "The Bold", Earl of Northumbria d.1016

Died 1016 - Murdered. The killing of Uhtred by Thurbrand the Hold started a blood feud. Uhtred's son Ealdred killed Thurbrand, but Ealdred in turn was killed by Thurbrand's son, Carl. Ealdred's grandson Waltheof eventually killed nearly all Carl's sons and grandsons..

30-98 Brian Boruma (Boru) mac Cennetig, High King of Ireland 941-1014

Information - He has an extensive biographical entry in the Dictionary of National Biography..

30-179 Emma fitzRoy 1096-1157

Born Abt. 1096 England - Illegitimate..

30-185 Constance Penthievre, Duchess of Brittany 1161-1201

Died 5 Sep 1201 - Died giving birth to twin daughters..

30-194 Irmgard von Sponheim b.1110

Born Bef. 1110 - Wikitree doesn't name the mother, but Uta (Utha) Cham of Passau ?-1150 has "(dau) unknown" married Adolf Graf von Berg. Birth date not far from sister Mathilde makes same mother likely. So "(dau) unknown" is assumed to be Irmgard..

30-244 Sophia (Sofia) Vladimorovna of Minsk, of Polotsk, Queen of Denmark, Landgravine of Thuringia 1141-1198

Information - Queen Sophia was described as beautiful, dominant and cruel. According to traditional myth, she murdered Valdemar's mistress Tove and injured his sister Kirsten, but this is not confirmed..

30-356 Emma de Blois b.1073

Born Abt. 1073 Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Orleanais/Centre, France - Illegitimate..

30-420 Renaud de Roucy, Count of Rheims, Seigneur de Roucy d.967

Ancestry Normandy - According to findagrave.com, Renaud was a son of the Viking Rognvald (Reinald) who was one of the Norse invaders who chose to remain in Burgundy. I can't trace this Rognvald..

30-478 Alaric (Ailric, Alric) Ashchenald 1040-1120

Norman invasion Aft. 1066 Yorkshire - Ailric was a Saxon Thegn who, at the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066 had huge holdings of land in Yorkshire. After the Conquest, it appears that he had the lands taken from him but retained the tenancy under de Lacy, the new owner..

30-530 Hacon of Hainton b.1060

Domesday Book 1086 - Hacon's story shows the rapid rise to wealth and importance of a family of native descent. Hacon is in Domesday Book as Acun, tenant of Roger of Poitou. His name suggests that he was a Scandinavian established in Lincolnshire before the Norman conquest..

30-534 Thurkil (Turchil) de Arden (de Eardene) 1040-1095

Kept his lands 1066 - Thurkil is a rare case of an Anglo-Saxon who managed to continue holding significant lands in the area where his family had been important before 1066..

30-556 Hildegarde de Metz d.1046

Buried 1046 Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, Israel - Died on a pilgrimage..

30-570 Papia de Normandie 1008-1055

Born Abt. 1008 Haute-Normandie, France - Illegitimate..

30-572 Robert Fitz Wimarc, the Deacon, "Draco", the Staller 1005-1075

Information - Robert fitz Wimarc was a wise man who got on well with King Edward, Harold Godwinson (probably), and William the Conqueror. His origins are Wiomar'ch in Brittany. His main base was at Clavering in Essex (where we lived 1966-70)..

30-597 Hywel Dda ap Cadell, "The Good", King of Dyfed, Powys and Gwynedd Prince of Seisyllwg and Deheubarth 880-950

"The Good" - 1 - Hywel is highly esteemed among other medieval Welsh rulers. His name is linked with the codification of traditional Welsh law, which were thenceforth known as the Laws of Hywel Dda. Dda (Good) refers to the fact that his laws were just and good..

"The Good" - 2 - The historian Dafydd Jenkins sees in them compassion rather than punishment, plenty of common sense and recognition of the rights of women. Hywel Dda was a well-educated man even by modern standards, having a good knowledge of Welsh, Latin, and English..

30-606 Olaf Sithricsson, "Cuaran (of the Sandals)", King of Dublin, King of York 920-981

Olaf of the Sandals - "Among these kings, Olaf 'Cuaran' ('of the Sandals') ruled Dublin victoriously when in 977 his army defeated the forces of the High king Domnall, ...".

30-623 Folmar III de Metz b.1048

Born Abt. 1048 - Wikitree gives parents as Gottfried von Metz 985-1053 and Judith von Luxembourg 1003-? but says they are uncertain..

30-639 Guillaume -, Count of Nevers 1083-1129

Died Aft. 14 Jan 1129 - Wikitree says 21 Aug 1128 but that's when he ceased to be Count of Nevers. He attended the Council of Troyes which opened on 14 January 1129..

30-646 Aelfgarus de Muletune b.975

Born Abt. 975 Abbey of Ely, Cambridgeshire, England - It looks like a generation may be missing between Aelfgarus and son Bricktive?.

30-663 Gwydedydd (Gwybedydd) ap Gwrydr 955-1038

Land - Gwydedydd (Gwybedydd) inherited the family lands in South Powys..

30-668 Inethan ab lasedd, Lord of Brynffenigl 970-1061

Born Abt. 970 - Aeddan (name given in Geni) and Inethan (name given in mostyn.com) are the same person..

30-680 Rhydderch ap Iestyn

Identity - There is no reason to suppose that this is the same person as Rhydderch ap Iestyn 985-1033 of Deheubarth..

30-700 Guillaume de Montgomeri b.927

Family Information -1 - The family held the castle of St. Foy de Montgomery, just south of Lisieux [Liseaux], in France. The village still exists and it was along a road near here that Field Marshall Erwin Rommel was strafed and badly injured by Allied fighters in WWII..

Family Information -2 - This early family has been well documented for one so early in England's history. They were related to the Ducal family of Normandy through Gunnor, wife of Richard I, Duke of Normandy. Her niece, Joscelina, married Hugh de Montgomery. [See source for more].

30-703 Godeheut - 940-1005

Information - Sister of Seinfroy, Bishop of Le Mans..

30-716 Guillaume de Normandie, Comte d'Hiemois et d'Eu 970-1049

Died Bef. 4 Jan 1049 Eu, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France - thepeerage.com gives a much earlier date of death..

Mother Abt. 970 - Guillaume de Normandie was an illegitimate son of Richard I "Sans Peur". thepeerage.com says his mother was Gunnora, but wikitree says that he was son by a mistress "other than Gunnora"..

30-726 Alberada of Buonalbergo d.1122

Died Abt. 1122 - "very old"..

30-758 Hedwig (Hadwig) of Nordgau, of Lorraine 937-994

Born 937 - Hedwig was of Saxon origin..

30-780 Herlouin (Hilduin) I de Ponthieu, Count of Montreuil, Count of Montdidier 880-945

Died 13 Aug 945 Normandy, France - Killed in battle..

30-796 Richeza (Ryksa, Adelaide) Piast, of Poland, Queen of Hungary 1013-1075

Born 22 Sep 1013 Poznan, Poland - Uncertain..

30-810 "Anslac (Anslec, Ansfrid) I" "de Bastembourg (de Burtrand, de Bertram), de Harcourt", "Le Danois" (The Dane), Baron of Briquebec 935-974

Born Abt. 935 Bricquebec, Manche, Basse-Normandie, France - Some sources show Anslac (father of Thurstan) and Ansfrid (father od Ansfrid) as different people, but Wikitree says Anslac is father of both. Anslac and Ansfrid are assumed to be the same person..

30-816 Sancha de Aybar

Mistress Abt. 1000 - Mistress of Sancho III of Navarre.

30-827 Ernst von Babenberg, "The Brave", Markgraf der Ostmark 1027-1075

Died 9 Jun 1075 Homburg an der Unstrut, Langensalza, Thuringia, Germany - Killed in the first battle of Langensalza..

30-875 Eadnoth -, "The Constable", "The Staller" 1030-1086

Died 1086 Somerset, England - Killed in the autumn of 1086 at the head of the men of Somerset, in an engagement with the sons of Harold who were devastiatng the sea board of that shire, after their repulse at Bristol..

Domesday Book entry 1086 Devon Dorset Somerset and Wiltshire, England - Eadnoth was steward to Edward the Confessor and King Harold II. He is mentioned in Domesday Book as holding thirty manors in Devon, Dorset, Somerset, and Wiltshire, before the Norman conquest..

30-912 Osbert de Clinton of Coleshill 1140-1196

Born Abt. 1140 Coleshill, Warwickshire, England - Parents not known, but Osbert is possibly a brother of Geoffrey de Clinton (in this tree)..

The Clintons - The Clintons are of Norman origin, settled in England at the Conquest. Their name is from the lordship of Climpton, Oxfordshire. The family is of great antiquity, its members have played an important part in English history, both as warriors and statesmen..

30-923 William de Cantilupe (Cantelow), Steward to King John, Sheriff of many counties 1159-1239

Supporter of King John Aft. 1198 - William was an indefatigable schemer and supporter of King John. He became immensely rich by being given many manors and lands confiscated from rebel barons, who described William as one of John's "evil counsellors"..

30-984 Roger de Coniers (de Conyers), Constable of Durham b.1020

Battle of Hastings 14 Oct 1066 Battle of Hastings, Sussex, England - Roger de Coignieres became one of the trusted chieftains of William the Conqueror, and as such accompanied him in the invasion of England, and was with him at the Battle of Hastings..

30-992 William Malebisse b.1100

Mother Abt. 1100 - wikitree shows Emma de Percy as William's mother, but thepeerage.com and geni show her as his wife. thepeerage.com has been followed here..

30-993 Emma de Percy

Born - Illegitimate..

30-995 Emma Darell b.1140

Born Abt. 1140 Yorkshire, England - wikitree shows Emma as daughter of Duncan, but the text and the dates indicate that she was actually Duncan's sister..

30-1007 Adam Fitz Peter de Birkin 1135-1185

Information - Adam de Birkin was “a man of Anglo-Scandinavian descent", whose family survived the Conquest and increased its fortunes. His father, Peter, married a norman, Emma, who brought as her marriage portion lands in Snaith and Sitlington..

30-1015 Roger Pictaveus,, Lord of Burghwallis

Identity - The father of Agnes may alternatively be named Poyntvyn - or maybe Poyntvyn and Pictaveus are one and the same..

30-1028 Tadc mac Briain d.1023

Died 1023 - Assassinated on orders of his half-brother Donnchad..

30-1038 Hermann Billung, Margrave of the Billung March 912-973

Mother - FindAGrave and Wikipedia say Hedrmann's mother was Ermengarde of Nantes. Wikitree says his mother was Aeda Frederunda von Hildeburg..

30-1050 Hugh I de Montfort, "Barbatus" (Bearded) 975-1045

Died 1045 - Killed in combat with Walkelin de Ferrieres (also our ancestor). Both were killed..

31-30 Lady Godiva (Godgifu) - 1010-1067

Descendants - See source "Descendants of Lady Godiva" (c.1010-1067)..

31-71 Malcolm II MacKenneth of Alba, 15th King of Scots 954-1034

Died 1034 - Murdered..

31-77 Bergljot Haakonsdottir 970-1050

Murder of Einar Abt. 1050 kings palace, Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway - Bergljot married Einar Tamberskelve who was murdered at a Thing along with his son, Eindride, on the order of the King Harald Hadrada. Bergljot urged the bonder army to avenge her husband but they were afraid of the king and his men and rowed away..

31-91 - Beauchamp b.1021

Born 1021 Normandy, France - Heiress niece to the Duke of Normandy..

31-94 Conn Cionntach O'Cahan, Prince of Limavady

O'Cahan name - Conn Ciconntach O'Cahan was the first to assume the family name of O'Cahan as a surname..

31-95 Prince Anrothan (Anradhan) O'Neill, Lord of Badenoch

Lands of Cowal and Knapdale - Anrothan quarrelled with his elder brother, Domhnall, ancestor of the O'Neills, and left Ireland for Scotland. A story says he acquired the lands of Cowal and Knapdale by marring a Scottish heiress, but he may actually have settled in Badenoch..

31-129 Salome (Salomea) von Berg-Schelklingen, High Duchess of Poland 1099-1144

Inheritance 28 Oct 1138 - When Salome's husband Boleslaw III died, he left Salome several towns and castles. This was the first documented case where a Polish ruler left his widow her own piece of land..

31-180 Aleydis (Aleidis, Aleida, Adelaide) van Wickrath, van Wickerode, von Wickerode b.1060

Born Abt. 1060 Hochstaden, Rheinland, Prussia - Uncertain..

Died Hochstaden, Rheinland, Prussia - Uncertain..

31-182 Heilwig Dagsburg b.1065

Born Bef. 1065 - Wikipedia says Heilwig was born Abt. 1070, but must have been born earlier if father Heinrich died in 1065..

31-217 Volodar Glebovich, Prince of Minsk d.1176

Identity - Father of Sophia of Minsk in Wikipedia is Volodar Glebovich of Minsk, in Wikitree is Vladimir Vsevolodovich aka Wolodar. May or may not be the same person. The Wikipedia line has been used..

Identity - Volodar Glebovich is sometimes mistakenly identified as Vladimir Vsevolodic of Novgorod..

31-323 Thyra Dannebod, Asteroid 115 Thyra is named after her

Father - Thyra's father appears to be one of: Ethelred King of England (Aethelred of Wessex), Edward the Elder King of the Anglo-Saxons (elder son of Alfred the Great and his wife Ealhswith), Harald Klak King of Jutland..

31-354 Saint Olga of Kiev 890-969

Information - She is known for her obliteration of the Drevlians, a tribe that had killed her husband Igor of Kiev. ..... but ..... for her efforts to spread Christianity through the Rus' Olga is venerated as a saint..

31-367 Gilbert (Giselbert) of Lorraine 890-939

Died 2 Oct 939 The Rhine - Drowned..

31-368 Gerberga of Saxony, Duchess of Lorraine, Queen of the West Franks 913-969

Information 954 - A highly educated, intelligent and forceful political player - organized the defense of the besieged city of Laon against the troops of Hugh "the Great" - freed husband Louis from prison - after his death she ruled the kingdom as regent..

31-370 Ermengarde of Nantes b.900

Ancestry - GenealogieOnline gives an ancestry for Ermengarde of Nantes. Some of the dates look very suspect, and I can't verify some of the relationships. So I have not used it..

31-390 Guillaume I Normandie, "Longsword", 2nd Duc de Normandie 900-942

Died 17 dec 942 - murdered.

31-391 Sprota aka Adela Bretagne, A Breton captive and concubine 911-1005

Breton Captive - 1 Abt. 940 - Sprota was a Breton captive, `taken as a wife in the Viking fashion` by William I, Duke of Normandy (ie, she was a concubine). When William had died and her son Richard was in prison, she was `collected` by Esperleng, a wealthy miller, who married her..

Breton Captive - 2 Abt. 940 - Sprota was our ancestress via her son Richard with William, and via her son Rodulf with Esperleng..

31-402 Alfred -, "The Great", King of Wessex 849-899

Kings and queens of Wessex, England, etc. - FYI. The kings and queens of Wessex, England, etc, are listed here: http://burkespeerage.com/royalFamily UnitedKingdom.php.

31-406 Judicael of Nantes, Count of Nantes 979-1004

Born Abt. 979 - Illegitimate..

31-414 Senfrie (Seinfreda) de Crepon 950-1037

Born Abt. 950 Arque, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France - wikitree says "Senfria is the child of Harold I Gormson and Gyrithe Cyrid Olafsdotter", which tallies with the Find a Grave Index entry for her sister Gunnora..

31-518 Cadell ap Rhodri Mawr, King of Seisyllwg 854-909

Inheritance 877 - On his death in 877, Rhodri Mawr divided the Principality between his three sons, giving Deheubarth to Cadell, Gwynedd to Anarawd, and Powys to Merfyn..

31-520 Llywarch ap Hyfaidd (Dyfed) 867-904

Died 904 Dyfed, Wales - Drowned..

31-523 Anarawd ap Rhodri Mawr, King of Gwynedd, King of the Britons d.916

Inheritance 877 - On his death in 877, Rhodri Mawr divided the Principality between his three sons, giving Deheubarth to Cadell, Gwynedd to Anarawd, and Powys to Merfyn..

31-600 Morfydd verch Odwyn b.950

Died - Geni gives Morfydd's date of death as about 1068, ie. age well over 100. There seems to be no evidence for this, so it is omitted from this tree..

Heiress - The male line of the kings of Ceredigion ended in 957. The family continued from the younger brothers of Gwriad. One was Teithwalch with lands in far north Ceredigion. His granddaughter Morfydd was heiress to those lands, which passed to her son Einion..

31-649 Theodoric (Dietrich) II of Wettin, Margrave of Lower Lusatia 990-1034

Died 19 Nov 1034 - He earned the hatred of his brother-in-law Eckard II of Meissen and was killed by his henchmen..

31-671 Gisela of Swabia, Duchess of Swabia, Queen of Germany, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire 990-1043

Died 14 or 15 Feb 1043 Imperial Palace of Goslar, Schwaben, Bavaria, Germany - Died of dysentery..

Information - Gisela was married three times, one of them to a cousin which caused some friction with the church. She played an active part in politics. She was 5'8" tall, with long blonde hair..

31-695 Gerlotte de Blois 895-937

Born Abt. 895 Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre, France - Wikitree suggests that Gerlotte's parents were called Thibaut (son of Eudes) and Richildis, but the evidence seems unconvincing..

31-705 Frozza Orseolo 1015-1071

Name change Abt. 1027 - Changed her name from Frozza to Adelheid..

31-737 Rhydderch ab Iestyn, King of Deheubarth, King of Glywysing 985-1033

Identity - There is no reason to suppose that this is the same person as the other Rhydderch ap Iestyn in this tree..

31-747 Gottfried II von Friesland (of Frisia) 827-885

Died Jun 885 Lobith, Rijnwaarden Municipality, Gelderland, Netherlands - Murdered..

31-757 Hamon Legh b.1112

Born Abt. 1112 - wikitree says Hamon's father is Gilbert Venables b.1040 in Normandy, but the dates make this unlikely..

31-764 Walter Bisege b.1100

Baddesley Manor Bet. 1100 and 1135 Baddesley, Warwickshire, England - Roger de Mowbray is said to have bestowed the lands of Baddesley upon Walter de Bisege at some time between 1100 and 1135..

31-765 Osbert Arden

Born - Birth date given in wikitree is impossible, so is omitted. The line of parentage through Osbert seems to be confirmed in the given documentation..

31-823 Robert FitzRanulph of Alfreton, High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and the Royal Forests 1117-1172

Murder of Thoams Becket Dec 1170 - He built Beauchief Abbey and dedicated it to St. Thomas Becket, and it is believed Robert founded the abbey to expiate his guilt for taking part in the murder of Thomas, however this has been disputed..

31-865 Merfyn Manaw ap Rhodri, King of Powys 859-900

Inheritance 877 - On his death in 877, Rhodri Mawr divided the Principality between his three sons, giving Deheubarth to Cadell, Gwynedd to Anarawd, and Powys to Merfyn..

31-866 Mieszko I -, King of Poland 930-992

Information - Creator of the Polish state. Probably grandfather via daughter Swietoslawa (Sigrid) a Nordic Queen, of Cnut the Great..

31-875 Robert de Stafford d.1088

Information - He built what later became known as Belvoir Castle. He held nearly 70 manors in Staffordshire, more than 25 in Warwickshire, more than 20 in Lincolnshire, 10 in Oxfordshire, one in Worcestershire and one in Northamptonshire before 1086..

32-32 Maud de Leuven (Louvain) 1035-1112

Parents - Wikitree says Maud's mother is Saint Ida of Verdun 1040-1113, Countess of Lorraine, but dates are impossible. Wikitree says Maud's father is Reginald of Louvain 1005-?, but this doesn't look reliable..

32-40 Ordgar -, Ealdorman of Devon d.971

Information 961 - Founded Tavistock Abbey..

32-55 Thorfinn Torf-Einarsson, "The Skull-Splitter", Earl of Orkney d.977

The Skaill Hoard Skaill House, Orkney, Scotland - In the days of Earl Thorfinn (Skull-Splitter) the sons of Eric Blood-axe arrived from Norway ... and they did many deeds of violence in the islands. - Orkneyinga Saga (see Gallery)..

32-74 Gilbert Tyson (Tesson, Tison) 1030-1066

Hastings - 1 14 Oct 1066 - Before the Conquest, Edward the Confessor recruited Gilbert Tesson, one of the most powerful Barons ofNormandy, and offered him the great barony of Alnwick in northern England which he accepted and brought with him many knights. By the time of Hastings ....

Hastings - 2 14 Oct 1066 - ... Gilbert had switched allegiances, and fought alongside King Harold and his Saxons. He, Gilbert, and many of his knights were killed by his fellow Normans. This did not prevent Gilbert's son William from later becoming the Lord of Alnwick and Malton..

32-76 Duina (Drivbhne, Dhiarmid) Macduibhn 990-1020

Ancestry to 591 - wikitree gives a further 9 generations, but appears to start with duplicate names: Diarmid Macduibhn (m. Grain O'Niel), Dubhn Doun, Dwbhn Derg, Ferither Finruo, Duibhn Fuilt Derg, Ferither Eile, Arthur Oig, Duibhn Mor (m. Valentina), Ferither Our..

32-107 Ermengard (Irmgard) of Namur b.1020

Born Aft. 1020 - Wikitree does not link her mother, but text says: Irmgard (Ermengard?) de Namur (van Namen), geb. between ± 1040 - 1055, ovl. ± 1106,[3] dochter van Graaf Albert II de Namur (van Namen) en Regilindi (Regelindis,Regelinde) van Lotharingen.

32-198 Gleb Vseslavich, Prince of Minsk d.1119

Died 13 Sep 1119 - Gleb was taken prisoner by Mstislav Vladimirovich, after Gleb reneged on a peace treaty. Gleb was taken to Kiev where he died shortly after..

32-280 Hugh de Calvacamp 890-989

Born Abt. 890 - He was French rather than Norman extraction..

Information - He made over that part of the archiepiscopal lands consisting of the feudal territory of Toeni (Tosny southeast of Rouen) to his brother Ralph..

32-299 Rurik av Svealand, Prince of Novgorod 832-879

Information - The first ruler of Kievan Rus'. He is the founder of the Rurik Dynasty, which ruled the Kievan Rus' and its successor states, including the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Tsardom of Russia, until the 17th century..

32-309 Wichman I von Hamalant d.881

Unreliable - Comments by researchers in Wikitree suggest that all ancestry from here on is suspect, so this tree stops here..

32-330 Garnier -, Count of Sens & Troyes 882-924

Died 6 Dec 924 - Killed in battle with the Normans..

32-344 Hoel I of Brittany, Duke of Brittany, Comte de Nantes 940-981

Born Abt. 940 - Illegitimate..

Died 981 - Assassinated..

32-387 Erminhild of Mercia 1008-1050

Born Abt. 1008 Bromley Regis (Kings Bromley), Staffordshire, England - "Sister of Earle Leofrik (founder of the Monastery at Coventre).". Thus her parents were Leofwine, Earl of Mercia, and Aelfgifu..

32-388 Geoffrey de Mayenne d.1059

Born - Birth date and parents givn in Wikitree look very unreliable..

32-421 Rhodri Mawr ap Merfyn, "The Great", King of Gwynedd, King of Powys, King of Seisyllwg, Prince of Wales, King of the Britons 810-877

"The Great" 856 to 872 - Rhodri’s fame came from defending Wales from Vikings. After they had ravaged Anglesey, Rhodri defeated them and killed their leader Gorm. Rhodri then defeated them at Bangolau "in a hard battle" and at Manegid where the Vikings "were destroyed"..

Died Abt. 877 - Killed in battle, against Alfred the Great..

32-423 Hyfaid (Dyfed) ap Bledri, King of Dyfed 820-893

Defence of Dyfed - Dyfed and Brycheiniog both fell under such sustained attack from Hywel Dda's uncle Anarawd and father Cadell that Kings Hyfaidd and Elise submitted to King Alfred (Alfred the Great) of Wessex's overlordship in exchange for protection..

32-427 Finn mac Mael Morda O'Faelain 880-921

Born Abt. 880 Ireland - Killed by Ceallach son of Cearbhall..

32-462 Ailill mac Dunlainge, King of Leinster d.871

Died 871 - Killed by the Vikings of Dublin..

32-510 Charles III -, "The Simple" (The Straightforward), King of West Francia, King of Lotharingia 879-929

Died 7 Oct 929 - Died in prison..

32-514 Ekkehard (Eckhard) von Meissen, Markgraf von Meissen 945-1002

Died 30 Apr 1002 Pohlde, Osterode am Harz, Lower Saxony, Germany - Assassinated..

32-539 Edla -, Duchess of Venden

Information Abt. 1000 - Edla was brought to Sweden as a prisoner of war c. 1000 at the same time or a little before, the arrival of Estrid of the Obotrites (Estrid av obotriterna). King Olof Skötkonung married Estrid but also fell in love with Edla and took her as his mistress..

32-604 Osbert Arden 1119-1190

Born Abt. 1119 - Birth date is probably several years before 1119..

32-636 Robert d'Arcy

Living 1130 - Robert d'Arcy was alive in 1130..

32-659 Lessing (Lesingus) de Eland

Lasingcroft Aft. 1300 Lasingcroft, Yorkshire, England - Lessing de Eland gave his name to Lasingcroft in West Yorkshire, which from the 1300s was the seat of a branch of the Gascoigne family for nearly two centuries. Our Gascoigne ancestors were mostly based at Gawthorp Hall, Harewood..

32-662 Helga - 1064-1094

Born Abt. 4 Mar 1064 Cheshire, England - Illegitimate (see note re Parents)..

Parents Abt. 1064 - wikitree says her parents are (a) Ranulph II de Meschines of Bayeux and Margaret d'Avranches, or (b) Hugh d'Avranches and one of his many mistresses. Margaret d'Avranches was probably too young (~11) to be Helga's mother, so option (b) is used here..

32-676 Charles II -, "The Bald", Holy Roman Emperor, King of West Francia, King of Italy 823-877

Nickname - It has been suggested that Charles' nickname was used ironically and not descriptivelyi.e. that he was not in fact bald, but rather that he was extremely hairy..

33-33 Halfdan (Halvdan) Gudrodsson, "The Black", King of Vestfold 810-860

Kidnapped - Hake, a Berserker, killed Ragnhild's father and kidnapped her. Halfdan the Black then kidnapped Ragnhild and married her..

33-36 Torf-Einarr Rognvaldarson, Earl of Orkney 852-930

Born Abt. 852 - Illegitimate..

33-40 Halfdan -

Information - Halfdan may have been a great-grandson of King Harald Fairhair, but Wikipedia says this is "not very likely"..

33-46 Gudrod Bjornsson, Underking of Vestfold

Ancestry - Gudrod is said to be son of Bjørn Farmann, the king of Vestfold, and a grandson of Harald Fairhair, first king of Norway...

Died Near Tonsberg, Norway - Killed by Harald Greyhide..

33-97 Yves (Ives) de Nesle d.1119

Died 1119 - Wikipedia says Aft. 1076 - a long time before 1119 - maybe it was a bit earlier than 1119?.

33-101 Maude (Matilda) Fitzroy

Born - Illegitimate daughter of Henry I of England..

33-151 Saint Yaropolk Izyaslavich, Prince of Turov, Prince of Volhynia, King of Rus d.1086

Died 1086/87 On a journey to Zvenyhorodka, Cherkasy, Ukraine - Murdered..

33-206 Halfdan - d.807

Emissary 782 - Halfdan was sent as an emissary by King Sigfred of Denmark to the court of the Frankish emperor Charlemagne in 782..

33-218 Oda von Billung d.913

Mother of Otto 836 - thepeerage.com gives Hatwiga von Friaul as the mother of Otto, but (all) other sources give Oda von Billung..

33-219 Heinrich (Henry) of Babenberg, Margrave of the Franks 830-886

Ancestry - It is believed that he was the son of Poppo I Graf im Saalgau, born around 830. More information in the Wikipedia citation..

Born about 830 - Possibly, the son of Poppo I Graf im Saalgau..

33-273 Redburh (Redburga, Chrodburga) - b.788

Born Abt. 788 - The chronicle (Hardy, Vol III, No. 326) describes Ecgberht's wife as "Redburga regis Francorum sororia" (sister or sister-in-law of the Frankish Emperor)..

33-318 Count Ridoredh (Rivallo IV) of Vannes, Prince of Brittany, Earl of Poher

Ancestry - Ridoredh's Wikipedia page says that he is the son of Saint Salomon, but the "Kings and dukes of Brittany family tree" shows that he isn't..

33-325 Eudes Toulouse, Comte de Toulouse d.918

Died Abt. 16 Jun 918 - thepeerage.com says death 924, but this appears to be confused with other generations..

33-334 Lord Tancrede de la Ville Tancrede, "The Viking" b.890

Tancarville 911 St Clair-sur-Epte - One of the foremost of the Vikings under Rollo was Tancrede. He was with Rollo at St. Clair-sur-Epte, received his reward of the land that became Tancarville, settled there and built a fortified Castle on the promontory guarding the mouth of the Seine..

33-368 Tudwal Gloff ap Rhodri Mawr, "The Lame" 863-895

The one who missed out 877, 881 - When Rhodri died, the kingdom went to Tudwal's 3 brothers. Tudwal was too young to be given a share. Later, fighting to avenge his brother Anarawd, he was wounded in the leg (hence "The Lame") and under welsh law could not then become ruler anyway!.

33-464 Bernard de Mercoeur b.850

Died - Geni says Bernard was over 100 when he died - possible but rather unlikely..

33-485 William de Hathersage b.1130

Dispute over land Bet. 1180 and 1200 - Gospatrick de Chorlton had a dispute, between 1180 and 1200, with William, which it was decided to settle by wager of battle. Gospatrick lost the battle and with it the four oxgangs of land which had been the subject of the dispute..

33-491 Norman d'Areci, Lord of Nocton, Coningsby, Dunston, Sattinborough and Cawkwell (Lincolnshire)

Living 1115 - Norman d'Areci was alive in 1115..

33-506 Sir Dunning de Lathom, Earl of Lathom 1031-1092

Traitor 1066-67 Lathom, Lancashire, England - Dunning collaborated with the Normans, and was considered a traitor by the Saxons. The Normans rewarded Dunning with the lordship of the Chapelry of Lathom, the title of Earl, and knighthood. Dunning, became Sir Dunning Lathom, Earl of Lathom, in 1067..

34-3 Leo VI Porphyrogenitus, "The Wise", Emperor of Byzantium 866-912

Born 866 - Leo's father was his mother's lover Michael not her husband KingBasil (who later killed Michael)..

34-16 Eadwulf of Bamburgh, High-Reeve of Bamburgh, 1st Earl of Northumbria 870-918

Died Abt. 918 - Killed by Edred..

34-24 Asa Haraldsdottir of Agder d.834

Abduction - King Gudrod the Hunter proposed marriage to Asa, but her father refused. Gudrod killed her father and brother, abducted her and married her. After a year, she gave birth to Halfdan the Black. A year later, Åsa took revenge and had her servant kill Gudrod..

34-27 Thorstein Olafsson, "The Red" 850-890

Died Abt. 880 or 890 - Killed by Scottish chieftans..

34-30 Bjorn Farmann (Haraldsson, Kjobmand, Kaupman, Chapman), King of Vestfold d.930

Died Abt. 930 to 934 Saeheimr, Norway - Killed by Eric Bloodaxe..

34-143 Aella (Aelle) -, King of Northumbria d.867

Died 21 Mar 867 York, Yorkshire, England - Killed in battle..

34-168 Gostomysl -

Existence - Wikipedia says that Gostomysl is fictitious, but goes on to point out that the logic used to determine this is flawed. Maybe the chronicles are no more or less reliable than other chronicles of that era..

34-172 Saint Ludmila of Bohemia 860-921

Died 15 Sep 921 Tetin Castle, Bohemia (now Czech Republic) - Murdered by order of Daughter-in-Law Dramohira of Slodor..

Good King Wenceslaus - Lumila is the grandmother of Saint Wenceslaus (Good King Wenceslaus)..

34-189 Hedwig (Heilwig) von Sachsen, Duchess of Bavaria, Abbess of Chelles 775-843

Matriarch - Through her marriage to Welf she is the matriarch of the Dynastic Welf Family[4] and is an ancestor of the Carolingian dynasty, the Kings of Italy, Russia, Britain, the Hagenéter rulers of Piedmont and the Bavarian Welfs..

34-228 Raimond I -, Comte de Toulouse 815-865

Died Abt. 17 Apr 865 - thepeerage.com says death 924, but this doesn't tally with other generations..

34-240 Gwriad (Guriat) ap Elidir, King of Ynys Manaw (Isle of Man) b.755

Cross of Gwriad 1896 Isle of Man - In 1896 an 8th- or 9th-century cross was discovered on Man inscribed Crux Guriat ("Cross of Gwriad"). It is thought that it referred to this Gwriad..

34-286 Lindoin (Lievin) -, Vicomte de Narbonne 810-894

Born Abt. 810 Beziers, Herault, Languedoc-Roussillon, France - One source gives "about 840", but sources for other generations suggest this is quite inaccurate..

34-302 Hildi Eiriksdottir (Eriksdatter) b.732

Ivar Halfdansson 762 - There is a discrepancy in Wikitree. Ivar Haldansson has father Halfdan mother Hildi, but Hildi's entry does not have husband Halfdan son Ivan..

34-314 Eberhard II (Wichmann) van Hamaland, Count in the Nordgau & Hamelant d.898

Died 898 - Murdered..

34-339 Galfridus de Beaumont b.954

Born Abt. 954 Beaumont sur Oise, Ile-de-France, France - (This is thought to be the correct Beaumont - there are several places called Beaumont in France)..

Moved to England Bef. 1066 Beamont, Normandy, France - Stapleton, Yorkshire, England - Galfridus came to England before the Norman Invasion in 1066 and changed his name from de Beaumont to de Stapylton (i.e:- From one town's name to another)..

34-347 Charlemagne Carolingian, "Father of Europe" (Pater Europae), Holy Roman Emperor 747-814

Born 747 Herstal, Belgium - Disputed date..

34-349 Thierry (Theodoric) I of Autun, "The Chamberlain", Duke of Burgundy 820-881

Born Abt. 820 - Also said to be Abt. 799, but maybe Abt. 820 is more likely..

35-3 Michael III Mythistes the Phrygian, "The Drunkard", Emperor of the East 840-867

Died Abt. 23 Sep 867 Constantinople - Murdered, probably by Emperor Basil I (his mistress Eudoxia's husband)..

35-24 Aud (Audr, Audur, Unnur), aka Unn Ketilsdatter, "The Deep-minded"

Journey to Iceland Abt. 890 - Aud built and captained a ship (20 crew) from Caithness to Orkney, then to Breidafjordur, Iceland. She was respected, capable, independent and strong-willed. Aud was a baptized Christian and is commonly credited with bringing Christianity to Iceland..

Snorri Sturluson - The historian, poet, and politician Snorri Sturluson 1179-1241 was a 10th-gen descendant of Aud. His writing "surpassing anything else that the Middle Ages have left us of historical literature". He also gave an early account of the discovery of Vinland..

Thorfinn Karlsefni - Thorfinn Karlsefni, descendant of Aud, went with his wife Gudrid Thorbjarnardottir to Vinland (now Canada) and had a son, Snorri. Snorri was the first European child known to have been born in the New World and to whom many Icelanders trace their roots..

35-60 Ricoaire de Salornay b.1010

Born Abt. 1010 France - Birth dateAbt. 990 given by Geni appears to be at least 10 years too early. MyHeritage (https://www.myheritage.com/names/humbert beaujeu needs sign-in) says 1010. monchique.com says 1015..

35-61 Bouchard II -, Comte de Corbeil 1022-1095

Born Abt. 1022 Corbeil, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France - Geni says Bouchard's mother is Germaine Bassenville de Corbeil, but birth dates are over 40 years apart and there are errors with her records (wife and daughter of the same person Guillaume Gerlenc 1001-1067)..

35-110 Alpais d'Aquitaine 764-852

Born 764 France - Illegitimate daughter of Louis I..

35-185 Morfyl verch Cadifor

Born Ceredigion, Wales - Birth date 733 given in Geni Family Trees is not possible..

35-195 Bran Ardchenn, King of Leinster d.795

Died 795 - Bran and Eithne were assassinated by Finsnechta Cethardec mac Cellaig of the Ui Dunchada..

35-196 Eithne ingen Domnaill d.795

Died 795 Cell Cuile Duma, Stradbally, Leinster, Ireland - Bran and Eithne were assassinated by Finsnechta Cethardec mac Cellaig of the Ui Dunchada..

35-217 Francon -, Count of Narbonne

Born - Source gives "about 815", but sources for other generations suggest this is quite inaccurate..

35-232 Eahlund (Aella) of Wessex, King of Northumbria d.867

The Tale of Ragnar's Sons - Ælla is also mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicleand the Norse sagas thatb say he captured Viking leader Ragnar Lodbrok and put him to death in a pit of snakes. Ragnar's sons avenged his death..

35-236 Pietro III Candiano, Doge of Venice d.959

Information - His daughter Elena Candiano and her future husband Gerardo Guoro were the original persons upon whom the English dramatist William Shakespeare based his story Romeo and Juliet..

35-239 Hidda - d.970

Died 970 Jerusalem, Israel - On pilgrimage..

35-258 Robert de Clayton 1030-1066

Clayton Aft. 1066 Clayton, Lancashire, England - Robert came to England with William the Conqueror and fought at the Battle of Hastings. For his services, he was awarded the Manor of Clayton in Lancashire. He was then known as Robert de Clayton..

36-4 Melissena Rangabe 825-882

Born Abt. 825 - .. the Emperor Michael I and the Empress Prokopia were the ancestors to later Byzantine Emperors. They had a son, the co-emperor Theophylaktos (co-reigned with Michael I from 812 to 813 AD), and he was father to a daughter named Eudokia Ingerina ...

36-15 Eystein Halfdansson, "Fjert" (The Fart) 726-780

Died 780 Vestfold fylke, Norway - Sailing home after a viking raid to Varna, on the eastern side of the Oslofjord, Eystein was hit by a boom of the ship so that he fell overboard and drowned. His body was salvaged and buried in a mound at Borre..

36-19 Ketill Bjornsson, "Flatnose", King of the Isles (Orkney and Shetland)

Sagas - Ketill was depicted in such works as the Laxdaela saga, Eyrbyggja saga and the Saga of Erik the Red, while his genealogy was described in detail in the Landnamabok..

36-53 Guillaume Guerlenc, Comte de Corbeil et d'Avranches 1001-1067

Born Abt. 1001 Corbeil, Marne, Champagne, France - Geni gives Germaine Bassenville de Corbeil as both mother and wife. Birth dates suggest that mother is correct..

36-107 Caribert of Laon 705-762

Martin de Laon 696 Laon, Departement de l'Aisne, Picardie, France - Familypedia and findagrave.com have Caribert's father as Martin de Laon, husband of Bertrada of Prum. But Martin de Laon is known to have been assassinated in 678. He could not have been Caribert's father..

36-140 Melusine de Lusina (Lusignan) b.734

Parents - ancestry.com gives parents for Melusina (Elinas 704-? and Bruithina 710-?), and some more generations, but they look rather suspect..

36-167 Seisyll ap Clydog 665-740

The Legendary Kingdom of Seisyllwg Abt. 730 Ceredigion / Ystrad Tywy - Did Seisyll ap Clydog create the Kingdom of Seisyllwg? Or did the kingdom never exist? For a thoroughly confusing discussion, read the linked Ancient Wales Studies article!.

36-175 Caradog ap Merion, of Rhos 745-798

Died 798 - Murdered by the Saxons..

36-195 Agilbert -, Vicomte of Narbonne

Born - Source gives "about 790", but sources for other generations suggest this is quite inaccurate..

36-200 Almos (Almus) of Hungary 820-895

Died Abt. 895 - Murdered..

37-12 Adeltrude du Maine 775-852

Born 775 Germany - Illegitimate daughter of Charlemagne..

37-44 Germaine Bassenville, de Corbeil 980-1012

Born Abt. 980 Corbeil, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France - There are errors in Germaine's Geni info (see comments for husband Guillaume and son Bouchard). Also, grandfather Aymon is given as her father in Wikipedia..

37-54 Guillaume Aleramici de Montferrat 888-924

Information - William was a Frank who crossed the Alps leading 300 armed retainers in 888–889 to fight alongside Guy III of Spoleto against Berengar of Friuli for the Iron Crown of Lombardy. He founded the House of Aleramici..

37-120 Elisedd (Elise) ap Gwylog, Brenin Powys, King of Powys 695-773

Memorial - 1 Abt. 773 Llantysilio-yn-Ial, Northern Powys, Wales - Elisedd is best known for his memorial stone: Eliseg's Pillar standing in Llantysilio-yn-Ial in Northern Powys. It was once topped by an enormous cross, and was erected by his great grandson, King Cyngen, some one hundred years after Elisedd's ....

Memorial - 2 Abt. 773 - ... ascendancy in the early 8th century. Its inscription praises his victories against the Saxons and includes an exceptional record of the Powysian pedigree, stretching back through his father King Gwylog ap Beli's line to Vortigern and Magnus Maximus....

Memorial - 3 Abt. 773 - ... Elisedd lived at nearby Castell Dinas-Bran, which is also associated with the Celtic ancestor god, Bran, and King Arthur's Quest for the Holy Grail..

37-127 Tewdrig of Garth Madrun d.430

Died Abt. 430 - His British kingdom is taken over by the Irish aristocracy when his son-in-law (not his daughter!!!), Prince Anlach, inherits..

37-151 Smbat I of Armenia, "the Martyr", King of Armenia 845-912

Died Abt. 912 Yernjak, Azerbaijan - Murdered by Yusuf, Emir of Azerbaijan..

37-152 Cixilane -, Count of Narbonne

Born - Source gives "about 767", but sources for other generations suggest this is quite inaccurate..

37-170 Gratianna ferch Macsen Wledig, of Galloway b.367

Born Abt. 367 Caer Gloui (now Gloucester, England) - Several sources give Gratianna as daughter of Magnus Maximus (Macsen Wledig) and Elen, but the identity of her parents is not certain..

38-16 Gerswinde von Sachsen 768-794

Concubine Bef. 775 - Evidently, after defeating Wittekind von Sachsen, Charlemagne kept his daughter Gerswinde as a concubine..

38-27 Saint Edmund of East Anglia, "The Martyr", King of East Anglia 841-869

Died 20 Nov 869 Haegelisdun - Murdered by Ivar the Boneless and his brother Ubba, after defeat in battle..

38-63 Godofrid (Gottfrid) Agilofing von Etichonen, Herzog (Duke) von Alemannien und Rhatien 630-709

Information - findagrave.com has Nebi I as grandson of Godofrid via son Huoching. The various dates make this virtually impossible, so Nebi I is Godofrid's son in this tree, as given in thepeerage.com.

38-65 Martin de Laon, Comte de Laon 660-696

Identity Laon, Departement de l'Aisne, Picardie, France - Not to be confused with Martin de Laon 647-678, son of Ansegisel Arnulfing 606-679 and Saint Begga 615-693..

38-104 Cadwaladr Fendigaid ap Cadwallon, "The Blessed", King of Gwynedd d.682

Died 682 - Died of Plague (in 682 not 664)..

The Red Dragon emblem of Wales - The red dragon (Y Ddraig Goch) Welsh symbol, is known as "The Red Dragon of Cadwaladr". The Tudors claimed descent from Cadwaladr to legitimize their authority over Britain. When Henry Tudor landed in Wales in 1485, he adopted the red dragon flag..

38-109 Elen ferch Lwyddog ab Einudd, "St Elen Lwyddog of the Host" 340-387

Haverfordwest Abt. 383 Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales - Elen`s husband, Magnus Maximus, granted civic status and Celtic names to several settlements, including Haverfordwest (Caer Alun). James Phillips, in The History of Pembrokeshire (pub. 1909), claims that the original name was Caer Elen, in honour of Elen..

38-120 Diarmait Dian (Guthbinn) mac Airmetaig, King of Uisnech d.689

Died 689 - Killed by Aed mac Dluthaig of the Fir Cul Breg sept of Sil nAedo Slaine..

38-127 Arthfael Hen ap Rhys, King of Glywysing, King of Gwent, King of Morgannwg d.825

Born Gwent, Wales - Wikipedia says Arthfael is the "second son of Gweirydd ap Brochfael", but his name is Arthfael "ap Rhys". Other sources, incl. other Wikipedia pages, indicate that he is the son of Rhys ap Ithel (Idwal). The birth date (665) given in Geni is impossible..

Died between 815 and 825 Roath, Glamorgan, Wales - Arthfael died between 815 and 825 during a battle with the Anglo-Saxons near the church of Roath near Cardiff, though his army eventually won the battle..

38-131 Sancho I Lopez (Sancho-Lupus) -, Duke of Gascony d.816

Died 816 Aragon, Spain - Killed in battle..

38-137 Sturnion of Narbonne

Born - Source gives "about 742", but sources for other generations suggest this is quite inaccurate..

38-150 Flavius Magnus (Macsen Wledig) Maximus Augustus, Roman Emperor in Britannia and Gaul 335-388

Born Abt. 335 Hispania Gallaecea, Western Roman Empire - He is reputed to have been a grandson of Emperor Constantine. fabpedigree.com says his father was possibly Flavius Julius Constantius II of Rome (son of Constantine) but this conflicts with other records so is left out of this tree..

Died 28 Aug 388 Aquileia, Friuli, Western Roman Empire - Executed..

39-35 Aymon (Hamon) -, Comte de Corbeil 910-957

Born Abt. 910 France - Birth dates of father Osmond and son Albert suggest Aymon's was born several years later than 910..

39-42 Irminburg (Ermenburg) Sachsen 880-936

Born Abt. 880 - Parents are uncertain. (Wikitree).

39-60 Regintrud von Franken

Information - To 720/25 Abbess of the Abbey of Nonnenberg in Salzburg..

39-72 Saint Balthild (Bathilde) of Ascania, Queen of France 626-680

Canonised Abt. 880 - Canonised by Pope Nicholas I..

Information - Quite a story! Born Anglo-saxon, sold as a slave by the Danes, ran away from her owner, married the King of France, ruled as Queen of France after his death, mother of 3 kings. Canonised 200yrs after her death. Statue in the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris..

39-84 - mac Eanfrith of the Angles 623-654

Died Abt. 654 - Killed..

39-93 Hatton "Of Aquitaine, Andeca of Calabria", Prince of the Basques d.711

Died 19 Jul 711 Guadelete - Killed i the Battle of Guadelete..

39-98 Cadwallon ap Cadfan, King of Gwynedd, King of the Britons d.634

Died 633 or 634 - Invaded and conquered the Kingdom of Northumbria, defeating and killing its king, Edwin, prior to dying in battle against Oswald of Bernicia. He was the last Briton to hold substantial territory in eastern Britain until the rise of the House of Tudor..

39-119 Rhys ap Ithel, King of Glywyssing, King of Gwent d.785

Born - Birth date is not known, but from brother Meurig it must be 8th century. Birth date (635) given in Geni is impossible..

39-120 Ceingar ferch Maredudd

Born Dyfed, Wales - Birth date (784) given in Geni is incompatible with other dates..

39-130 Milo von Thurgau, Count of Narbonne d.782

Born - Source gives "about 715", but sources for other generations suggest this is quite inaccurate..

40-68 Neithon (Nechtan, Neiton) II Mawr MacErb, King of Alt Clut (Strathclyde), King of Picts d.621

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com gives many generations of paternal and maternal ancestry, but notes that the sources are confused. They look unreiable..

40-69 Eanfrith (Entifidich, Ainfrech, Eanfrit, Enfret) of the Angles, King of Bernicia and Northumbria 595-635

Died 635 - Killed by King Cadwalla of the Britons, while suing for peace..

40-83 Eiludd Powys -, King of Powys 585-642

Born Abt. 585 Powys, Wales - Wikipedia says Eiludd Powys may have been the son or the brother of Selyf, but that he is more likely to have been Selyf's son..

Died 642 Oswestry, Shropshire, England - Killed at the battle of Maes Cogwy..

40-85 Cadfan ap Iago, King of Gwynedd 569-625

Died Abt. 625 - Cadfan's gravestone is at Llangadwaladr (Cadwaladr's Church) on Anglesey. Inscription: Catamanus rex sapientisimus opinatisimus omnium regum" (King Cadfan, most wise and renowned of all kings)..

40-89 Sandde Bryd Engyl ap Llywarch, "With the Mind of an Angel" b.585

Identity - This is not the same man whom Welsh tradition says was a knight of Arthur's court who escaped unharmed at the Battle of Camlann..

41-14 Wulfhere (Wulfhar) of Mercia, King of Mercia d.674

Information 658 to 675 - Wulfhere was the first christian king of Mercia..

41-15 Aed (Aodh) Uaridnach mac Domnaill, High King of Ireland 566-612

Died 612 Tara, County Meath, Ireland - It is recorded in 'The Book of Invasions' that he died of plague. wikitree gives a different date and says he was killed..

41-21 Constantia Michaelsdochter of Byzantium b.740

Born Abt. 740 - Wikitree says she is the daughter of Michael I Rhangabe and Procopia of Byzantium. Wikipedia says these two were born about 770. If the dates are not a long way out, they could not have been her parents..

41-27 Rigaud Dalmas 810-900

Born Abt. 810 - Geni says parents are Betreland and Emilgarde, but dates are impossible..

41-29 Adele -

Born Le Forez, Provence, France - Geni says born Abt. 877, but that is too late for son William born Abt. 880..

41-88 Suibni mac Colmain, King of Uisnech d.600

Died 600 Bri Dam, County Offaly, Ireland - Killed treacherously by his uncle, the high king Aed Slaine mac Diarmato of the Sil nAedo Slaine..

41-90 Arthwyr ap Pedr 540-610

Born Abt. 540 Dyfed, Wales - Arthwyr was, no doubt, named after the great King Arthur of myth and legend. Birth date differs between sources Geni and EBK..

41-94 Morgan Mwynfawr ap Athrwys, "The Generous", King of Gwent, King of Glywysing d.730

Glamorgan - The realm of Morgannwg (Glamorgan) was probably named after this Morgan..

42-10 Penda of Mercia, "The Strong", King of Mercia 606-655

BBC Productions 1974, 1975 - In the 1970s, Penda was depicted in two BBC television productions written by David Rudkin. He was played by Geoffrey Staines in Penda's Fen (1974), and by Leo McKern in The Coming of the Cross (1975)..

Information 626 to 655 - Penda was the last great pagan warrior-king among the Anglo-Saxons. Penda's reign marks the emergence of Mercia from obscurity. It has been said that his reign was "crucial to the consolidation and expansion of Mercia"..

42-19 Arnauld Le Riche 880-920

Born Abt. 880 - Probably born some years before 880 - see birth dates of descendants..

42-31 Waccho VIII -, King of the Lombards 510-541

Information - Murderer and successor to his uncle Tato. Murderer of King Tato (his uncle) and champion in the fight against his son of Ildichis (Unichis), when he wanted to avenge the murder of his father. He waged war with the Suebi..

42-34 Fredegonde (Fredegund, Fredegunda) - 543-597

Information - 1 - Fredegund was a servant to Queen Audovera, but replaced her. Later, she was replaced by Galswintha - whom she then strangled. Fredegund had a long feud with Galswintha's sister Brunhilda, who was later brutally executed by Fredegund's son Clothar II..

Information - 2 - Fredegund has a reputation as ruthlessly murderous and sadistically cruel. Apartfrom murdering Queen Galswintha, she ordered several assassinations, and tried to murder her own daughter Rigunth..

42-56 Casnar (Casnauth) Wledig

Descendants - Descendants - see Gallery (CasnauthWledig Ancestry.png)..

42-67 Ystradwen (Ystradwel) verch Cadell Deyrnllyg

Father - Her father Cadell Deyrnllyg, must be the Cadell Ddyrnllug, King of Powys, born about 430. Note that the dates are not accurate, and in particular that the dates of Ystradwen's descendants have been estimated by Geni over several generations..

42-71 Baetan Caech mac Echdach, King of Dalriada 505-586

Born Abt. 505 Dalriada, Ireland - Birth date looks too early. His daughter Cumne Find de DalNaraidi born about (or before??) 580 married Fiachnae mac Demmain King of Ulaid from 626-627..

42-75 Saint Cawrdaf ap Caradog b.505

King of Fferreg - Cawrdaf was apparently a wise monarch, one of the "Three Chief Officers" of Britain and counsellor of King Arthur. The "Three Chief Officers" of Britain were Gwydar son of Rhun son of Beliand Cawrdaf son of Caradawg; and Owain son of Maxen Wledig..

42-79 Athrwys (Atroys, Andrus, Andres, Andresus, Antres) ap Meurig 618-655

King Arthur - There has been some speculation that Arthwys is the legendary King Arthur, partly because of the similarity of the names Arthur and Arthwys, but the names have different roots. Athrwys ap Tewdrig is also often confused with his nephew Athrwys ap Meurig..

43-18 Ainmuire (Ainmire, Ainmere) mac Setnai, High King of Ireland d.569

Cenel Conaill - Ainmuire mac Setnai (died 569) or Ainmire or Ainmere was a High King of Ireland from the Cenel Conaill branch of the Ui Neill. He was the great grandson of Conall Gulban d.464 our 42-Great-Grandfather, founder of this branch..

43-37 Chloderik der Franken, "The Patricide" 470-509

Died 509 Germany - Murdered.

43-46 Alofr of Mercia b.485

Born 485 Tamworth Castle, Mercia - Now in Staffordshire, England.

43-53 Maelgwyn Hir, aka Maelgwyn Gwynedd ap Cadwallon, "The Tall", "The Dragon of Anglesey", King of Gwynedd 480-549

Died 549 Gwynedd, Wales - Died in the plague of 549, which had begun in Egypt in 541. Buried on Ynys Seiriol (Puffin Island)..

Information - 1 - Maelgwyn, when still quite young, killed his own uncle,Owain Danwyn (also our ancestor). After repenting in a monastery, he took Gwallwen verch Afallach as his mistress and had 2 or more children with her. He then married a 25 year old widow called Nest..

Information - 2 - He then became enamored of the 16 year old wife, Sanan, of his own nephew. He killed the nephew to (bigamously) marry Sanan, and when Nest objected he killed her too. Then he "went downhill from there so far as decency and honor were concerned"!.

Information - 3 - In medieval Arthurian literature, Maelgwyn is represented as Malaguin, the King of the Hundred Knights. He was also a man of culture, and many poets and musicians attended his court at Deganwyand..

43-69 Rhun Hir ap Maelgwyn Gwynedd, "The Tall", King of Gwynedd d.586

Skilled Counsellor - In The Dream of Rhonabwy, a tale about famous men from many historical eras, is "a tall, auburn, curly-headed man", Rhun ap Maelgwn Gwynedd, a man who may join in counsel with anyone, because there was none in Britain better skilled in counsel than he..

43-71 Ceredig ap Cunedda, King of Ceredigion (Cardigan) b.420

Ceredigion Abt. 425 Ceredigion (Cardigan) - Ceredig came to what is now modern Wales from Gododdin (Firth of Forth) with his father's family to help ward off Irish invaders. As a reward for his bravery, his father gave him territories now called Ceredigion (Cardigan) after him..

43-76 Cadell Ddyrnllug ap Cadeyrn, "of the Gleaming Hilt", King of Powys b.430

Regained Kingdom Abt. 447 Caer Guricon (Wroxeter, Shropshire) - Driven out of his father Cadeyrn's kingdom by Irish pirates, Cadell took advantage of St. Germanus of Auxerre`s siege of the Powysian capital to regain his kingdom. (In the story in Wikipedia, the “premonition” is probably direct action by St Germanus)..

43-82 Eochaid Guineach mac Oengusa O'Bairrche, King of Ui Bairrche (Leinster) b.470

Parricide - Eochaid Guineach killed his maternal grandfather, Crimthann Cass mac Ennae Ceannsalach, at the Battle of Cenn Losnada (Cell Osnadha) His mother Eithne Uathach was also killed...

43-83 Diarmait mac Cerbaill, High King of Ireland d.565

Died Abt. 565 Raith Bec, Moylinny, Ireland - Killed by Aed Dub mac Suibni, king of the Cruthin..

43-108 Clovis I of the Franks 466-511

Born Abt. 466 Tournai, (Belgium) - [There's a lot of information about Clovis in the Wikipedia source.].

44-1 Mousegh (Mushegh) I Mamikonean 520-593

Died 593 Thrace, Byzantium - After a battle..

44-13 Tyttla (Tytillus, Tytila) of the Deiri, King of East Anglia d.593

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com has 10 gens of Tyttla ancestry, but they look unreliable: Wuffa of East Anglia, Wehha, Wylhem of the Angles, Hryp, Hrothmund, Trygils, Tytmond, Casere Odinsson, Woden of Asgard (wife: Frigg of Asaland), Frithuwold (wife: Beltsea), Frealaf..

44-18 Eochaid Mugmedon, High King of Ireland, Ancestor of the Ui Neill and Connachta dynasties d.362

Ancestry - 8 generations of Eochaid's ancestry is given in the Wikipedia page for Niall Noigiallach: EM <- Muiredach Tirech <- Fiacha Sroiptine <- Cairbre Lifechair <- Cormac mac Airt <- Art mac Cuinn <- Conn Cetchathach <- Fedlimid Rechtmar <- Tuathal Teachtmhar..

44-41 Basina of Thuringia, Queen of Thuringia 438-477

Information - Basina's story is very interesting. She proposed to King Childeric I, and was accepted, and then obviously acted as a player and not as a bystander. See the Wikipedia citation. Queen Basina is the central antagonist in the 2005 film, The Brothers Grimm..

44-42 Chilperic II -, King of Burgundy 450-493

Died Abt. 490 or 493 - Assassinated by his brother Gundobad..

44-43 Agrippine de Bourgogne, de Narbonne 448-506

Died Abt. 506 - Drowned with a stone tied round her neck by her brother-in-law King Gundobad..

44-45 Aun -, Konig von Schweden 440-550

Died Abt. 550 - Date looks dodgy (age 110)..

44-52 Cadwallon Lawhir ap Einion, "Long Hand", Brenin Gwenydd, King of Gwynedd 450-517

North Wales - Cadwallon joined forces with his cousins to extend the policies of his grandfather, Cunedda Wledig, and continue to drive the Irish out of North Wales..

44-72 Pabo ap Athrwys, "Post Prydyn" ("Pillar of Britain"), King Of The Pennines 480-530

Born Abt. 474 or 480 Pennines, England - Identity of Pabo's father is uncertain..

Died 9 Nov 530 - Buried at Llanbabo, Anglesey, Wales. A beautiful medieval stone slab carved with his image can still be seen covering his grave..

44-76 Gwrast Lledlwm -, "The Ragged", King of Rheged b.422

Realm - Gwrast the Ragged, the son of King Ceneu of Northern Britain, was ruler of a huge Kingdom that covered the whole modern North-West England. It stretched from Hadrian's Wall above Caer-Ligualid (Carlisle) all the way down to Campoduno (Leeds) in Midland Bri.

44-77 Cunedda Wledig ap Edern, of Manau Gododdin (Firth of Forth), "The Imperator", Brenin Lothain a Gwenydd, King of Gwynedd 386-460

Move from Scotland - 1 Abt. 425 - Cunedda Wledig and his retinue are moved south from Manau Gododdin (Clackmannan, Scotland) to Gwynedd (Wales) in order to expel the invading Irish ("Scotti")..

Move from Scotland - 2 Abt. 425 - Cunedag, with his sons, whose number was eight, had come previously from the northern part, that is from the region which is called Manau Gododdin, 146 years before Maelgwn reigned. And with great slaughter they drove out from those regions the Scotti ....

Roman Life - "Cunedda, it may safely be inferred from the names of his immediate ancestors, Æternus, Paternus and Tacitus, came from a family which, whatever its origin, had been for some time Roman and not Celtic in its manner of life and traditions.".

44-84 Cynlas Goch (Cuneglasus) ap Owain, "The Red", Brenin Rhos, King of Rhos 490-550

Born Abt. 490 - Wikipedia indicates an earlier birth date <=470..

44-85 Cadrod Calchynydd ap Cynwyd, King of Calchfynedd b.540

Calchfynedd Unknown - Calchfynedd is a mysterious Early British Kingdom. The name means "Chalk-Mountains" or "Limestone Hills". It might have been near Kelso in Southern Scotland. Welsh poetry suggests that it was south of Powys. Or it may have been in the Chilterns..

44-90 Oengus (Aengus) mac Meicc Eircc (Nad Froich), First Christian King of Munster, Baptised by St Patrick b.440

Born Abt. 440 Ireland - Names etc can be inconsistent. Meicc Eircc appears to be the same as Nad Froich (they appear in different sources, but all the other facts tie in). Oengus is also described as the 3rd King of Cashel, but Cashel was then the capital of Munster..

44-96 Gwerthefyr (Vortepir, Voteporix, Vortiporius) ap Aergul Lawhir, "Tyrant of the Demetians", King of Dyfed 465-540

Died Abt. 540 - Inscription on headstone reads: "Memoria Voteporigis Protictoris" - In memory of Voteporix the Protector..

44-98 Saint Tewdrig (Tewdric, Theodoricus) ap Teithfallt, King of Gwent, King of Glywysing 580-630

Born Abt. 580 - Conflicting identities of Tewdrig's father. Wikipedia says Teithfallt, EBK says Llywarch ap Nynniaw. Maybe Nynniaw was a bit too early to be his grandfather?.

Died Abt. 630 Mathern (Merthyr Tewdrig [Tewdrig the Martyr]), Monmouthshire, Wales - Tewdrig abdicated in favour of Meurig to live as a hermit, but later defended the kingdom from Saxons. He won, but died at a place later called Merthyr Tewdrig (Martyr Tewdrig). His defence was so decisive, the Saxons would not invade again for 30 years..

44-122 Brunhilda of the Visigoths, Queen Regent of Austrasia 543-614

Died Abt. 614 - Brutally executed, aged 69-70, by Clothar II after a 40-year feud with Clothar's mother Radegund..

Information - 1 - Brunhilda was Queen Regent of Austrasia 3 times. She was an efficient ruler, but had a bitter feud with Fredegund, mistress of Chilperic I of Neustria, who murdered Brunhilda's sister, Queen Galswintha. Fredegund had Brunhilda's husband murdered and ....

Information - 2 - ... Brunhilda imprisoned for a period. This feud was continued by Fredegund's son, Chlothar II, who defeated Brunhilda in battle and had her executed - either pulled apart by four horses, or tortured on the rack for 3 days, drawn and quartered..

44-124 Vortigern Vorteneu (Gwrtheyrn Gwrtheneu) ap Gwidol, "The Very Thin", High King of Britain 380-459

Hengist and Horsa Fifth century Kent - Vortigern was possibly a 5th-century warlord in Britain, known perhaps as king of the Britons. He may have invited Hengist and Horsa to Britain, but they killed his son and formed the Kingdom of Kent. It is said that Vortigern took refuge in North Wales..

High King of Britain Abt. 425 - According to the inscription on the famous 'Pillar of Eliseg', Vortigern married Severa, daughter of the Emperor Magnus Maximus, and it was probably this imperial link which enabled him to take control of Britain as some kind of high-king, around 425..

45-21 Aelius (Elias, Elyas, Elius) Gracilius of Lohengrin, Graf van Kleef 650-731

Lohengrin 1850 - Aelius could be Lohengrin son of Parzival, the subject of Richard Wagner's opera "Lohengrin"..

45-46 Gunderic (Gondioc, Gundowech, etc) -, King of Burgundy 413-473

Born Abt. 413 - Probably later than 413?.

45-78 Brychan ap Gwyngwen ap Tewdr

Identity - This Brychan is not (but is often confused with) Saint Brychan Gododdin ap Anlach of Brycheiniog.

45-79 Gabrain mac Domangart, Ri na Dal Riada, King of Dalriada 507-559

Died Abt. 559 Dunolly Castle, Argyllshire, Dalriada (Scotland) - Killed in battle..

45-84 Coel Hen, Coel the Old, Caelius Votepacus of Rheged, "The Old", "Old King Cole" 350-420

Old King Cole Abt. 400 - Coel Hen is stated by Early British Kingdoms to be "Old King Cole", although Wikipedia says this is unlikely. Coel Hen was probably the last Roman Dux Brittanicorum..

45-90 Owain Danwyn ab Einion, "White-Tooth", Brenin Rhos, King of Rhos 446-520

Died Abt. 520 Glastonbury, Somerset, England - Killed by his nephew, Maelgwn Gwynedd (also our ancestor)..

45-95 Conall Gulban mac Neill, King of Tirconal, first nobleman baptised by St Patrick 402-464

Died Abt. 464 (or 481?) Ireland? - Murdered by the Masraige at Magh Slecht. Buried by Saint Caillin at Fenagh, County Leitrim..

Patriarch - Ancestor of the Cenel Conaill, who founded the kingdom of Tir Chonaill in the 5th century, comprising much of what is now County Donegal in Ulster. The Doherty (Daugherty, Docherty, Dougherty, etc) family (Clann Ua Dochartaig) also descends from Conall..

45-97 Crimthann Cass mac Ennae Ceannsalach 430-483

Died 483 Leinster, Ireland - Killed by his own grandson, Eochaidh Guineach at the Battle of Cenn Losnada (Cell Osnadha) His daughter Eithne Uathach was also killed....

45-121 Hengist (Hengest) von Sachsen, King of Kent 430-490

Arrival in Britain Abt. 451 - Hengest arrives on the shores of Britain with '3 keels' of warriors, and are welcomed by Vortigern. This event later becomes known as the Adventus Saxonum - "the coming of the Saxons"..

Conquers Kent Abt. 458 - The Saxon uprising is in full-swing. Hengest finally conquers Kent..

Died Abt. 488 or 490 Kent, England - Hengest dies. His son, Aesc, takes over and rules for 34 years..

Hengist and Horsa 446 (?451) - Hengist and Horsa, brothers and legendary leaders of the first Anglo-Saxon settlers in Britain, went there,to fight for the British King Vortigern against the Picts between ad 446 and 454..

45-122 Godehoc (Gudeoc) -, 5th King of the Lombards d.490

Information pt 1 - The people of the Rugii was destroyed and the land laid to waste. King Godehoc himself defeated King Thewane of the Rugii and moved about with the people of the Lombards in the abandoned area of the Rugii..

Information pt 1 - He ruled at the time of the Ostrogoth King Odoacer (476-493). Odoacer defeated the Rugians completely and had slain their King Feletheus (Feva)..

46-13 Niall Noigiallach mac Echdach, "Niall of the Nine Hostages", King of the Connachta d.452

DNA - Most of the information about Niall is regarded as legendary. Genealogical DNA testing suggests [but is disputed] that Niall is associated with the Y-chromosome SNP M222, carried by 20% in N Ireland and 2% in New York..

46-33 Gundicaire (Gundicus, Gundahar, Gonthaires, Gunderic, Gunther) -, King of the Burgundians 385-437

Mother - fabpedigree says Gundicaire's mother is possibly Childeramna b.342, but the date is impossible..

46-34 Hrothildis (Athanlidis, Hrothtildis, Clotilde) of the Visigoths b.414

Born Abt. 414 - Must be quite a lot earlier than 414?.

Mother - fabpedigree.com has Aelia Galla Placidia, daughter of Roman emperor Theodosius I, as a possible mother for Hrothildis. Aelia married Hrothildis' father Ataulfe (after being kept captive as a hostage) but it seems unlikely that she is Hrothilde's mother..

46-37 Anthemius Procopius of Byzantium, Western Roman Emperor 420-472

Died 11 Jul 472 Rome - Beheaded..

46-38 Aelia Marcia Euphemia, Western Roman Empress

Mother - Aelia Marcia's birth mother is unknown. Pulcheria was her step-mother..

46-67 Brychan ap Brychan

Born Scotland - Birth date "about 540" given in Geni Family Trees is not possible..

46-71 Paternus Pesrut (Padarn Beisrudd) ap Tacitus, "Paternus of the Red Robe" b.330

The Red Robe - Very probably the "Red Robe" marked Paternus (or Padarn) as a high Roman Official. It is possible that he had been invested with his cloak as part of the efforts of Magnus Maximux to secure the borders of Britannia before departing with his army..

46-80 Roigneach (Rignach) ingen Meadaib

Dates - Dates in Geni Family Trees as far back as Roigneach ingen Meadaib are starting to look unreliable, so unless these and earlier ancestral dates can be verified from other sources they are left out..

46-85 Tryffin Farfog mac Aed Brosc, "The Bearded", King of Dyfed b.385

King of Dyfed - Tryffin's wife Gwledyr was heiress to the kingdom of Dyfed. His family, of the Deisi, had crossed into Wales from Ireland 3 generations earlier. His name "Tribune" indicates that they were brought over by the Romans to protect the area from Hibernians..

46-86 Gwledyr ferch Gloitgwyn, Queen of Dyfed b.421

Queen of Dyfed - Gwledyr inherited the kingdom of Dyfed from her brother, King Clotri..

46-96 Amalaric I -, King of the Visigoths 502-531

Died 531 Barcelona, Spain - Assassinated by his own men..

46-98 Hoamer of the Vandals 480-530

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com gives Hoamer's possible parents as Hunneric and Eudoxia. But Wikipedia says Hoamer is a nephew of their son Hilderic. So I am treating Hoamer's parents as not known..

46-100 Gaedon (Cadfan) ap Cynan, King of Dumnonia 295-405

Born Abt. 325 - If this birth date is more accurate than Geni, then descendants' birth dates are similarly incorrect in Geni (Geni estimates them)..

47-1 Hmayeak (Hemayakes, Hmaycek) Mamikonean 410-451

Died 451 - Killed in battle..

47-9 Wehha Wilhelming, of East Anglia

Ancestry - Wehha's paternal line is given by Wikipedia as: (Wehha) - Wilhelm - Hryw - Hroomund - Trygil - Tyttman - Casere - Woden. But scant information exists. Wehha might not even have existed..

47-22 Lethuc III -, Konig der Langobarden d.420

Information - He reigned for approximately 40 years.

47-25 Ataulfe (Ataulph,Atawulf, Athaulf, Ataulf, Ataulfo) III -, King of the Visigoths 380-415

Father - fabpedigree.com says Ataulfe's father was Alaric I, but Wikipedia says Alaric I was his brother-in-law..

47-49 Conan (Cynan) Meriodoc, King of Brittany b.305

Wives from Dumnonia - 1 - Conan’s cousin, Helena, married Magnus Maximus. Originally, Conan rebelled against Magnus but was defeated. They then became friends and Conan was given control over Armorica (Brittany). His army lacked wives, so Conan arranged for ....

Wives from Dumnonia - 2 - ... Donaut of Dumnonia (Cornwall) to send 11,000 Cornish ladies. He married Donaut's daughter, Ursula, probably married by Pope Cyriacus himself in Rome..

47-50 Saint Ursula ferch Dynod b.305

Legendary? - Many legends have sprung up about Saint Ursula and Conan Meriadoc. Many of the legends are clearly fanciful, and originate in later centuries. The probability is that the people were real, the later stories about them were not..

47-54 Bressal Belach mac Fiachu d.436

Born Ireland - Birth dates in Geni for Bressal Belach and for several generations of descendants look very unreliable/unlikely, so they are omitted unless they can be cross-checked..

47-67 Alaric II -, King of the Visigoths 476-507

Died Aug 507 Vouille, Poitiers, France (Gaul) - Killed by Clovis I in the battle of Vouille..

47-69 Theodoric I Balthas, "The Great", King of the Visigoths 393-451

Died 20 Jun 451 Chalons, Gaul (Burgundy, France) - Theodoric is famous for his part in defeating Attila at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains in 451, where he was killed on June 20..

Lord of the Rings between 1937 and 1949 - Theodoric was the inspiration for J. R. R. Tolkien in his creation of king Theoden of Rohan in The Lord of the Rings..

48-12 Cormac Ulfada mac Art, "Long Beard", High King of Ireland 195-266

Wisdom - From the Annals of Clonmacnoise: absolutely the best king that ever reigned in Ireland before himself...wise learned, valiant and mild, not given causelessly to be bloody as many of his ancestors were, he reigned majestically and magnificently..

48-19 Lamicho II -, Konig der Langobarden d.340

Information - Was a foster son of Agelmund, from the father of his wife Gudinger. This Gudinger was not proper sister from him and thus he could marry her. Victorious battle against the Bulgarians..

48-20 Gudinger -

Information - She married Lamicho. He lived in the same family of Agelmund as a foster son, therefore, it was possible that he could get the Gudinger, because she was yes no right sister..

48-25 Alaric I Balthas, first King of the Visigoths 370-410

Sack of Rome 410 Rome, Italy - Alaric I is best known for his sack of Rome in 410, which marked a decisive event in the decline of the Roman Empire..

48-28 Flavius Anthemius of Byzantium, Praetorian Prefect of the Eastern Roman Empire d.414

Grandfather - Anthemius was a grandson of Flavius Philippus, a sausage-maker's son who rse to become Praetorian Prefect of the East..

Theodosian Walls 413 Constantinople - Flavius Anthemius built the main Theodosian Wall, which still stands today. The wall doubled the size of Constantinople, and Anthemius was known as "the second founder of Constantinople"..

48-32 Cynloyp ap Cinhil, Brenin Alt Clut, King of Strathclyde b.365

Married - Cynloyp had a Roman wife..

48-39 Rhuddfedd ap Caderyn b.250

Born Abt. 250 Powys, Wales - Geni Family Trees gives several more generations of ancestors, but they appear to have confused this Rhuddfedd with a Rhuddfedd Frych born about 200 years later, so this tree stops here..

48-42 Gerontius (Gereint), aka Eudaf, Hen ap Einudd, King of Ewyas 285-352

Born Abt. 285 Ewyas (now Monmouth), Wales - Geni dates birth at "about 235" (definitely the same person). If 285 is the correct date, then descendants' dates from Geni are also wrong (Geni estimates many dates)..

48-52 Godigiselus -, King of the Vandals d.406

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com gives Heruli ancestry for Godigiselus, but it sees unlikely that any of it can be substantiated..

48-58 Theoderic I -, "The Great", King of the Ostrogoths 454-526

Information - Theoderic's empire stretched from Atlantic Ocean to Adriatic Sea. Relations between Ostrogoths and Romans were good, he maintained a Roman legal system and oversaw a flourishing scholarly culture and the largest building program in Italy in 100 years..

49-18 Agilmund I -, Konig der Langobarden d.340

Information - The people gave themselves a King modelled on other peoples. He reigned for 33 years. In the battle against the Bulgarians. 1 he was 1. King of the Lombards from the family of the Gunginger (Edler)..

49-24 Procopius -, Roman Usurper 325-366

Born Abt. 325 Cilicia (now Cukurova, Turkey) - Procopius was a cousin of Emperor Julian, and a grandson of Julius Julianus..

Died 27 May 366 - Executed by Valens, Eastern Roman Emperor..

Usurper 28 Sep 365 - By bribing two legions, Procopius was able to take control of Constantinople and declare himself Emperor..

49-25 Odin Bodo (or Woden) von Sachsen, King of the Saxons d.300

Ancestry - findagrave.com gives Odin's father as Frithuwulf Bor of Freothalaf, but the dates are impossible..

49-37 Bochaid AllMuir of the Deisi

Moved to Wales - Moved from Ireland to Wales. Possibly moved by the Romans to help defend west Wales..

50-3 Saint Narses (Nerses, Nersch) I Souren Pahlav, "The Great", Primate of Armenia, Prince of the Gregordians 335-373

Information - Nerses forbade people to marry their first cousin and forbade mutilation and other extreme actions in mourning..

50-18 Agio -, Prinz der Langobarden d.275

Information - He was the son of Gambara and the gender of the noble Gunginger (Gudinger). Viking. Excerpt from Scandinavia to Central Europe. Victory of the Vikings over the Vandals, Ambri and Assi..

50-21 Geberich of the Visigoths d.349

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com gives 15 male generations of ancestry for Geberich, but with high degrees of uncertainty..

50-37 Apsines of Athens

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com gives several ancestry generations for Apsines, but they look very dubious..

50-38 Wultwulf (Vulthulf, Wuldulf, Vultwulf, Wudulf, Vultvolf, Vultuulf) of the Ostrogoths 300-378

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com give 11 generations of ancestry for Wultwulf..

51-27 Anguerit (Anguoloyt) ap Dubun b.200

Ancestry - Supposedly the GG-GSon of Beli Mawr (Beli the Great), via Afallach, Eugein, Dubun..

51-32 Flavius Honorius Theodosius, "The Elder", Comes Britanniarum 325-376

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com gives several generations of ancestry for Honoris, including descendence from Constantine, but some of it is plain wrong eg. nephew Magnus Maximus is given as his G-G-GFather!.

52-18 Knivida (Cnivida, Nidad) Therving d.249

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com gives two different ancestries for Knivida. Both are probably unreliable..

52-19 Argaith of the Visigoths d.255

Died Aft. 255 - The Knivida - Argaith - Ararich line is also given in other sources (eg. Geni). fabpedigree.com says Argaith died about 248, Geni says after 248. A death date of 255 or later seems more likely..

52-24 Meirchion ap Owain 168-210

Ancestry - Meirchion's ancestry (as per Wikipedia) is interesting but undoubtedly unreliable. Dates are particularly unreliable so are omitted from Meirchion's earlier generations..

52-25 - ferch Aminadab ap Joshua ap Alain ap Brons

Ancestry - Ancestry is getting highly dubious (!), so the generations given in Wikitree are just presented in the name (ap Joshua ap .... etc)..

53-5 Lucius Julius Aurelius Septimius Vaballathus (Wahballtes, Waballath) Athenodorus, King of Palmyra 259-325

Died Abt. 325 Rome, Italy - Defeated in 272 by Aurelian, and taken to Rome. Wikipedia gives date of death "after 274", fabpedigree.com says about 325...

53-14 Confer ap Cunedd, Roman King of Britain b.190

Father - Geni gives Confer's father as Cunedda ap Coel, but the given dates are not possible..

54-7 Athenodorus (Odaenathus, Udhayna) Septimus (Septimius), King of Palmyra 220-267

Died 267 Heraclea Pontica or Homs - Assassinated..

54-8 Theoclea Zenobia Septimia, Btzby (Bat-Zabbai), Queen of Syria, Queen of Egypt, Empress of the East 240-290

Information - 3 - Emperor Aurelian mounted a special campaign against Zenobia and defeated her, paraded her as prisoner chained in gold, but was so impressed with her dignity that he freed her and gave her a villa..

Information - 1 - Zenobia murdered Maeonius (the probable killer of her husband) and seized power. She conquered much of Syria, proclaimed herself Queen of Egypt, Empress of the Eastern Roman Empire. Zenobia was reportedly fluent in Egyptian and Greek and spoke Latin..

Information - 2 - Zenobia was cultured, fostered an intellectual environment in her court, open to scholars and philosophers. Tolerant toward her subjects, protected religious minorities. Governed a multicultural multiethnic empire. She is a national hero in Syria..

54-13 Thymelko -

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com gives Thymelko's parents as Armenius the Great and Thysnelde, but the dates are impossible (over 400 years in 7 generations)..

54-16 Prince Filimer of the Visigoths 145-197

Berig - Filimer is said to be the 3*Great-Grandson of Berig, a legendary king of the Goths appearing in the Getica by Jordanes. According to Jordanes, Berig led his people on 3 ships from Scandza (Scandinavia) to Gothiscandza (Vistula Basin), and settled there..

Move to Oium Oium ("in the waterlands"), Ukraine - Filimer moved his people from Gothiscandza to Scythia (Oium). This seems to be about the time that the Goths divided into Visigoths (West Goths) and Ostrogoths (East Goths).(Wikipedia has a typo: 2030 years should I think be 230 years)..

55-2 Anak Souren Pahlav of Parthia d.252

Died 252 Aras River - Drowned..

55-9 Woden (Wodan, Odin) of Asgard b.215

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com givs several generations of Woden's ancestry, but it all looks dubious..

55-18 Boudica -, Queen of the Iceni 26-61

Died Abt. 61 Somewhere along Watling Street - Died of illness, or suicide by poison, soon after defeat at the Battle of Watling Street..

Revolt against the Romans - Boudica's revolt against the Romans was no minor event. She reportedly had a 100,000-strong army, and sacked Colchester, St Albans and London before eventually being defeated by Suetonius..

59-2 - Pharnavazid, Princess of Iberia b.155

Born Abt. 155 - A sister of Amazasp..

59-4 Meurig ap Gwyrydd, King of Siluria 65-125

Ancestry - fabpedigree.com gives Meurig's parents as Aviragus King of Britons and Genessa daughter of Emperor Claudius of Rome. Wikipedia gives this information too but says Genessa cannot be considered historical and Aviragus may have actually have been Caratacus..

60-5 Coel Godhebog, Protector of Colchester

Coel Hen - There are references to "Old King Cole" in The Morris Clan genealogy. These and other references (eg. EBK) make it very clear that Coel Godheborg is not "Old King Cole". See also Coel Hen b.350 d.420 in this tree..

Information - Probably getting well into legend now, and possibly not even in the correct century, so not going back any more generations. There are more generations in the "The Morris Clan" web link, together with a lot of information..

65-2 Antiochus I Theos, Dikaios Epiphanes Philorhomaios Philhellen, King of Commagene 86BC-38BC

Shaking Hands - Antiochus I is the most famous king of Commagene. The Gallery photo of him shaking hands with Heracles is one of the oldest known images of two figures shaking hands..

65-5 Asander Scribonius, King of Bosphorus 110BC-17BC

Died Aft. -17 - Starved himself to death at age 93..

66-8 Pharnaces II of Pontus, King of Bosphorus 97BC-47BC

Operas 1727 - Pharnaces II is the subject of the opera "Farnace" by Vivaldi (libretto by Antonio Maria Lucchini), one of Vivaldi's most successful operas. There were several later operas about him. Pharnaces II also appears in Mitridate by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart..

67-6 Cleopatra VI Tryphaena of Egypt b.140BC

Died Antioch - Killed by Antiochus IX Cyzicenus..

68-4 Cleopatra Thea, Queen of the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire, Queen of Syria 164BC-121BC

Died -121 - Cleopatra killed her own son Seleucus soon after he became king, and she then became Queen. She tried to kill another son, Antiochus Grypus, by offered him a cup of poisoned wine. Grypus was suspicious and forced her to drink the wine, which killed her..

69-13 Laodice IV -, Queen of the Seleucid Empire

Husbands/Brothers - Laodice married three Kings of the Seleucid Empire, all her brothers..

70-4 Arsinoe III Philopator, Queen of Egypt 246BC-204BC

Died -204 - Murdered in a palace coup..

70-10 Lucius Julius Caesar III -, Praetor, Consul of the Roman Republic, Governor of Macedonia 135BC-87BC

Died -87 - Killed by partisans of Gaius Marius..

71-3 Berenice II of Egypt, Queen of Cyrene, Queen of Egypt 267BC-221BC

Died -221 - Murdered at the instigation of her son, Ptolemy IV..

Olympic Games - Berenice is said to have participated in the Nemean Games (between 245 and 241 BC) and to have competed in Olympic games at some unknown date. Berenice had a strong equestrian background and was accustomed to fighting from horseback..

72-1 Orontes III Yervandashat, King of Armenia d.260BC

Died -260 - Murdered..

72-10 Sextus Julius Caesar -, Consul of the Roman Republic

Born Bef. -177? - Sextus was consul in -157, so was presumably born before -177..

72-11 Clodius I of Sicambria 176BC-159BC

Sicambria - 1 - It seems that no-one even knows where Sicambria was, and the dates are highly dubious. After the fall of Troy, well before 1000BC, Priam and Antenor and their followers supposedly founded the city of Sicambria on the River Don near the Sea of Azov, ....

Sicambria - 2 - ... north of the Black Sea. Over 1,000 years later, the Sicambri people were a germanic race living on the east bank of the Rhine in what is now Germany near the Netherlands border, well over 2,500km away..

Sicambria - 3 - In 9AD, the Sicambri were involved in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. one of the most devastating defeats Rome suffered in its history (20,000 Roman soldiers were killed), and a high point of Germanic power for centuries..

73-2 Ptolemy I Soter, Pharaoh of Egypt 367BC-282BC

Born Abt. -367 Macedon - Thought to be a half-brother of Alexander the Great..

Euclid - Ptolemy sponsored the mathematician Euclid. He found Euclid's seminal work, the Elements, too difficult to study, so he asked if there were an easier way to master it. According to Proclus, Euclid replied: "Sire, there is no Royal Road to geometry"..

Pharaoh -305 to -285 Egypt - Ptolemy was the first Ptolemaic Pharaoh of Egypt. He ruled from 305 to 285BC..

73-8 Stratonice of Syria, Queen of the Seleucid Empire 317BC-268BC

Stratonikeia - The city of Stratonikeia (Stratoniceia), now derelict in what is now Turkey, was named after her..

74-2 Philip II -, King of Macedon, Father of Alexander the Great 382BC-336BC

Father of Ptolemy I Soter -323 - It is said that Arsinoe, a concubine of Philip II, king of Macedon, was pregnant with Ptolemy I Soter when she was given by Philip to Lagus, a Macedonian nobleman. Ptolemy was regarded by the Macedonians as the son of Philip..

74-7 Antipater -, A General under Philip II of Macedon and Alexander the Great, Regent of Alexander the Great's Empire 397BC-319BC

Aristotle -322 - Antipater was Executor-in-Charge of Aristotle`s will..

75-5 Antiochus -, General serving Philip II of Macedon

Antioch - The city of Antioch (in what is now Turkey) was named after him..

75-6 Laodice of Macedonia

Five cities - Five cities were founded and named Laodicea in her honour..

75-7 Spitamenes -, Sogdian warlord 370BC-328BC

Died -328 - After a defeat by Alexander the Great`s general Coenus, Spitamenes` wife killed him and sent his head to Alexander, suing for peace..

75-8 Antigonus I Monophthalmus, "The One-Eyed", Satrap under Alexander the Great, King of Antigonia (Turkey, Cyprus) 382BC-301BC

In Historical Fiction - Antigonus appears in `Funeral Games` by Mary Renault, `Alexander` by Oliver Stone (2004), `The Bronze God of Rhodes` by L. Sprague de Camp, and `Elephants and Castles` by Alfred Duggan..

81-1 Aeropus I of Macedon

Battle baby - Aeropus was carried into battle while a baby, because the soldiers believed that with him there they could win. They did..

87-1 Caranus (Karanos) of Macedon

Dates -776 - Dates are not known, but Caranus was said to have entered Macedon "before the first Olympiad". The first Olympics is traditionally dated to 776 BC..

88-1 Temenus -

Mythology - With Temenus, we're firmly into Greek mythology. Temenus was said to be a great-great-grandson of Heracles..
